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My mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was treated by a doctor in

Long Beach, CA (30 miles from Burbank) who has a rather aggressive approach to

treatment of cancer. He takes a biopsy of the persons cancer and separates the

fluids into several petrie dishes. He then experiments with various combinations

of chemo treatments to determine which combination has the most impact on the

cancerous cells, yet least impact on the good cells. The rationale is that we

all have a unique chemistry and require a unique combination of drugs to bring

the cancerous cells into remission. My mother was making great progress and the

last test prior to her non-cancer related death showed a decrease in cancerous

cells. Also, the doctor gave HOPE, which is so critical to the mental state of

the patient. The name of the office is Rational Therapeutics, Dr.

Nagorney. He can be reached at 562.989.6455. Website is //www.rational-T.com.

Good luck



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sometimes people can beat lung cancer...but it's a tough one, and the

statistics aren't good. My mom died of it....I forget what kind...she did

chemo, and it wrecked her. I think...find out the statistical chance she

would have with chemo...sometimes they experiment on them you know.

Sometimes chemo works, but sometimes ti wrecks you. If the doctors are

saying 2 to 4 months to live, then they can't really help her with their

chemo or whatever. I know someone whose uncle was given short time to live

and he lived for 4 years doing Chinese medicine. Check out Dr. Zhang's web

site...he has success treating hepatitis...he treats cancer also...he is in

New York and has web site. They gave my mom platinum...she lost her hearing

and eyesight...but she was dying...cancer spread to her liver, and she was

gone within 4 days. My mom smoked for many years, quit at 52, died at 60.

They experimented on her with experimental drugs...they zapped all her

energy...horrible...But check on the statistics...I wish I could suggest

something...I don't know what to say for cancer, as I'm struggling with hep

myself, but I'm doing acupuncture and herbs with a Chinese TCM with good

results, improved energy, liver function, etc. I don't know about cancer

right now. I would look up Naturopathic doctors an D.O.s on the web, contact

as many of them as you can, and ask them for advice. Contact the alternative

wellness clinics...there must be some that have web sites...do a search on

the web...find cancer email groups...there might be an alternative one...you

can find out how different people fared on alternative treatments versus

traditional. You gotta do some fast research...the web is great for

that....contact everybody you can....

I was going to one for ozone. But the results were slow. My enzymes

lowered. But it sure didn't lower my viral load...or cure me. The Chinese

medicine got rid of back pain, chronic fatigue, and many things. If she does

do chemo, she can do chinese medicine to deal with the side

effects....Acupuncture is good...Fell on tailbone and pain cured after 3

acupuncture treatments...also heel spur in foot is gone...fatigue is

gone...after treatments for just udner 2 months, twice a week with Chinese

TCM doctor.

Good luck. Hang in there. I know how difficult this is....

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Doctors that use 714X, per Burton Goldberg's book " Alternative Medicine

Definitive Guide go Cancer " include:




Etienne Callebout

London, England


fax 44-171-467-8312


in Mexico, but Chula Vista contact number is 888-422-7434

(not sure if he uses it, but has precautions when using it: ie; when using

714X, don't take Vit E or Vit B12 at the same time)

If you can get this book at a local library or bookstore, it has good info.

If not, let me know an address or fax and I can send you relevant pages on

it. They list top doctors and give info on their therapies.

For a good clinic in Mexico, contact Manner Clinic at 877-676-5000 and tell

the Cancer Cure Foundation referred you for a discount.



Cancer Cure Foundation


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Dusan Stojkovic writes:

After reading all the messages that I have got, my conclusion is that there

has been some misunderstanding about the author of the " Re:PLEASE HELP ME "


Though I have sent this message to the groups, I did not write that message !

I got that message from <mkmz01@...> and as message begins with

" Please send this out to everyone.. " I did it.

I sent it to " " , " oxyplus " , " cures for cancer " .

As I have instructed <mkmz01@...> to join the groups in order

to receive your answers, please send your answers to the groups or directly

to the <mkmz01@...>.

Please, do not send answers to my address <dusan@...>.

I do not have time to forward all your messages to <mkmz01@...>.

Thank you for understanding and for helping to <mkmz01@...>.

Dusan Stojkovic


Here is the original messsge that I have received:



From: mkmz01@...

Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 18:10:35 -0500 (CDT)



X-Mailer: Netcomplete v4.0, from NETCOM On-Line Communications, Inc.

Please send this out to everyone...I NEED YOUR HELP BADLY AND IN A HURRY. MY

MOM HAS BEEN GIVEN 2-4 MONTHS TO LIVE. The doctors have just diagnosed small

cell lung cancer that may have spread to her skull and beyond. She has been

healthy and into herbs and vitamins for years. However, she stated smoking

at 13 and didn't stop until into her 50's she lives in Burbank CA, which

has recently come out as the most toxic/highest cancer rate in entire LA

area. She is being frightened/cooreresed into chemo, but this violatess

everything she has ever believed and she feel forced according to what she

is telling me. Well meaning family members are putting a lot of presure, as

are the doctors, on her. I need facts, figures, test result, studies to help

us support the possition of alternative treatment we have heard wonderful

things about oxygen/ozone therapy out of Germany, but have not been able to

find supporting data. Also about a Dr.Stanislaw Burzinski in houson, Tx, but

the I have been tring to reach the number listed in a book for him, for 3

weeks with only a message promising a speedy cxall back and st6ill nothing.






