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> My doctor put me on nystatin 3 was ago. I've spoken to you before,

but I don't write much. the only thing I've noticed since then is a

lot of stomach cramping and pain. could this be from the nystatin?

also the pharmacy here wouldn't fill the powder he prescribed so I

had to get the oral suspension form. what do you think about that



+++Hi Christie. Nystatin won't help unless you follow the diet and

take all of the supplements. Candida cannot be cured by " killing it

off. " The only way candida is cured is by building up your immune

system with " proper nutrients. " Therefore any antifungals are

unimportant compared to " nutrients. "

Most oral suspension contains sugars nowadays, so double check your

perscription, and see this article on nystatin:


Cheers, Bee

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  • 1 month later...

-hi yannick

did you test for mold or candida, it sounds like that is what you

are being treated for. sometimes diflucan doesnt work for people.

if you ahve mold you mighyt try ketakoonazole/nizoral meds.


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Hi Amy,

As far as I know there are no tests for mold or candida. What tests

are you referring to?

I did have a mouth+throat swab which came back negative.



> -hi yannick

> did you test for mold or candida, it sounds like that is what you

> are being treated for. sometimes diflucan doesnt work for people.

> if you ahve mold you mighyt try ketakoonazole/nizoral meds.


> amy


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Hi Yannick,

I also had a swab culture done a few years ago which came back as having ZERO

candida/fungal issues. It didn't make sense because candida and other


yeasts are a normal part of the digestive system (including the mouth).

It's only when it gets way out of control that may become a problem.

A year or two later I finally could afford to have a CDSA test done (stands for

Comprehensive Digestive and Stool Analysis?) and it showed I had both a


infection and a 'non-candida' yeast infection.

Hope this helps,



> Hi Amy,


> As far as I know there are no tests for mold or candida. What tests

> are you referring to?


> I did have a mouth+throat swab which came back negative.


> Yannick

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Simple way, maybe too simple: http://www.adhdrelief.com/CandidaTest.html

Mine tests positive and my Wife's negative for what it's worth.

I also have oral symptoms and she doesn't.

Best info I've found on it. Quite expansive.


See their comments on test reliability

Medical Diagnostic Laboratories has a Mycology test section w/

individual tests for each strain, no panels. They accept insurance.


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest


> I'm having trouble getting a prescription, any help?


> Also I have recently noticed more symptoms,how do you know the difference

between die-off symptoms or just plain symptoms? I feel like they are so

similar, I can't tell if I'm healing or getting worse.

+++Hi there. What is your name please?

Since you are new, are you taking unrefined coconut oil as an antifungal first,

since you wouldn't start on nystatin or any other antifungal until you are able

to take 6 tablespoons per day without getting severe die-off symptoms.

I also think nystatin isn't as good as the other antifungals I recommend, i.e.

raw garlic, oil of oregano and clove oil.

You can only be sure your symptoms are die-off, healing or " retracing " symptoms

if you are completely on this program, since it provides all of the nutrients

your body needs in order to heal itself.

Please ensure you read:

-How to Successfully overcome Candida

-Curing Candida, How to Get Started


The best, Bee

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Jane,

Yes i believe this happens more than people realise. From my research into this

i've discovered that Nystatin only addresses some species of yeast, not all of

them, so you can still get yeast overgrowth whilst taking this unless you are

using other anti-fungals at the same time. Also if you use nystatin long-term

as some people do and some Drs advocate this, the yeast species it is supposed

to help with build up a resistence to it, so it becomes fairly ineffective.

I spent some time looking into this as i'm pretty sure this is what happened to

my son who was on it long term as recommended by a NHS doctor! Now i wouldn't

touch it with a barge pole because of what i've discovered about it, I just

stick to natural stuff.


Nikki x

In Autism Treatment , Jane Hogan <jane_hogan@...> wrote:




> Has anyone found Nystatin stops working after a while? What good

> alternatives have people used?

> >


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I've never found it effective really. Diflucan is effective and there aws a

drug called keta something that is very comprehensive (short term use) but

nystatin does not conquer Tom's yeast. At the moment we're trying with SCD

yoghurt, kefir, a drop of GSE in water. We're not winning, it's a kind of

uneasy cease fire yeast wise. He's very giddy and silly at school and in the

middle of the night but it's not full on yeast invasion.




> Has anyone found Nystatin stops working after a while? What good

> alternatives have people used?

> >


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Thanks. Does the Sacc Boul contain milk and did

you use both together? Matt is gfcf etc.,

Armstrong wrote:

Yes after 7-8 months suddenly everything he ate seemed to

make Nic feel drunk he was already taking lots of No Phenol and

Tri-Enza. I switched to Sacc Boul. and Candex and the problem calmed


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In a message dated 09/06/2009 00:04:56 GMT Daylight Time, catherine_castiglione@... writes:

The Sacc. Boulardii is just a form of yeast which devours other yeasts - on the bottle it says also does not contain any gluten, casein, corn, soy etc. I think I didn't give candex with sacc boul - perhaps on Mandi's advice?

