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Re: Toddler with yeast???? Please help

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Hi, just want to let you know I SO feel for you! Here's the go, having been

someone who has suffered drastically with yeast problems & all the side

effects!! Firstly, original Ethiopia origin spells parasite problems..have you

had her checked for them...they can cause havoc! I know it won't be the easiest

but once that's checked & presuming that's not the issue, try taking her off

dairy, gluten & sugar! And just giving her fresh foods (meat, fish, vegetables,

very little carbs or high sugar which are in many carbs) for at least a month &

see if it makes any difference. Anti-biotics wrecked my digestive system & I

need to take many immune boosting supplements now & loads of PROBIOTICS on a

daily basis in order to maintain my health. You can heal her gut if you start

now, she will improve much more readily with the right treatment than an older

person. Just find yourself a really good 'word of mouth' naturopath & forget

conventional doctors who really don't want to acknowledge what our problems

are...we're in the 'too hard basket' for them...good luck!! Kate.


> Hello,


> I have a daughter that we adopted from Ethiopia when she was 8 months old.

She just turned 2. We are just beginning to find out that most of her problems

may actually be physical in origin, not attachment/adoption related. She is

absolutely MISERABLE, and I have had her to 7 (Yes, 7) conventional medical

doctors that tell me there is nothing wrong with her, even in the face of all of

her symptoms. Here they are:


> 1. Severely bloated abdomen, worse after eating.

> 2. Loose stools (always), with a lot of undigested food in it

> 3. Unexplained weight gain for the amount of food she is eating

> 4. Excessive hunger (but we don't let her overeat at all, and in fact

she eats NO sugar/milk at all due to the fact that she gains so quickly.

> 5. Fatigue-Think of the LEAST active 2 year old you have ever met, and that

is her on a good day-most days she doesn't move around much at all unless


> 6. IRRITABILITY-think of the most irritable baby you have known while

teething/sick, and that is her MOST of the time.

> 7. Elevated Liver Enzymes (blood test)-they told me not to worry and come

back in 3 months and see if it was worse

> 8. H. Pylori overgrowth for which she was put on a 2 week course of 2

different antibiotics and which made all of her symptoms worse.

> 9. She was on antibiotics 3 times in her first 4 months of life (while in




> I have been to attachment (adoption) therapists, and even they, who are ALL

about attachment do not really think her behavioral problems have anything to do

with attachment. She is behaving like a child who is sick, but no one will

listen to me. If she was my biological child, I would never have questioned

that there is something physically wrong with her, but because she was adopted,

everyone has me feeling like I am a terrible mother because she is NOT happy.

She really isn't. She isn't calm, content, happy, active. None of the things a

2 yr. old should be. I have 3 biological children, and even on their worst

days, they acted nothing like this.

> I'm so scared. My family is falling apart because everyone blames me and is

angry at me because I am not able to handle the constant pressure of this

miserable child anymore. I can't do ANYTHING anymore, even laundry. She wants

to be held, fed, played with, or she is eating or asking for something. I

really can't do this anymore. We have not done anything together as a family in

almost a year because her problems literally take over the whole day. We can't

do anything. I send my husband out with the other kids to take them to do

something fun because we can't do anything anymore.


> If anyone has any advice or suggestions for me, please let me know.

> I will be eternally grateful for any help.





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Definitely get her checked for parasites but the antibiotics she took make

candidiasis pretty much a sure thing. My daughter had antibiotics as a baby and

she suffered from it too. For years. She was also vaccinated for the first

year of life. I'm guessing your baby was too since she came from overseas and

that's normally a requirement for adoption. Even small traces of mercury in

vaccines will play havoc for the gut. Ethiopians can generally tolerate milk

but north american milk is not really milk anymore. It's homogenized,

pasteurized, hormone-laden dead mucousy junk food. If you can find someone

local that has fresh goat's milk, that would likely be very good for her. It's

been shown to heal the gut and skin nicely.

For now you can go to the health food store and buy some Enzymedica enzymes for

her and add it to each meal. You might try Digest Gold or Spectrum. If she

can't do capsules, they can be opened and sprinkled on foods. That will stop

the undigested food.

My daughter suffered for many years before we found a probiotic superfood that

made her pain go away literally within 2 days. Email me with " End Candida " in

the subject line and I'll send you some files about that product and an

interview series I did, one with the formulator. It will explain just about

everything you ever wanted to know about candida.

For a very active infection, like thrush, putting garlic tincture in maple syrup

to cover the hotness and flavor, can kill it off quickly but again, if you don't

deal with the probiotics and gut healing that's not a long term solution but it

beats drugs in speed and efficacy.

Sharon Hoehner detoxexpert@...


> >

> > Hello,

> >

> > I have a daughter that we adopted from Ethiopia when she was 8 months

old. She just turned 2. We are just beginning to find out that most of her

problems may actually be physical in origin, not attachment/adoption related.

She is absolutely MISERABLE, and I have had her to 7 (Yes, 7) conventional

medical doctors that tell me there is nothing wrong with her, even in the face

of all of her symptoms. Here they are:

> >

> > 1. Severely bloated abdomen, worse after eating.

> > 2. Loose stools (always), with a lot of undigested food in it

> > 3. Unexplained weight gain for the amount of food she is eating

> > 4. Excessive hunger (but we don't let her overeat at all, and in

fact she eats NO sugar/milk at all due to the fact that she gains so quickly.

> > 5. Fatigue-Think of the LEAST active 2 year old you have ever met, and

that is her on a good day-most days she doesn't move around much at all unless


> > 6. IRRITABILITY-think of the most irritable baby you have known while

teething/sick, and that is her MOST of the time.

> > 7. Elevated Liver Enzymes (blood test)-they told me not to worry and come

back in 3 months and see if it was worse

> > 8. H. Pylori overgrowth for which she was put on a 2 week course of 2

different antibiotics and which made all of her symptoms worse.

> > 9. She was on antibiotics 3 times in her first 4 months of life (while in


> >

> >

> > I have been to attachment (adoption) therapists, and even they, who are

ALL about attachment do not really think her behavioral problems have anything

to do with attachment. She is behaving like a child who is sick, but no one

will listen to me. If she was my biological child, I would never have

questioned that there is something physically wrong with her, but because she

was adopted, everyone has me feeling like I am a terrible mother because she is

NOT happy. She really isn't. She isn't calm, content, happy, active. None of

the things a 2 yr. old should be. I have 3 biological children, and even on

their worst days, they acted nothing like this.

> > I'm so scared. My family is falling apart because everyone blames me and

is angry at me because I am not able to handle the constant pressure of this

miserable child anymore. I can't do ANYTHING anymore, even laundry. She wants

to be held, fed, played with, or she is eating or asking for something. I

really can't do this anymore. We have not done anything together as a family in

almost a year because her problems literally take over the whole day. We can't

do anything. I send my husband out with the other kids to take them to do

something fun because we can't do anything anymore.

> >

> > If anyone has any advice or suggestions for me, please let me know.

> > I will be eternally grateful for any help.

> >

> >

> >

> >


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