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zero point energy -- introduction to the next big thing in wellness

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My wife's pain relief trial, and I was there: zero point energy allowed her

system to eliminate class 9 hip pain in five minutes without touching, drugs, or


I cobbled together this quick presentation from online sources. This is sure to

knock your socks off; it's new technology so don't let healthy skepticism ruin

your demo. Watch it all.


Here's the complete story from my end:

My wife Jo-Anne at 48 had had her share of injuries. One knee particularly

produces pain since she landed on her knees in a skating accident in her younger

years, and her left hip had been injured when she was a young adult and was

slowly degenerating with osteoarthritis, causing a limp that had gotten much

worse over the last 10 months. When we walked the dog it caused considerable

pain so we had to stroll, too slowly to call it exercise, and running was out of

the question. Frequently on the stairs and sometimes while walking, the bad hip

caused her leg to go " liquid " or " absent " and the refusal threatened her with a

fall. We had pretty well got rid of her fibromyalgia by then and all that

medical gear associated with it, the grab rails, the cane, the scooter etc., but

that hip was still getting worse and her doctor had told her that it would

result in a hip replacement operation.

So, when an out-of-town friend mentioned a new therapy that I should be

interested in that worked in minutes, we went to attend a free demonstration. Jo

could hardly make the long, steep stairs. Test subjects had their strength and

balance improve, we tasted a lemon that had somehow become much less sour after

it was treated, and we heard from other people whom we knew that the terrible

rotgut wine tasted very good after a treatment. But the best test was yet to


When the host asked if anyone had pain, Jo raised her hand. When asked how much

pain on a scale from 1-10 she said about a 9, and indeed, she'd had to stand

behind her chair for the last 10 minutes because her hip was bothering her so

much she couldn't sit in the chair. So she hobbled to the front of the show and

sat in a chair while they treated her for about 5 minutes, after which they

asked her if she felt a difference and could she please stand up now and give a

report. She stood, tested the hip with a couple of small steps and burst into

tears, and she's normally not at all emotional like that. She couldn't speak

well, expressing she was " overwhelmed " , and walking back to her original chair

there was only a little sign of stiffness, and even that dissipated in the next

several steps. Her pain, she said, had gone down to a 1! It actually went to

zero over the next minutes, and the pain-free effect

lasted at least three days. There was a little stiffness on the third afternoon

so I used a wand I'd borrowed from the friend and re-treated her once or twice a

day for 4-5 minutes. That was 10 days ago; Jo-Anne still walks without a limp,

fast enough to actually exercise the dog, she can climb stairs without the hip

refusing, she can touch her toes even now, something she's never been able to do

in he life, and she sleeps better, even on her " bad " side. I don't have a

Canadian price list and frankly we don't care that the price is around $300 or

so, we're buying one!

My father at 76 has health issues and he's a skeptic like we are. I told him

that out of all the people I know I'd be the last one to want to wave any kind

of " magic wand " but it had worked so well that he should try it. He hadn't been

using it on hmself for three minutes when he reached back for his wallet because

he wants his own. He said he noticed a difference right away and wanted to know

if he could just wear it as a pendant. We HAVE a pendant just for that I said,

so he wants both, and the pendant costs even a bit more than the wand. This

technology sells itself, and all one has to do is let people try it. I still

think it's odd to wave a " wand " but it is producing effect in 9 out of 10 people

so we can rule out placebo, and none of us are hypnotists. This was our first

introduction to the power of " zero point " energy.

UPDATE May4,2010: Dad just had his second session, and he's firmly convinced he

wants a set of tools in his own home. Jo-Anne is still walking without a limp.

I'm booking the local trade shows so I can show this to hundreds! :) ...and I

still don't have my own stuff.

The corporate site was down for 2 weeks for a site overhaul, but now the product

is launching in North America after a very successful 5-6 year run in Asia, and

besides healthy skepticism there appears to be nothing at all against the

therapy. Pure and simple, it works.

If you'd like to contact me, I'm giving free demos to everyone nearby, with huge

results. You'll find that it's impossible to not create a stir with this thing

and you'll probably get tired of wanding people in a week and end up ordering a

kit for a family member or best friend like I did with my dad.

all good,

Duncan Crow




From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical

physical system may have and is the energy of the ground state. The quantum

mechanical system that encompasses this energy is the zero-point field. The

concept was first proposed by Albert Einstein and Otto Stern in 1913. The term

" zero-point energy " is a calque of the German Nullpunktenergie. All quantum

mechanical systems have a zero-point energy. The term arises commonly in

reference to the ground state of the quantum harmonic oscillator and its null


Zero-point energy is sometimes used as a synonym for the vacuum energy, an

amount of energy associated with the vacuum of empty space. When the term is

used in this way, sometimes it is referred to as the quantum vacuum zero point

energy. In cosmology, the vacuum energy is one possible explanation for the

cosmological constant.[1] The variation in zero-point energy as the boundaries

of a region of vacuum move leads to the Casimir effect, which is observable in

nanoscale devices.

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