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weight gain

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I absolutely can't look at you as a failure. You succeeded in losing the weight

and with help you can do it again. It may not seem the same or be as fast. But

you can lose this weight. I assume you still have your band.

First of all go see you band doctor or another one if he isn't available and

have your band evaluated. Then start slowly having fills and trying to follow

most of the guidelines most of the time. Make small commitments to get back to

what you know worked before.

I am speaking from my own experience as I am trying to lose close to 20 lbs I

regained. Believe me, I have gone thru much of the self doubts you have.

I am available if you need to talk.  But, I, also, feel you need local support.

I am in Walla Walla and may be too far for us to get together. Feel free to

email private if you like.

Kathy R in Walla Walla

278/257/152/134-138 goal


From: ajr31687 <ajr31687@...>

Subject: weight gain

Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 11:14 AM


i guys im new to the group i need help i was banded in 2005

and lost 110 pounds i have now gained it all back and i dont know what i have

done wrong part of the problem is a no longer feel full i just dont know what to

do i feel like a failure

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  • 3 months later...

, I hear ya. I just did a search on the messages yesterday about this very

thing. There was an email from Bee about how our bodies will store toxins in our

fat cells to keep them away from vital organs which made sense to me.

I haven't lost any weight either and the first time I did this diet I dropped 20

lbs in about 2 months. So this time I was expecting the same thing. I am trying

to stay positive and think about how my body knows how to heal itself and maybe

its necessary to gain weight right now. I think about how great my skin looks

and how well my digestion has improved. So try and stay positive. Its hard for

us women NOT to obsess about our weight and I know its discouraging especially

with a skinny husband. I have one of those too!


Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Wireless Network

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, you're not alone. At first on the plan, I lost about 5 pounds, then gained

back 15 pounds. I lost a couple of pounds while I was sick with

bronchitis/retracing/detoxing. So maybe the body found it didn't need those 2

pounds anymore. (This may not seem like many pounds, but I'm on the short side.)

Will have to admit that, in my case, I once was actually 16 pounds heavier than

I am now. (Not looking forward to that retracing!)

I'm with you, waiting to get back to a normal weight.



> Hi Bee and All,


> I am in need of some understanding. My weight has now ballooned up to more

than I have ever weighed in my life.


> Thanks for any encouragement. I could use it.> W


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First of all, do you excercise? Hard enough to sweat and then shower the toxins

off (I try right away before the sweat cools).

I am sure Bee would not agree but this sounds like the book, " the metabolic diet

type' that some can go on a little carbs all day while others are protein types

and others are mixed. A carb type eating all protein and fat would gain weight.

A protein type eating no carbs would lose weight. I am definitely a protein type

as I am majorly hypoglycemic if I dont' have quality protein with every

meal...that is why I am trying Bee's diet, to see if it is candida, (among other

health probs like trouble sleeping, bladder pain/flareups, sore gums, etc.)

hang in there as I am sure Bee will have the answer!


> Hi Bee and All,


> I am in need of some understanding. My weight has now ballooned up to more

than I have ever weighed in my life. I'm having difficulty fitting into my

clothes and I look more and more like I'm pregnant. Both upper and lower

stomach areas are COVERED with cellulite. My upper arms have it now as well.


> I do know that weight is to be the least of my concerns on the program. I do

feel better, much better in many ways that I've written about on this message

board. But how is it that my husband who is barely following Bee's program is

dropping weight like crazy...he's down twelve pounds and is looking so much

better...and I'm blimping up and can't button my clothes?


> I need to understand how I can be so deficient in carbs and gaining weight

like this. If I can understand this, I can endure it. So please can someone

help me understand the reason why some people on Bee's program gain weight?


> By the way, this doesn't appear to be fluid weight as my hands and feet and

skin on my legs, etc. are all loosey goosey.


> Thanks for any encouragement. I could use it.


> Freaking out at 185 lbs.!

> W


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> I haven't lost any weight either and the first time I did this diet I dropped

20 lbs in about 2 months. So this time I was expecting the same thing. I am

trying to stay positive and think about how my body knows how to heal itself and

maybe its necessary to gain weight right now. I think about how great my skin

looks and how well my digestion has improved. So try and stay positive.


Thanks Kim. I think I just need some hand-holding. :) I seem to be able to

accept the other forms of detox/die-off and retracing just fine. Being so sick

for so long I'm kind of used to my body feeling bad. But the weight has me

scared. Sometimes I think I'm going to blow up like a balloon and fly off into

the sunset!


