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Not go back on old diet completely, not close...

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Well, I did not go back to the " old " diet at all, not close. Not that crazy :-).

But I did experiment with fruit and grains other than quinoa, amaranth, millet

and buckwheat, retaining most components of a candida-prevention diet. Yes,

thanks Sol for confirming, now it had gone systemic (leaky gut), *any* variation

from a strict candida-prevention diet will feed it again.. You know, this diet

is hard for me to pull off what with a " processed salt " (can eat raw but not

cooked/processed) sensitivity; but my health is worth it!!! The pro-bono work I

am pioneering is worth it! Whatever it takes, that I will do!!!!


Thanks all of you who have responded so far! ..I do have more ?s re: the jarrow

whey (I use whey; jarrow sounds like better product).. So I will continue my

research and pose my ?s later.. Thanks again for your help!!!


Oh, if *any of you* have discovered products that have *no* sugar, yeast or

salt, that are made from quinoa, millet, amaranth or buckwheat *only* (like

pastas, cereals, crackers, flatbreads) or the *germs* of those 4 " safe for

candida " " grains " (they are more like seeds, why they are safe for us), would

you please and thanks ever so much, let me know!!!


Later!!! (Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! :-)


(P. Louise Everett)

If you are susceptible to candida overgrowth, it will always come back

to problem levels if you feed it what it loves. Thus you went back to

your old diet and the candida blossomed up to a problem level again.


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