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Pau D'Arco tea for sinuses?

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It probably can, but if you have a sinus infection I found that a

drop or two of activated MMS in a Neti Pot with some salt works great.

Just make sure your acid activator is not too strong or you may only

want to use 1/2 drop of MMS. The last thing you want to do is dry out

your sinuses. Once dried out, bacteria begins to grow and you start

all over.

However, a sinus infection is really the result of candida. About 2

months ago I went REALLY basic (in a dangerous way) and I had the

worst stuffed up nose of my life. I was blowing it for weeks and then

it moved into my chest. I've just finally stopped coughing, but no

sign of a returning sinus infection, just a very sore left neck lymph

node - as it tries to drain all of this garbage.

I was doing 1/2 tsp of baking soda, 1/4 tsp of sea salt, and 1/4 tsp

of Vitamin C powder with 1 tbsp. of fiber twice a day. My urine was

easily at a pH of 9+ and I got very light headed and immediately

backed off. The mixture seemed to make my coughing much, much worse.

I probably just hit it way too hard and should have gone slower. I've

had a sinus infection for well over 8 years.

Good luck,


On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 3:14 PM, ckrtil <ckrtil@...> wrote:

> Can Pau D'Arco tea be used as a sinus rinse? Any ideas??


> Thanks!





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