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Hot tubs

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I would check with your hottub manufacturer because I

wouldn't want to mess up the mechanics with lotions

and such. Plus you could get a scummy mess. Finally,

you have to keep the chlorine at a certain level, or

you get bacteria. I would recommend making a soap

and/or lotion for after the hot tub. Warmly, Bev

--- Partlow1 <Partlow1@...> wrote:

> Greetings from Virginia! Until today, I have been a

> " ghost " --- reading and learning from the list. I

> want everyone to know that I greatly appreciate all

> the wonderful things I have learned. (Yes, I am

> sucking up!).

> Now I would like to be a little more active and try

> to participate (as we learn from our mistakes that

> is). A friend of mine is interested in fragrancing

> her hot tub. I know that the water balance is

> extremely important. Has anyone ever run across a

> recipe for fragrance for hot tubs, jacuzzis and

> such? A skin conditioner for the tub would also be

> wonderful.


> Thanks!


> Sharon



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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  • 1 year later...
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With Hot Tubs and being compact in size ;-) I would just not stay in them for

too long. Not that we would shrink, but being compact in size ;-) many of

us can't tolerate too much heat.


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That is ridiculous!! You think that b/c we are little people that we are

affected by everything in the environment differently than others. Lots of

achons get hot easily- I get cold easily. We are all different. Please

don't take this personally, but I'm getting sick of your posts about relating

every thing back to our size. It's as if you think that everything revolves

around being a dwarf. I go kayaking, I swim in deep water, I stay in

jacuzzis and saunas for as long as I like and I dive and I used to jump on a

trampoline and still ride a bike, dance, run, do aerobics, tai' chi and rides

at amusement parks and I am 35 years old and (knock on wood) very very

healthy. Not all lps are this lucky, but we are humans first and we are

not affected by everything in our environment so differently than our avg

sized peers. Maybe I shouldn't generalized, but I don't feel that I am at

this point in my life. It is disheartening to be reminded of this everytime

I read one of your post. Let's remember we are human beings and we are

meant to enjoy life and all that it brings first and foremost. Taking risks

and going for the gusto is just part of it.

This is not a flame, but geez...


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In a message dated 6/30/01 9:50:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Pequena114


> That is ridiculous!! You think that b/c we are little people that we are

> affected by everything in the environment differently than others. Lots of

> achons get hot easily- I get cold easily. We are all different. Please

> don't take this personally, but I'm getting sick of your posts about

> relating every thing back to our size. It's as if you think that

> everything revolves around being a dwarf. I go kayaking, I swim in deep

> water, I stay in jacuzzis and saunas for as long as I like and I dive and

> I used to jump on a trampoline and still ride a bike, dance, run, do

> aerobics, tai' chi and rides at amusement parks and I am 35 years old and

> (knock on wood) very very healthy. Not all lps are this lucky, but we

> are humans first and we are not affected by everything in our environment

> so differently than our avg sized peers. Maybe I shouldn't generalized,

> but I don't feel that I am at this point in my life. It is disheartening

> to be reminded of this everytime I read one of your post. Let's remember

> we are human beings and we are meant to enjoy life and all that it brings

> first and foremost. Taking risks and going for the gusto is just part of

> it.



> This is not a flame, but geez...



> S





I don't think everything relates to our dwarfism. I was stating an opinion

which that is why this list is here and I have even spoken to someone who is

an educator who has dwarfism who feels the same way.

You know what I get sick of? People like you who take things personally, who

think they are the only ones who can speak, get very upset and jealous and

have to attack people's opinion. You like me have a right to your opinion,




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  • 5 years later...

> > > Hi!> >> > I went to see my surgeon on Wednesday it has been almost 6 months > > since my left thr and I did all the x-rays and movements (bending the > > leg, swinging it out, etc.) and he even allowed me to look at the > > x-rays saying how good it looked and everything. I decided that it was > > the perfect time to ask why my good hip and my left knee (same leg as > > thr) would lock up or stiffen to the point that I had to fight against > > it to move especially after going to the grocery store or sitting up > > for an hour or more. Now here is the surprise he looked up and said it > > is caused by the arthitis (sp?). I had never been told, nevermind even > > know that I had it. He said it didn't look too bad on the x-ray to > > worry as of yet but at the same time he said we will talk about it > > more in-depth when I see him next. The knee? He hasn't taken x-rays of > > it but from the sounds of it looks like the same thing. Once again > > something for us to discuss next time. Now here are my questions:> >> > 1. I am hopping that I have more options with the right hip since my > > left hip was fused years ago making it only possible for a hip > > replacement. But if not does anyone know of anyone under 30 with two > > fake hips and possible knee?> >> > 2. Would all the metal cause more difficulties for travelling. I know > > that when I went to Nova Scotia this summer and back (exactly 3 days > > before the terror scare) that they used the wand a few extra times on > > me. But would it be more difficult say if I go to England ( I am going > > this coming summer and hope to go again later in life)?> >> > 3. Has anyone given birth with two thr? I know that the pelvis expands > > or whatnot with a developing baby so I suppose that could cause > > problems - but anyone who had children with just a single thr would be > > great to reply if possible also.> >> > 4. At the same appointment my surgeon told me 2 times no hot tubs- > > some people I know whose mother or other family members who have had > > thr were told that hot tubs would be terrific. I am ok with this idea > > since I hate heat but I am curious to see if anyone also was told to > > keep away from hot tubs.> >> > Thanks,> >> > Contessica> >> >>