>>Probably, they all cost too much for me to take the risk of doing it together. We find Sacc B great for bacteria also

Mandi x

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The most well known bit of research on Nystatin is by Dr. Shaw and his book is

on Amazon. Its very readable. Also has Anti-=Yeast diet in and I am sure if you

google around, you may find the excerpts you need to read.

Biological Treatments for Autism by Dr Shaw

http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_?url=search-alias%3Daps & field-keywords=B\




> Hello Steve,


> You can get Nystatin from the Breakspear Hospital, I think. In the past we

obtained it as powder form from the Hospital.

> All the best,

> Nevin


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  • 2 months later...

Hi Sharon

Nystatin certainly removes candida  - but its heavy on your liver. I just

couldnt take the die-off.



From: Sharon Hamm <sgracehamm@...>


Sent: Thursday, 20 August, 2009 12:01:09 AM

Subject: Nystatin

Has anyone had success with Nystatin?


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This is one of the dangers of a support group like this the statement below that

Nystatin is heavy on the Liver which is not true.Nystatin does not get in the

bloodstream and is only effective in killing Candida in the gut. Diffulcian is

the anitfungal med that is hard on the Liver cause it travels thru the

bloodstream.I would recommed that we all get our info from a trained

professional in this area.


From: ashervhayes@...

Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 04:55:30 -0700

Subject: Re: Nystatin

Hi Sharon

Nystatin certainly removes candida - but its heavy on your liver. I just

couldnt take the die-off.



From: Sharon Hamm <sgracehamm@...>


Sent: Thursday, 20 August, 2009 12:01:09 AM

Subject: Nystatin

Has anyone had success with Nystatin?

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Thanks .  What were your die-off symptoms?

From: <ashervhayes@...>

Subject: Re: Nystatin


Date: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 6:55 AM


Hi Sharon

Nystatin certainly removes candida  - but its heavy on your liver. I just

couldnt take the die-off.


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Sharon Hamm <sgracehamm (DOT) com>


Sent: Thursday, 20 August, 2009 12:01:09 AM

Subject: Nystatin

Has anyone had success with Nystatin?


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I thought Nystatin worked strictly in the intestines and did not work on the

Systemic yeast like Diflucan does. I thought Diflucan was hard on the Liver,

but I might be wrong.

My doc said that a lot of people have a problem with Nystatin.



From: candidiasis [mailto:candidiasis ] On

Behalf Of

Sent: August 23, 2009 7:56 AM


Subject: Re: Nystatin

Hi Sharon

Nystatin certainly removes candida - but its heavy on your liver. I just

couldnt take the die-off.



From: Sharon Hamm <sgracehamm (DOT) <mailto:sgracehamm%40> com>

candidiasis@ <mailto:candidiasis%40>

Sent: Thursday, 20 August, 2009 12:01:09 AM

Subject: Nystatin

Has anyone had success with Nystatin?

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You are right Bonnie.


From: bonnieview@...

Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 20:19:43 -0400

Subject: RE: Nystatin


I thought Nystatin worked strictly in the intestines and did not work on the

Systemic yeast like Diflucan does. I thought Diflucan was hard on the Liver,

but I might be wrong.

My doc said that a lot of people have a problem with Nystatin.



From: candidiasis [mailto:candidiasis ] On

Behalf Of

Sent: August 23, 2009 7:56 AM


Subject: Re: Nystatin

Hi Sharon

Nystatin certainly removes candida - but its heavy on your liver. I just

couldnt take the die-off.



From: Sharon Hamm <sgracehamm (DOT) <mailto:sgracehamm%40> com>

candidiasis@ <mailto:candidiasis%40>

Sent: Thursday, 20 August, 2009 12:01:09 AM

Subject: Nystatin

Has anyone had success with Nystatin?

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What about doing a liver flush before the Nystatin or Diffulcan? Maybe give

the liver a couple of weeks rest before doing the Nystatin or Diffulcan?


On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 1:00 PM, Bobby johnson <morrisman64@...>wrote:



> This is one of the dangers of a support group like this the statement below

> that Nystatin is heavy on the Liver which is not true.Nystatin does not get

> in the bloodstream and is only effective in killing Candida in the gut.

> Diffulcian is the anitfungal med that is hard on the Liver cause it travels

> thru the bloodstream.I would recommed that we all get our info from a

> trained professional in this area.


> candidiasis

> From: ashervhayes@...

> Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 04:55:30 -0700

> Subject: Re: Nystatin






















> Hi Sharon




> Nystatin certainly removes candida - but its heavy on your liver. I just

> couldnt take the die-off.




> helen




> ________________________________


> From: Sharon Hamm <sgracehamm@...>


> candidiasis


> Sent: Thursday, 20 August, 2009 12:01:09 AM


> Subject: Nystatin




> Has anyone had success with Nystatin?









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One person recommended to clean with Lethitin after Duflican but i can`t

tolerate it well. I used Milk Thristle and Artishoke supplement a little bit

because bile encrease reflux and cause pain.

Cleaning before that will not hurt if you don`t have reflux.I would them more

bc liver working hard to rid off toxins even without drugs. Just eating

leftovers or proccessed food is enough to have a lot of toxins.Eating a lot of

artishoke root, braccoly, califlower, zuccini, etc will help to clean liver too

or juicing of veggies if you have time and money.