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> , you're not alone. At first on the plan, I lost about 5 pounds, then

gained back 15 pounds. I lost a couple of pounds while I was sick with

bronchitis/retracing/detoxing. So maybe the body found it didn't need those 2

pounds anymore. (This may not seem like many pounds, but I'm on the short side.)

Will have to admit that, in my case, I once was actually 16 pounds heavier than

I am now. (Not looking forward to that retracing!)


I dropped 10 pounds like nothing when I first started the program. My fats

weren't up to what they are now though. Hmm... I thought when I started

gaining that it was a sign of retracing. I gained 30 pounds after my

hysterectomy in 04 that have stubbornly stayed with me. But now I'm heavier

than that even.

Thankfully I carry it somewhat well. But I'm soooo uncomfortable! All this

talk of not wearing a bra is music to my ears because my bras are too tight now.

Going to order some sports bras this morning.

Thanks H.


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Hmm well I must say that this is very discouraging. Yes, I do want to get

healthy but I will admit that the weight loss is a big part of why I want to do

this - I spent tons of money going gluten & allergy free with NO results at all

and if I'm going to GAIN weight of all things or go through all this only to

stay as I am, then I'm not sure I want to even bother trying. Sorry...I know

this sounds awful but I've been battling this weight loss thing for awhile - I

wake up thinking about it and go to bed thinking about it too so it's hard to

just focus on just the healthy aspects. Gee...can you tell I'm frustrated with

my weight!!!! Now if you tell me that it's a very short side effect

that doesn't last and then once the body is tired of fighting - then the weight

will come off...fine....then it doesn't sound so bad!!! I kind of wonder about

the other post too - each and everyone of our bodies IS different and some

handle things better than

others - so is there any truth to the metabolic way of eating? Don't mean to

be a downer - just want to make sure this is all going to be worth it because I

honestly can't afford for it not to be!




, you're not alone. At first on the plan, I lost about 5 pounds, then gained

back 15 pounds. I lost a couple of pounds while I was sick with

bronchitis/retracin g/detoxing. So maybe the body found it didn't need those 2

pounds anymore. (This may not seem like many pounds, but I'm on the short side.)

Will have to admit that, in my case, I once was actually 16 pounds heavier than

I am now. (Not looking forward to that retracing!)

I'm with you, waiting to get back to a normal weight.



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> First of all, do you excercise? Hard enough to sweat and then shower the

toxins off (I try right away before the sweat cools).

+++Hi . I do not recommend strenuous exercise while curing candida, since

it depletes energy the body needs to heal itself. That's why I recommend mild

forms of exercise instead, i.e. dry skin brushing or walking or jumping on a


+++No matter how much you try to speed up the healing process it doesn't work,

whether through exercise or trying to detoxify more, etc. since it still takes 1

month of natural healing for every year you've been unhealthy.


> I am sure Bee would not agree but this sounds like the book, " the metabolic

diet type' that some can go on a little carbs all day while others are protein

types and others are mixed. A carb type eating all protein and fat would gain

weight. A protein type eating no carbs would lose weight. I am definitely a

protein type as I am majorly hypoglycemic if I dont' have quality protein with

every meal...that is why I am trying Bee's diet, to see if it is candida, (among

other health probs like trouble sleeping, bladder pain/flareups, sore gums,


+++I don't agree with those types of diets because all human bodies are exactly

the same, so there are no different body types, metabolic type, blood types,


As Dr. Weston A. Price writes in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration:

" We humans have the same rigid restrictions regarding food selection as the

simpler forms of life when foods are evaluated from their chemical basis. " page


" Also, it is not necessary to adopt the foods of any particular racial stock,

but only to make our nutrition adequate in all its nutritive factors to the

primitive nutrition. Tooth decay is not only unnecessary, but an indication of

our divergence from Nature's fundamental laws of life and health. " page 415

All the best, Bee

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> Hmm well I must say that this is very discouraging. Yes, I do want to get

healthy but I will admit that the weight loss is a big part of why I want to do

this - I spent tons of money going gluten & allergy free with NO results at all

and if I'm going to GAIN weight of all things or go through all this only to

stay as I am, then I'm not sure I want to even bother trying. Sorry...I know

this sounds awful but I've been battling this weight loss thing for awhileÂ

 - I wake up thinking about it and go to bed thinking about it too so it's hard

to just focus on just the healthy aspects. Gee...can you tell I'm frustrated

with my weight!!!! Now if you tell me that it's a very short side effect

that doesn't last and then once the body is tired of fighting - then the weight

will come off...fine....then it doesn't sound so bad!!!

