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Re: This is what the doctor recommended for proboitics can anyone comment on what they think

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Carolyn I could not do what you have done to not only maintain but chronicle

your elimination diet--and not just for yourself but for the entire family..

I do however suggest a far far simpler path and course of action. I do heartily

recommend that you check out Dr. Wil Spencer's web site: bodyelectrician.com. He

is one of our group members and is not only treating me and my grown daughter;

he is seeing me get well after a decade of hell from systemic fungus--and saving

me a ton of money too, over products I no longer need now am on his protocol and


He has a page in particular, on his site, with DIET SUGGESTIONS. These are not

so specific as what you think you have found in your searching, but they are

broad-based, logical and sound diet *principles* that have helped me, and he and

his family, immeasurably.. 

I strongly recommend him and that page--and his counsel and products to you!! He

is NOT money hungry; he is a man of principle and ethics, morals and values. He

has a proven track record of success in seeing many, many people get WELL. If

anyone I know can *naturally* and in easy to understand and execute ways, see

you and your family to wholeness, it's Wil Spencer..

I hope this helps!Louise

From: Carolyn G <ch1qui74@...>

Subject: This is what the doctor recommended for proboitics can

anyone comment on what they think


Date: Monday, March 14, 2011, 12:07 PM

So we (me, dtr, 30 months and son 10 months) have systemic yeast issues with

constipation issues for my daughter (Dtr had antibotics gentomyacin and

ampicillan for first week of life for meconium aspiration syndrome which may

have started all our issues).  We have been on an elimination diet since


1st which we started due to dtr wanting to nurse all the time and then started

to find food intolerances/allergies.  We continue to be on a restricted diet in

an effort to get to baseline including our yeast issues. When we went to the

doctor for an epipen she recommended proboitics as the missing piece to resolve

our yeast issues and constipation problems.  Here is what she recommended: 


take Floragen 3 proboitic one daily x 3 months stored in frig, sacchyomyces

proboitic yeast one daily x 3 months store on counter with brand recommendation

of Jarrow. She also recommended 5000 IU daily of Vit d 3 for mom, 400 IU D3 for

dtr.  I originally wanted to make my own proboitcs but I think that is biting

off more than I can chew.  So now I am trying to figure out if what she

recommended is what we should take based on our restrictions etc.  I will list

our avoid list below. Any opionons and advice is greatly appreciated. I want to

start some proboitics soon as dtr continues to have issues and I hate to see her

suffer.  Basically looking for whether you agree with MD and if not other

proboitic recommendations ie brand.  I dont want to ingest anything that would

be on our no list.  Thank you for your help.

Foods we have eliminated  with date elimination started and why

Me (Carolyn)

Mayte (daughter  8/23/08)

Camilo  (son 5/16/10)

Moe (hubby)

Almonds (was in the nut mix that mayte  reacted to on day 2 of elimination

diet), banana (carolyn reacting)  1/2/11

apples,  gala (Carolyn only, tasted funny might be OAS?)

asparagus (camilo got  facial rash) 2/1/11

banana (mayte reacted with pain and redness and swelling  under bottom lip on


barley (since gluten) 1/1/11

chicken (since fed  corn and Carolyn diagnosed allergic to corn) 1/16/11

corn (Carolyn  diagnosed as allergic as child and given shots) 1/1/11 for



chocolate (Carolyn  diagnosed as allergic as child and given shots) 1/1/11

citric acid (was in  the nut mix and think was causing red buttock in Mayte)


cranberries (was in  the nut mix that mayte reacted to on day 2 of elimination

diet) 1/3/11

dairy (Moe intolerant  and trying to get to baseline) 1/1/11

elderberry juice concentrate (was in  the nut mix that mayte reacted to on day


of elimination diet) 1/3/11

garlic (camilo got  rash eating salmon with it) 2/2/11 for carolyn and camilo,

mayte 2/5/11

gluten (carolyn  diagonosed as allergic to wheat as child with shots 1/1/11 but

still  eating non gluten free oats until 1/16 then GF, then eliminated 

completely on 1/26/11

Lemon (citrus)

Lime (citrus)

milk  (was in the nut  mix that mayte reacted to on day 2 of elimination diet)


onion (camilo got rash  eating pinto beans and salmon two different days

seasoned with onion)  peanut oil (was in the nut mix that mayte reacted to on

day 2 of  elimination diet) 1/3/11

pineapple (i think mayte reacted with skin  rash and swelling and pain)

pork (Moe intolerant) before 1/1/11

potato (think it  causesCamilo’s oral thrush)

rye (gluten) 1/1/11

shell fish (moe  allergic) before 1/1/11

soy  (was in the nut mix that mayte reacted  to on day 2 of elimination diet)

1/3/11 except soy lechithin was  eliminated 1/26?

sugar (all forms due to Camilo’s oral thrush)

sulfites (think it  made me impatient)

sunflower kernels  (was in the nut mix that mayte reacted to  on day 2 of

elimination diet), 1/3/11

sunflower oil (was in the nut mix that  mayte reacted to on day 2 of


diet) 1/3/11

tomato (avoiding  nightshades)

Vinegar (still cleaning w it)

wheat  (was in the nut  mix that mayte reacted to on day 2 of elimination diet

and Carolyn  diagnosed as allergic as child and given shots) 1/3/11

whey (milk) 1/3/11

xanthan gum (has  corn)M

yeast  (due to Camilo’s oral thrush) once i eliminated fit for life bread


longer had yeast


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