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From what I understand, the no hot tub rule is for the same reasons that they say no swimming pools. It's all about the incision having time to heal, and staying out of pools and hot tubs keeps it (the incision) from getting infected. Being completely submerged in water that's got all kinds of chemicals in it would enable that water to seep through the healing incision.

I've got both a pool and a hot tub, and I was given the green light to use both at 6 weeks post-op. Most will make you wait longer, but my stitches were all on the inside, so this somehow made the healing time less.


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I agree . I was not to get my leg wet for a while until the

incision had healed deep enough on the outside so a pool or hot tub

would be a no no for a few weeks. I found that wrapping my leg with

the new cling Saran Wrap worked well and kept the water out.

On Sep 9, 2006, at 12:26 PM, grettler@... wrote:

> From what I understand, the no hot tub rule is for the same reasons

> that they say no swimming pools.   It's all about the incision having

> time to heal, and staying out of pools and hot tubs keeps it (the

> incision) from getting infected.   Being completely submerged in water

> that's got all kinds of chemicals in it would enable that water to

> seep through the healing incision.


> I've got both a pool and a hot tub, and I was given the green light to

> use both at 6 weeks post-op.  Most will make you wait longer, but my

> stitches were all on the inside, so this somehow made the healing time

> less.


> kelly  



" If God brings you to it He will bring you through it. "

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  • 1 year later...

I just wanted to give you a little more information. After you meet

that 7.5% of your income ... we just recently purchased a hot tub for

our son who has enthesitis and CRMO. We made this purchase in late

December 2007. In total we spent over $10,000 last year in medical

expenses (hot tub, doctor fees, medications, travel to appts., etc.) .

and you want to know how much we got back on our taxes (and this is just

from our medical expenses)? $700 !! That's it. We had thought we

would get MUCH more back than this, but $700 was it. It was very

upsetting to say the least considering how much we spent last year for

medical stuff. But the Federal Government has figured out a way to keep

what you spend .

Take care.


11a. hot tubs and health savings accounts

Posted by: " sonia1md " sonia1md@... sonia1md

Date: Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:13 pm ((PST))

Hello all,

Aundrea continues to battle her flare this winter. She has been

better the past 2 days but has still missed a little over 5 weeks of


I met with the vice principle who is also the 504 coordinator this

year. I decided to try sending Aundrea for shorter school days.

Thankfully she has pe and band the first two hours of the day so if

we skip those she doesn't have to show up til 10. I emailed the

teachers to discuss the lack of communication and how I never get her

homework etc..apparently they were all very sweet and nice to Aundrea

but I haven't had a single response from one of them. Gets pretty

frustrating. I am actually hoping in high school things will be

easier and she can take some on-line courses.

Anyway, I have been window shopping for hot tubs since this seems to

offer Aundrea some relief from her joint pain.

It seems as if I recall that this can be claimed on taxes as

a " medical purchase " .

Does anyone else have recommendations on the best type of spa to buy

or are they all pretty similar. Does anyone know of any companies

that might offer a discount or savings plan if you have a medical


(aundrea 12 systemic jra)

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  • 1 month later...
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Is there a substance one can use in hot tubs besides chlorine, one that

specifically will help eliminate bladder and/or yeast infections.

Thank you - Bonnie

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  • 11 months later...
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Hello everyone;

I have Dilated Cardiomyopathy and CHF since 1992 and i used to use hot tubs quite often upto just recently and I plan to use it in the future as well. I dont believe I ever had any negative reaction to it. Then again I guess it all depends on the individual.



From: hkauffman <hkauffman (DOT) com>Subject: hot tubs@groups .comDate: Sunday, March 29, 2009, 5:58 PM

I am on vacation right now and have a beautiful hottub on my deck the problem is I am afraid to use it my defibulator has gone off in a hot shower and it might be in my mind..but I have not taken a bath since that..showers only and very quickly. I feel like I might be overreacting but would like your oppinions... thanks K

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