I kind of wonder about the other post too - each and everyone of our bodies IS

different and some handle things better than others - so is there any truth to

the metabolic way of eating? Don't mean to be a downer - just want to make

sure this is all going to be worth it because I honestly can't afford for it not

to be!

+++Hi Kimmie. Please understand that all human bodies are exactly the same,

just like animals of the same species in the wild who naturally seek out the

same foods. So there are no different body types. As Dr. Weston A. Price writes

in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration:

" We humans have the same rigid restrictions regarding food selection as the

simpler forms of life when foods are evaluated from their chemical basis. " page


" Also, it is not necessary to adopt the foods of any particular racial stock,

but only to make our nutrition adequate in all its nutritive factors to the

primitive nutrition. Tooth decay is not only unnecessary, but an indication of

our divergence from Nature's fundamental laws of life and health. " page 415

Please don't be alarmed by other people's issues, since there are many reasons a

person can put on more weight, that are not because of this program. If a

person has taken hormones, i.e. for their adrenals, estrogen, progesterone,

birth control pills, etc. it takes a lot longer for the body to clear them out

and in the meantime the person can put on weight.

Also IF a person has struggled with their weight before, during healing they

will also retrace every up and down when they were dieting.

Some people also gain or carry weight because of mind or emotional issues, which

are psychosomatic (caused by the mind).

Remember even if you gain or lose weight this program does make people healthy

so review the many Success Stories to get inspired again:


All the best, Bee

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Thank you for the encouragement - I will still try for sure. I've not really had

a " weight issue " all my life or anything - it's always that post baby weight

that never use to be hard to get rid of, but with the last 2 babies it's seems

something has changed which has made things more difficult for me to lose. The

only thing I am on as far as meds is thyroid medication - I'm on the dessicated

ones called " Thyroid " . I've been off the bc pills for maybe 6-8 years now on

the advice of my doctor. I plan to start first of the year so I'll make sure to

keep posted how I'm doing with it. Thanks again!



From: Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...>

Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 12:20:08 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Weight gain

+++Hi Kimmie. Please understand that all human bodies are exactly the same, just

like animals of the same species in the wild who naturally seek out the same

foods. So there are no different body types. As Dr. Weston A. Price writes in

his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration:

" We humans have the same rigid restrictions regarding food selection as the

simpler forms of life when foods are evaluated from their chemical basis. " page


" Also, it is not necessary to adopt the foods of any particular racial stock,

but only to make our nutrition adequate in all its nutritive factors to the

primitive nutrition. Tooth decay is not only unnecessary, but an indication of

our divergence from Nature's fundamental laws of life and health. " page 415

Please don't be alarmed by other people's issues, since there are many reasons a

person can put on more weight, that are not because of this program. If a person

has taken hormones, i.e. for their adrenals, estrogen, progesterone, birth

control pills, etc. it takes a lot longer for the body to clear them out and in

the meantime the person can put on weight.

Also IF a person has struggled with their weight before, during healing they

will also retrace every up and down when they were dieting.

Some people also gain or carry weight because of mind or emotional issues, which

are psychosomatic (caused by the mind).

Remember even if you gain or lose weight this program does make people healthy

so review the many Success Stories to get inspired again: http://www.healingn

aturallybybee. com/success/ index.php

All the best, Bee

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> Thank you for the encouragement - I will still try for sure. I've not really

had a " weight issue " all my life or anything - it's always that post baby weight

that never use to be hard to get rid of, but with the last 2 babies it's seems

something has changed which has made things more difficult for me to lose. The

only thing I am on as far as meds is thyroid medication - I'm on the dessicated

ones called " Thyroid " .

+++Hi Kimmie. That's good you haven't had weight issues, except for after

giving birth. :)

+++You will want to plan on getting of the thyroid meds because your thyroid

will recover and become normal again. I lost my thyroid during my candida

program because I didn't know my thyroid would normalize and I kept taking

thyroid meds. That threw my thyroid into a tizzy, going from low to extremely

high (Grave's Disease). I didn't know what I do now, and I was scared so I

allowed them to zap my thyroid with radioactive iodine which killed it

completely. So I'm on thyroid meds for life. It's a real pain to take 3 pills,

spaced correctly, every single day of my life.