> >

> >

> > This is one of the dangers of a support group like this the statement below

> > that Nystatin is heavy on the Liver which is not true.Nystatin does not get

> > in the bloodstream and is only effective in killing Candida in the gut.

> > Diffulcian is the anitfungal med that is hard on the Liver cause it travels

> > thru the bloodstream.I would recommed that we all get our info from a

> > trained professional in this area.

> >

> > candidiasis

> > From: ashervhayes@...

> > Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 04:55:30 -0700

> > Subject: Re: Nystatin

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi Sharon

> >

> >

> >

> > Nystatin certainly removes candida - but its heavy on your liver. I just

> > couldnt take the die-off.

> >

> >

> >

> > helen

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> >

> > From: Sharon Hamm <sgracehamm@...>

> >

> > candidiasis

> >

> > Sent: Thursday, 20 August, 2009 12:01:09 AM

> >

> > Subject: Nystatin

> >

> >

> >

> > Has anyone had success with Nystatin?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> I have ms, suffered with candida for a long time- taking nystatin and I feel

terrible- it is either die off or the worst ms attack ever- would gse be a good

alternative and I could skip the nystatin??

+++Hi Lori. You could be having die-off symptoms. I do not recommend taking

GSE, yet there are better natural antifungals other than Nystatin that I believe

are much more effective.

That's why I recommend taking unrefined coconut oil as your only antifungal when

you first start on my diet and supplements. Coconut oil also provides so many

other health benefits.

Candida is not cured by " killing it off " anyway. Candida is only cured by

building up the immune system, and it is done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements),

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

So please read two important articles on candida, so you understand candida, and

know what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

The best in health, Bee

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  • 4 weeks later...


> Hi Bee, can ou tell me, is nystatin ok for any kind of candida? or only

candida albicans? I dont know which kind I have but do have it, I have had

various tests and blood cultures that have found nothing, nothing in my bowel

either, but it is there. I dont want to take nilstat and end up doing the wrong

thing or causing resistance. Are all kinds of candida destroyed by nilstat? Do I

absoloutely have to know what kind it is to be safe?


> Ps, I am aware you prefer not to use nilstat, but at the moment, garlic and

other natural antifungals are causing other problems due to other health

concerns so nilstat may be a better option for me temporarily.

+++Hi Sylvia. Candida or any kind of fungus is not cured by " killing it off " or

" trying to get rid of it. " It just doesn't work that way. Candida is only

cured by building up the immune system, which is done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements),

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

Doing these things will also heal other health issues, which is what my program

is all about, i.e. building up your immune system with mainly diet plus


The best antifungal is unrefined coconut oil, since it provides many other

health benefits in additon, but as with any antifungal you must start with very

small amounts and slowly increase it so it doesn't cause severe die-off,

detoxifying and healing reactions.

You should start by reading and learning, so you understand what you need to do

and why, so please read these two articles carefully:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

All the best, Bee

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...


> Hi Bee or anyone in Canada..:)


> Where can i get Nystatin in the Greater Toronto Area?


+++Hi Senthil. Welcome to our group. I do not recommend taking any antifungals

other than unrefined coconut oil. I'm just now re-writing my candida program.

I only recommend coconut oil because it provides so many other health benefits.

The reason is because Candida cannot be cured by " killing it off. " It just

doesn't work that way. Candida is only cured by building up the immune system,

which is done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements),

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

Please ensure you read two important articles so you understand candida, and

know what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

The best in health, Bee

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Hi Bee,

Ok cool. Thanks for the welcome.

I read information in this group 2 days ago and since then i am taking

Coconut oil. I am also cutting down on yeast infected products(office


It seems to me both these things are causing immediate help. The pressure in

the frontal sinus is reducing..

I plan to follow all other recommendations for sure.



2010/1/14 Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...>




> >

> > Hi Bee or anyone in Canada..:)

> >

> > Where can i get Nystatin in the Greater Toronto Area?

> >

> +++Hi Senthil. Welcome to our group. I do not recommend taking any

> antifungals other than unrefined coconut oil. I'm just now re-writing my

> candida program.


> I only recommend coconut oil because it provides so many other health

> benefits.


> The reason is because Candida cannot be cured by " killing it off. " It just

> doesn't work that way. Candida is only cured by building up the immune

> system, which is done by:

> 1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (diet plus supplements),

> 2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria

> and cancer),

> 3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

> 4) Eliminating toxins in general.


> Please ensure you read two important articles so you understand candida,

> and know what you need to do and why:


> 1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro2.php


> 2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/intro1.php


> For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by

> members of this group:

> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php


> The best in health, Bee




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> Hi Bee,


> Ok cool. Thanks for the welcome.


> I read information in this group 2 days ago and since then i am taking

> Coconut oil. I am also cutting down on yeast infected products(office

> coffee).

+++Hi senthil. Coffee isn't yeast infected, however caffeine isn't good for

your health - see this article:


All the best, Bee

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