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This fast is prescribed for chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, rheumatism and

a number of other conditions, but a number of the testimonials reported that

they treated candida aswell.


1. You will need:

a. juice 600 g of beetroot

b. juice 200g of carrots

c. juice 200g of celeriac

d. 60g of chinese of european radish

e. 140g of potato (this is yuck and I skipped it)

You will need to drink 500ml of this juice per day. Alternatively, you can

purchase 21 bottles of biotta breuss vegetable juice last the entire fast -

(that tastes good). Biotta juice is sold in health food shops - it is prepared

in a special way to preserve the necessary nutrients and costs around $8 a


*Helen's note: I found that the 'biotta juice didn't provide me with the same

energy as the fresh squeezed juice. These above vegetables were chosen with an

emphasis on cancer. I substituted radish for spinach (which relines the

digestive track) and cabbage (which is known to be good for leaky gut). If

possible, try to drink the juice straight after making it as some of the enzymes

which heal the gut diminish after a few minutes. Organic vegetables are better -

higher nutirent content and lower chemical spray etc.

Sip 100ml five times a day.

2. You will need 1 packet of Breuss Tea mix - from health food shops. Infuse one

teaspoon with one cup of boioing water, stand it for 10 minutes and strain. Take

2 cups every day, morning and night.

3. 1 packet of Sage tea. Take two cups every day. Take one teaspoon of sage tea

and boil it in a cup of water for 3 minutes. Then leave it to stand for 10

minutes, then strain and drink it.

*Helen's note: there are reasons why the teaas need to be prepared exactly

according to instructions. eg. certain substances are relesed at certain times

while boiling etc.

4. 1 packet of cransbill tea. Take one cup every day. 1 teaspoon of tea in once

cup of boiled water for 10 mintes (dont boil the leaves in the water - the tea

gets put in after the water has been boiled).

*Helen's note: the teas are used to ensure efficient elimination.

5. Organic vegetable bullion broth - you buy this in a little can from the

health food shop. Drink one or two cups a day to prevent hunger (this really

works to stop hunger).

*Helen's note- I also took a bilberry capsule every day which is a ntural

appetite suppressant

6. Drink two litres of water every day - this pushes out the toxin and minimises

die-off reactions.

a. 1 packet of

The theory behind it is basically this.

1. While you're not eating solid food, your digestive track is given the

opportunity to heal up - as the juice is easily aborbed without any trauma to

that area.

2. digestion takes enourmous amounts of energy. While the digestive process is

closed down, that energy is directed to the immune system and healing.

3.The juice provides all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes to keep you

nourished for up to six weeks. But its low on protein so you cant just take

juice forever. People with cancer are directed to take this program for 6 weeks,

then eat raw food for one week to replenish the protein, then repeat the 6 week

program if the cancer hasnt subsided after one round.

4. When we eat solid food, the body extracts between 0-30% fo the nutrition from

the food. When we take fresh raw juice (juice off the supermarket shelf cannot

be used - there's no goodness it apparently), up to 98% of the nutrients is

aborbed, so there is ahuge quantities of healing nutrients being absorbed for


5. You get a lot more healing nutrients when you extract the juice - ie - the

nutrients of a pound of carrots is concentrated into a glass of juice.

6. Animals naturally fast after injury or illness and keep on doing so until

they are better.

7. Without solid food, the body looks for alternative fuel, and eats first what

the body least needs - that being tumours, scar tissue, disease (which I guess

means candida). But you cant keep going forever as the body will eventually (in

teh case of severe aneorexics) start to eat vital tissue once it has run out of

disease, fat, tumours etc. - something along those lines anyway.

This information is repeated consistently in books on natural healing and on

other websites of natural healing. I am just repeating it. I don't propose to be

a health professional. My degrees are in a different field and I am currently

studying law at Adelaide University. However I have my own personal experience

where I stuck to the fast for 14 days, and although I didnt finish (becasue I

found an even more interesting protocol that I wanted to try which worked

overnight) my health and leaky gut improved enormously.

8. There is a die-off effect in the first three or four days and this is the

body detoxing itself. You need to be aware of that. Taking 2 litres of water (as

prescribed) greatly helped. I didnt feel hungry past the first three or 4 days -

its not as hard as one imagines. After that your energy levels increase rather

than decrease as one would imagine. At least that is what the instructions say

and that was my experience - becasue the body has detoxed itself. There may be

some lesser detox flare ups along the way after that however, I didnt experience


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