+++You can figure out when to start getting thyroid tests so you can taper off

taking them. Since it takes 1 month of healing for every year. For example: If

you've had thyroid problems for 10 years you will want to be totally off meds

before you've been on this program for 10 months. So you'd start getting tested

every month to 6 weeks about 5-6 months after starting on this program, and your

doctor should lower your meds accordingly.

I've been off the bc pills for maybe 6-8 years now on the advice of my doctor. I

plan to start first of the year so I'll make sure to keep posted how I'm doing

with it. Thanks again!

+++If you start on birth control pills again it will interfere with your

healing. Hormones are more powerful than supplements, and affect your body much

more. Instead use these birth control methods:


All the best, Bee

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Well I would have to do some digging around but I know I've been on thyroid

meds for AT LEAST 4 years...probably 5...maybe a bit longer. So would it be

safe to say that I start the program and after 2-3 mths go off my pills and then

how long after I stop taking them do I get him to test?

No - definately NOT going back on any hormonal bc pills...hubby's had his 2nd

consult for vasectomy..just waiting for a date :)


From: Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...>

Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 2:52:36 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Weight gain



> Thank you for the encouragement - I will still try for sure. I've not really

had a " weight issue " all my life or anything - it's always that post baby weight

that never use to be hard to get rid of, but with the last 2 babies

it's seems something has changed which has made things more difficult for me

to lose. The only thing I am on as far as meds is thyroid medication - I'm on

the dessicated ones called " Thyroid " .

+++Hi Kimmie. That's good you haven't had weight issues, except for after giving

birth. :)

+++You will want to plan on getting of the thyroid meds because your thyroid

will recover and become normal again. I lost my thyroid during my candida

program because I didn't know my thyroid would normalize and I kept taking

thyroid meds. That threw my thyroid into a tizzy, going from low to extremely

high (Grave's Disease). I didn't know what I do now, and I was scared so I

allowed them to zap my thyroid with radioactive iodine which killed it

completely. So I'm on thyroid meds for life. It's a real pain to take 3 pills,

spaced correctly, every single day of my life.

+++You can figure out when to start getting thyroid tests so you can taper off

taking them. Since it takes 1 month of healing for every year. For example: If

you've had thyroid problems for 10 years you will want to be totally off meds

before you've been on this program for 10 months. So you'd start getting tested

every month to 6 weeks about 5-6 months after starting on this program, and your

doctor should lower your meds accordingly.

I've been off the bc pills for maybe 6-8 years now on the advice of my doctor. I

plan to start first of the year so I'll make sure to keep posted how I'm doing

with it. Thanks again!

+++If you start on birth control pills again it will interfere with your

healing. Hormones are more powerful than supplements, and affect your body much

more. Instead use these birth control methods: http://www.healingn

aturallybybee. com/articles/ res1.php

All the best, Bee

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> Please don't be alarmed by other people's issues, since there are many reasons

a person can put on more weight, that are not because of this program. If a

person has taken hormones, i.e. for their adrenals, estrogen, progesterone,

birth control pills, etc. it takes a lot longer for the body to clear them out

and in the meantime the person can put on weight.

****Why would hormones that I've already taken cause me to gain weight (again?)

now? Is there something written that I can read to understand this?


> Also IF a person has struggled with their weight before, during healing they

will also retrace every up and down when they were dieting.

*****So gaining 30 pound post hysterectomy in 04 will cause me to gain another

30 pounds now? Is that what you're saying Bee?


> Some people also gain or carry weight because of mind or emotional issues,

which are psychosomatic (caused by the mind).

*****I have to say my feelings were hurt by this response. Even though it

wasn't directed to me, it seemed to have been written with regard to my original

post about weight gain and needing encouragement which I gratefully received

from group members. What I was asking for originally was to understand more

about how being more strict on the diet is causing weight gain in me, when my

husband who is barely following the program is dropping weight like crazy. If

my weight gain is all in my head, then why am I seeing other physical

improvements from the program?


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> Well I would have to do some digging around but I know I've been on thyroid

meds for AT LEAST 4 years...probably 5...maybe a bit longer. So would it be

safe to say that I start the program and after 2-3 mths go off my pills and then

how long after I stop taking them do I get him to test?

