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Mercury Detox

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>From: Hess <pchess@...>

>I am also interested in whatever successful remedies you have tried.

>I am curious about soaks. I twice managed to dump a red film in the tub,

>which is supposed to be mercury. I used chlorine the first time, which

>only worked once and then bothered me since it is highly toxic. The second

>time, just a hot bath after five weeks of Gammadyn by Unda from an

>herbalist. I was really tired until I figured out I needed to take a bath

>and then felt good.


I got into hot baths for the muscle relaxing benefits at first and used

various essential oils and Baththerapy bath salts to help with relaxing.

Then I started learning about detox. The heat is also good as an artificial

fever to discourage pathogens.

I've used apple cider vinegar and epson salts for detox (separately). In

The Whole Way to Allergy Relief and Prevention, she gives a stern warning

about not doing it without a dr's recommendation but other books don't say

that. You do have to be careful, since you can detox too fast. I've gotten

dizzy a few times. There are some conditions that are made worse by excess

heat. Its important to shower before and after to get the skin primed to

detox and then to remove all the toxins. Also drink plenty of water.

I think it may be bad to take too hot of a bath because of the neurally

mediated hypotension. By expanding all the capillaries near the skin, you

are drawing more blood away from the interior of the body. On the other

hand, maybe the skin gets adequete oxygenation for a change. I guess the

thing is to proceed cautiously and see if it helps you. It seems to help me

but I have to be careful not to stay too long or use water too hot. It

obviously was doing something for you since you were leaving red film.


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, to chelate mercury from my body, I'm taking chlorella and spirula, and

doing a series of dmsa pills (an oral chelating agent), under the direction

of my doctor. I find they tire me as mercury comes out of my tissues, so I

have to be careful to go slowly. After about 9 months my mercury is lower,

but by no means gone.

in North Carolina

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>I've used apple cider vinegar and epson salts for detox (separately).


Hi, how much of cider vinegar did you put into the tub? Thanks



>>This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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>>I've used apple cider vinegar and epson salts for detox (separately).



>Hi, how much of cider vinegar did you put into the tub? Thanks



About a cup (300 ml) or so. The book says to start at 1/4 cup and work your

way up. For epsom salts, it says to start with 1/4 cup and work your way up

to 4 cups. I've only used a cup or two of that.

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The amalgam list below might me useful.


Also I just bought an oral chelation product from my dentist that is described

at this website. He read about it in the Townsend Letter.



Hess wrote:

> From: Hess <pchess@...>


> All,


> I am looking for web discussion groups on mercury or heavy metals detox.


> I am also interested in whatever successful remedies you have tried.

> I am curious about soaks. I twice managed to dump a red film in the tub,

> which is supposed to be mercury. I used chlorine the first time, which

> only worked once and then bothered me since it is highly toxic. The second

> time, just a hot bath after five weeks of Gammadyn by Unda from an

> herbalist. I was really tired until I figured out I needed to take a bath

> and then felt good.




> > This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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  • 7 months later...
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Re: [ ] Re: Mercury DetoxIn a message dated 7/15/00 11:13:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Lulu1958@... writes:<< Can you tell me what was abnormal about the eeg that is associated with mercury? My son also has an abnormal eeg. No seizure activity. I was told his eeg was consistent with his autistic diagnosis. Now that really told me a lot huh......thanks>>It may have told you a lot, were there spikes in the occipital lobes, or diffuse slowing of certain waves?Here is an excerpt of what the summary text from her report from the epilepsy center said: " As you can see from the enclosed report, numerous clinical events were observed which consisted of periods in which the patient exhibited various tonic posturing involving the upper extremities that on occasion were associated with vocalization. A second type of clinical event was observed which consisted of prolonged periods of staring in which the patient was unresponsive to verbal stimuli. During both of these types of events, the EEG revealed no epileptiform abnormalities.In addition, the interictal record revealed the presence of diffuse encephalopathy. There was also noted to be frequent spikes emanating over the occipital regions of both hemispheres which would suggest that the area may possess an epileptogenic potential. " Although they have still not sent us the data from this test which we requested several times, after the test, we remember them telling us that the encephalopathy related to a generalized " slowing " of theta waves.In searching the various topics related to: spikes, occipital, slow, theta, waves, diffuse, slowing, speech, delay, disorder, ..., I found only two areas that had any correlation. They were electric shock therapy and mercury poisoning. Neither lead was conclusive, but Minimata Bay had some similarity, as related in a 10 year follow up study of a young boy (the attachment is a medline abstract of the article). Again, the associations were very loose. The boy's alpha waves were the point of the study and we have several times requested the EEG data to verify this but have not yet received it.Note that we were essentially told the same thing as you were. The connection between mercury poisoning and this EEG are not part of diagnostic interpretation.The EEG technicians told me that diffuse slowing (encephalopathy) is observed in people with neurological illness, but they do not know why. But consider Carole that they also do not know what causes most cases of autism!Later I found the study of monkeys poisoned with methyl mercury shows damage targeted to the occipital lobes, which appears to be the case for people with mercury poisoning, and may be why vision is typically affected. I have other references, including a textbook paragraph which I sent to Lyn when she started the list (should be in the archives), the one I attached was in my archives.Joe Marciano------------------------------------------------------------------------To email plain text is conventional, to add graphics is divine. We'll show you how at www.supersig.com.1/6808/9/_/705339/_/963679508/------------------------------------------------------------------------

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  • 1 year later...

Check out chelation therepy by infusion. Oral therapy

not likely to leech anything other than copper as

in--- a lot of pennies from youjr pocket.

--- Melinda Wiman <wiman@...> wrote:

> What is the best for removing mercury from the body

> fairly quickly besides chlorela or kelp.


> Melinda Wiman

> www.cancure.org

> The Cancer Cure Foundation

> (800) 282-2873

> Information and referrals on alternative approaches

> to treating cancer




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Though oral EDTA chelation may not remove much (one month perhaps equals one

IV chelation treatment due to low absorption of 2 %), one need to keep in

mind that EDTA chelates iron ond other fairly well but it chelates mercury

poorly. The effective IV mercury chelator is DMPS and it's oral counterpart

(DMSA) is also effective. Besides chlorella, chinese parsley (cilantro) is

supposedly a good natural mercury chelator

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  • 2 months later...


>>i also used coffee enemas regularly after mercury extraction <<

You're the first person I've come across who has thought of this. I just

bought a colema board and plan to do some colonics (moderately since I'm

working on my flora) when I begin chelating. I've come across a couple

good recipes for coffee enemas. I hadn't thought of using those per se.

Maybe I will.

Do you go through something elaborate when you make the coffee or just

brew it (organic) regularly?\



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In a message dated 2/23/2002 1:26:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,



I have found Adult-Metal-Chelation and particularly

Cutler, Ph.D. (Princeton University) to understand the way to chelate


and the ways to offset symptoms. Subbing to that group and reading through

the archives is helpful. has a book that can be purchased for $35,

also the listowner has put together 's comments. Alpha Lipoic Acid in

" rounds " of three days removes mercury from the brain due to two sulphydryl

molecules. All fillings must be out. Having root canals checked is


Dosing is up to the individual. Tests are best run by Doctors Data Inc.

Mercury challenge with DMPS is fine. Overnight urine collection by Doctor's

Data is recommended. Jannarone >>


I have also read the archives on the adultmetal group, and spoken to a few

people who have tried Andy Cutler's protocol and felt it made them worse.

There is also a website where stories of DMPS and DMPA backfireing on people

are reported.

So I would recommend proceeding with caution.


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and Jane,

>>I have also read the archives on the adultmetal group, and spoken to

a few people who have tried Andy Cutler's protocol and felt it made them

worse. <<

I still haven't decided how I'm going to chelate, but I've found a local

naturopath who specializes in getting your body ready so that chelating

is tolerated better. (I'll report if she is helpful.)

>>There is also a website where stories of DMPS and DMPA backfireing on

people are reported. So I would recommend proceeding with caution. <<

I definitely agree with this. I've read a lot about this these last few

months, but can't speak from experience yet. I hate to see DMPS and DMSA

in the same category. From what I've read, if you follow Andy's

protocol, you can start with very low doses of DMSA. Hal Huggins

(dentist) uses DMSA with a different type of schedule, but still has you

start on very low doses. I think people run into trouble with the DMPS

challenge (I.V.). There is probably no good reason to take any metal

chelator via I.V. Most experts say to avoid DMPS. Many use DMSA, but

starting with a small dose.