+++Hi Kimmie. You should have gotten tests so your doctor perscribed the amount

of thyroid meds.

" You don't go off the pills first. " Instead get your thyroid tested by the

doctor, and like I wrote below he will tell you how much to lower your meds.

I think you should get the first thyroid test done after being on this program

for 2 months, and recheck it every month after that.


> No - definately NOT going back on any hormonal bc pills...hubby's had his 2nd

consult for vasectomy..just waiting for a date :)

+++That's good.

Cheers, Bee

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> ****Why would hormones that I've already taken cause me to gain weight

(again?) now? Is there something written that I can read to understand this?

+++Hi W. I don't have any references since I found out about how powerful

hormones are on The Optimal Diet forum, which has been inactive for awhile:


They used to have advisors who read Dr. Jan Kwaisniewski's books but they are

aren't around now.

I learned from other people how much hormones affect them, and that they take

longer than other toxins to detoxify. In the meantime they gained weight.



> > Also IF a person has struggled with their weight before, during healing they

will also retrace every up and down when they were dieting.


> *****So gaining 30 pound post hysterectomy in 04 will cause me to gain another

30 pounds now? Is that what you're saying Bee?

+++You won't necessarily gain the amount you did before, but you could.

> _________


> > Some people also gain or carry weight because of mind or emotional issues,

which are psychosomatic (caused by the mind).


> *****I have to say my feelings were hurt by this response. Even though it

wasn't directed to me, it seemed to have been written with regard to my original

post about weight gain and needing encouragement which I gratefully received

from group members. What I was asking for originally was to understand more

about how being more strict on the diet is causing weight gain in me, when my

husband who is barely following the program is dropping weight like crazy. If

my weight gain is all in my head, then why am I seeing other physical

improvements from the program?

+++Oh my dear. Please do not take my statement personally since it is one

I've made many times, i.e. about " mind over matter. " I didn't say it was all in

your mind my friend.

Luv & Healing Hugs, Bee

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  • 4 weeks later...


> Hi Bee,

> I have a question about gaining weight. I notice whenever I eat carbs within

my ratio (52g) I keep gaining weight. So I started cutting out carbs completely

especially after cheating recently but I still can't seem to take the weight

off. I know this topic has been discussed many times on here but why would I not

be losing weight once I cut out my carbs? I've never been over weight…this is

actually the most I've ever weighed and I seem to be gaining 1-2 lbs per week so

I don't think it could be retracing.

> I don't want to focus on my weight but I'm starting to feel very uncomfortable

in my body with all this weight gain. Especially because my main symptom is

vaginal thrush (mainly itchiness) and as my pants get tighter the more irritated

I feel. Any suggestions at this point as to what I may be doing wrong? My fat

intake is up to at least my minimum (maybe a little under some days when I have

a lot of die off), I'm taking all the supplements in the correct dosages, take

Epsom salt baths and dry skin brush once a day.

> Thanks and have a great weekend!

+++Hi . Have you ever taken any kind of hormones for your adrenals,

women's issues, etc. or are you taking birth control pills?



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I was on the birth control pill from ages 15-22 then off of it for 4 years then

back on it from 26-28. I've now been off of the pill for a year. Also...not sure

if this would have something to do with it but I got off the pill last December

and haven't had a period since then. Would this maybe have something to do with

my recent weight gain? Thanks for your help with all of this...

I have a question about gaining weight. I notice whenever I eat carbs within my

ratio (52g) I keep gaining weight.

+++Hi . Have you ever taken any kind of hormones for your adrenals, women's

issues, etc. or are you taking birth control pills?


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> I was on the birth control pill from ages 15-22 then off of it for 4 years

then back on it from 26-28. I've now been off of the pill for a year. Also...not

sure if this would have something to do with it but I got off the pill last

December and haven't had a period since then. Would this maybe have something to

do with my recent weight gain? Thanks for your help with all of this...



> I have a question about gaining weight. I notice whenever I eat carbs within

my ratio (52g) I keep gaining weight.

+++Hi . It is very common for women not to have a period for awhile on any

healthy program like this. I don't think it is related to them taking birth

control pills. It just indicates your body has more important work to do.

I suggest you consume less carbs. Take your protein ratio times .5 and aim for

that lower amount of carbs. You must be 5' 5 " tall which means your protein

ratio is 65 grams, so 65 X .5 = 32.5 grams of carbs.