It's pretty confusing. None of us want to end up sicker than we started.


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In a message dated 2/24/2002 6:48:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,


<< I still haven't decided how I'm going to chelate, but I've found a local

naturopath who specializes in getting your body ready so that chelating

is tolerated better. (I'll report if she is helpful.) >>

Hi Marsha,

That sounds like a really good idea. Have you seen her yet? Where are you

located? If you have seen her already, what are some of her ideas for what

she will do to help you get ready? Does she have a website?



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  • 3 years later...
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While detoxing for mercury, a person will probably have to take extra zinc

because zinc will also be pulled out of the body along with the other heavy



From: " jadespring2003 " <jadespring2003@...>

Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 8:26 PM

Subject: mercury detox

A word of wisdom .... be careful you don't overdose anyone on

chlorella or any of the greens. I od'd on chlorella and am paying the

price once again. Muscle test, make sure....mercury is the second

deadliest heavy metal next to plutonium and you gotta go slow.

Sometimes practitioners are their own worst enemies. is Rotella,

M.Ac., CNC

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Agreement is, this has been such a tough one for me as well, and I remember loosing some old mercury after running the TMJ program on myself for too long, and was in a stupor on my couch for 3 days wondering if I was ever going to be normal again. Have you tried NDF plus? That one seems the safest for those with amalgams still in their mouth. I also took another product prescribed to me by a doctor and it really helped: Detox Max Plus, but that company now has another one that is supposedly better. This really made the best difference, but the stress it put on my kidneys caused me to have to take a break and drain kidneys for a few weeks before proceeding, this after I had already done kidney drainage. Also, have you done clays and infrared rays? Gage

mercury detox

A word of wisdom .... be careful you don't overdose anyone onchlorella or any of the greens. I od'd on chlorella and am paying theprice once again. Muscle test, make sure....mercury is the seconddeadliest heavy metal next to plutonium and you gotta go slow. Sometimes practitioners are their own worst enemies. is Rotella,M.Ac., CNC............................................

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What an interesting you mention this as my wife has started amalgum

removal and has taken chorella and she had a big reaction to it

vomiting and back pain would you suggest a smaller dose or just try

something else.


> A word of wisdom .... be careful you don't overdose anyone on

> chlorella or any of the greens. I od'd on chlorella and am paying


> price once again. Muscle test, make sure....mercury is the second

> deadliest heavy metal next to plutonium and you gotta go slow.

> Sometimes practitioners are their own worst enemies. is Rotella,

> M.Ac., CNC

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That's why it's important to be well mineralized before you go

chelating mercury. Two things to remember are this (wish I had known

sooner) -- when you get mercury out, you better have a balanced ph.

That means doing the strips in the a.m. and p.m. Second, you gotta

get your coral calcium and not some junk brand because if you are not

absorbing minerals, you are gonna have one hell of a time. I know all

about it. And I'm still paying the piper. is Rotella, M.Ac., CNC

> While detoxing for mercury, a person will probably have to take

extra zinc

> because zinc will also be pulled out of the body along with the

other heavy

> metals.

> Kelley






> From: " jadespring2003 " <jadespring2003@y...>

> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 8:26 PM

> Subject: mercury detox



> A word of wisdom .... be careful you don't overdose anyone on

> chlorella or any of the greens. I od'd on chlorella and am paying the

> price once again. Muscle test, make sure....mercury is the second

> deadliest heavy metal next to plutonium and you gotta go slow.

> Sometimes practitioners are their own worst enemies. is Rotella,

> M.Ac., CNC

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  • 2 years later...
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I am hoping to have my amalgams removed and was wondering if someone

could give me a good link for detox. Do you wait until all amalgams

are removed or can you make a start prior an or during.

Thanks Margo

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Remove all fillings then do the detox.


> I am hoping to have my amalgams removed and was wondering if someone

> could give me a good link for detox. Do you wait until all amalgams

> are removed or can you make a start prior an or during.


> Thanks Margo


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