Cheers, Bee

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  • 4 weeks later...


> Bee I know you said weight gain should be the least of my problem while on

this program however I have been on this program since last summer and I'm up 4

dress size and weight still climbing. When should I expect to see my weight

going back down? I was never overweight on the past.

+++Hi Colleen. There can be a few reasons people can gain weight on this

program, which are listed in Message #84434, January 28, 2010.

Cheers, Bee

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

, I have lost 90lbs eating this way.

Phyllis R.


> I am still needing to lose weight and I still have a distended stomach , won't

I GAIN WEIGHT with all these fats that are required?

> I had 3 scrambled eggs with 1 tlbs butter with wilted fresh spinach mixed

together for dinner, normally I would still be hungry , but I am really full.


> i just need some guidance,as i am learning to eat all over again.


> mary


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Guest guest

Bee says that some people will gain weight (retracing) before they get slim

again. I believe I am in this category, because I have gained weight too. But

I am in it for the long term, so I do expect that at some point I will start

losing weight.

If you keep your carbs low, eating fat will actually help you to lose the fat.

I would say have a bit more patience. The weight will come off in time.

Pam Maltzman



> , I have lost 90lbs eating this way.


> Phyllis R.


> >

> > I am still needing to lose weight and I still have a distended stomach ,

won't I GAIN WEIGHT with all these fats that are required?

> > I had 3 scrambled eggs with 1 tlbs butter with wilted fresh spinach mixed

together for dinner, normally I would still be hungry , but I am really full.

> >

> > i just need some guidance,as i am learning to eat all over again.

> >

> > mary

> >


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> Bee,


> I am still needing to lose weight and I still have a distended stomach , won't

I GAIN WEIGHT with all these fats that are required?

+++Hi . Your distended stomach isn't necessarily only because of fat in

that area. The stomach becomes quite loose, without good muscles to support it,

which will improve as your muscles get healthier.

Good fats I recommend do not make your body fat in any way, carbs do! In fact

they help you lose weight. To understand more see my Weight Loss article:


> I had 3 scrambled eggs with 1 tlbs butter with wilted fresh spinach mixed

together for dinner, normally I would still be hungry , but I am really full.

+++Good fats satiate your appetite so well, and they provide lots of great

energy, unlike carbs which all turn into glucose/sugar in the body.

+++Your weight may go up and down as you progress on this program, because your

body will also retrace previous times when your weight was up and down.

All the best, Bee

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How does that work? Do you gain the same amount you did in the past? I do NOT

ever want to be 200 pounds again. :( I think I gained weight in the past just

because I used to overeat... so your body retraces even that? I never took any

sort of hormone therapy or birth control.

> >

> >

> > , I have lost 90lbs eating this way.

> >

> > Phyllis R.

> >

> > >

> > > I am still needing to lose weight and I still have a distended stomach ,

won't I GAIN WEIGHT with all these fats that are required?

> > > I had 3 scrambled eggs with 1 tlbs butter with wilted fresh spinach mixed

together for dinner, normally I would still be hungry , but I am really full.

> > >

> > > i just need some guidance,as i am learning to eat all over again.

> > >

> > > mary

> > >

> >


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I don't blame you for not wanting to be heavy again. I'm big to begin with

(6'1 " ). For me, if I were 200 pounds, that would be a lot less than I weigh

now. But I'm looking forward to eventually losing the weight and getting back

to a normal weight.

I was in the 280 range before I started this diet. I have ballooned up to about

20 pounds more. But eventually it should all come off. I'm taking an attitude

of " let's see what happens. "

As for all the details of " how does that work, " I am not up on the details...

but eating fat helps to burn fat, as long as your carbs are kept low.

Pam Maltzman


> How does that work? Do you gain the same amount you did in the past? I do NOT

ever want to be 200 pounds again. :( I think I gained weight in the past just

because I used to overeat... so your body retraces even that? I never took any

sort of hormone therapy or birth control.

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Hi Dana:


> How does that work? Do you gain the same amount you did in the past? I do NOT

ever want to be 200 pounds again. :( I think I gained weight in the past just

because I used to overeat... so your body retraces even that? I never took any

sort of hormone therapy or birth control.

***Here is Bee's series of articles that help explain the science behind how

this diet will help you lose weight once your body has healed enough.


Marissa (a group moderator)

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