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Dusan Stojkovic writes:

After reading all the messages that I have got, my conclusion is that there

has been some misunderstanding about the author of the " Re:PLEASE HELP ME "


Though I have sent this message to the groups, I did not write that message !

I got that message from <mkmz01@...> and as message begins with

" Please send this out to everyone.. " I did it.

I sent it to " " , " oxyplus " , " cures for cancer " .

As I have instructed <mkmz01@...> to join the groups in order

to receive your answers, please send your answers to the groups or directly

to the <mkmz01@...>.

Please, do not send answers to my address <dusan@...>.

I do not have time to forward all your messages to <mkmz01@...>.

Thank you for understanding and for helping to <mkmz01@...>.

Dusan Stojkovic


Here is the original messsge that I have received:



From: mkmz01@...

Date: Mon, 3 May 1999 18:10:35 -0500 (CDT)



X-Mailer: Netcomplete v4.0, from NETCOM On-Line Communications, Inc.

Please send this out to everyone...I NEED YOUR HELP BADLY AND IN A HURRY. MY

MOM HAS BEEN GIVEN 2-4 MONTHS TO LIVE. The doctors have just diagnosed small

cell lung cancer that may have spread to her skull and beyond. She has been

healthy and into herbs and vitamins for years. However, she stated smoking

at 13 and didn't stop until into her 50's she lives in Burbank CA, which

has recently come out as the most toxic/highest cancer rate in entire LA

area. She is being frightened/cooreresed into chemo, but this violatess

everything she has ever believed and she feel forced according to what she

is telling me. Well meaning family members are putting a lot of presure, as

are the doctors, on her. I need facts, figures, test result, studies to help

us support the possition of alternative treatment we have heard wonderful

things about oxygen/ozone therapy out of Germany, but have not been able to

find supporting data. Also about a Dr.Stanislaw Burzinski in houson, Tx, but

the I have been tring to reach the number listed in a book for him, for 3

weeks with only a message promising a speedy cxall back and st6ill nothing.





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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

The website for Cancell is: http://www.best.com/~handpen?Cancell/cancell.

I am taking this as a preventative and my husband is taking it to prevent a

recurrence of Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, which he had two years ago. This stuff

works! I live in Michigan where we have a very strong support group. We

personally kow of many people it has helped. Please look into it. Let me

know if you need additional info.




eGroups.com home: cures for cancer

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In addition to the eMail you intended for Rodney, I also received the message


I told you I live in Clinton Twp. but failed to give you my eMail address.

It is hcfrancala@.... I also failed to mention that I was going to try

Dr. ph Gold's regimen, namely hydrazine sulfate. I have some but have

not started it yet.

Another consideration is the program offered by Genesis Laboratories located

in Warren, MI but I have not been in contact with them yet.

<<In a message dated 6/6/99 10:21:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

MSUMMERS11@... writes:

<< Subj: Re: Re:PLEASE HELP ME

Date: 6/6/99 10:21:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time

From: MSUMMERS11@...

Reply-to: cures for canceregroups

cures for canceregroups

The website for Cancell is: http://www.best.com/~handpen?Cancell/cancell.

I am taking this as a preventative and my husband is taking it to prevent a

recurrence of Non-Hodgkins lymphoma, which he had two years ago. This stuff

works! I live in Michigan where we have a very strong support group. We

personally kow of many people it has helped. Please look into it. Let me

know if you need additional info.




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  • 7 months later...

Hang tough girl. Get to the doctor and get on the right meds and then go

directly to cognitive therapy. Do not do anything else. Do not stop, do not

get distracted from your goal. And most importantly PRAY. Pray like you have

never prayed in your life. God bless you. Sue

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What a miserable day you have had! Take a deep breath, perhaps have a nap,

and start again. There isnt much else I can suggest to you, you understand

what you need to do.

I would like to suggest that you join a list which may be helpful to you:


CONTACT: Dana Zellers - dana@...

SUBSCRIBE: /subscribe/OCDSupport

PURPOSE: Extended support community for ocd sufferers

MEMBERSHIP: Individuals with OCD

DESCRIPTION: This list provides a support environment for those

suffering from OCD. Postings can range in topic from symptoms to

strategies, or any other OCD-related support area needed. Can be

used in conjuction with the OCD-L list. Please, only those suffering

from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) are asked to join.


wendy in canada


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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Dear Liz,

Feelings aren't fact. Feelings will pass. Say an affirmation " My life is

unfolding as it should " . You're getting " flooded " right now, take a deep


try and detach and let it float by. This WILL pass and you ARE okay. The

feeling that nothing is ever right is just a feeling. Feelings aren't fact.

Feelings will pass. Hold on. Write more if you need to. You are okay.

Love and Peace

Dana in NC

CHeErGaL02@... wrote:

> From: CHeErGaL02@...


> Hi. Well, I have never really written to the list when I am upset, but here

> goes. My OCD is getting out of hand and I don't know what to do. I am so

> depressed and anxious, and miserable, and I can't stand it anymore. Today, I

> bitched out the social worker that helps me because she wouldn't help me with

> a ritual. Then I left a message for her two hours ago, but she hasn't called

> back. Oh my gosh! OK, well, I don't know what to do. Do any of you have any

> ideas? Right now I am so depressed, and so so so very sick of my life, and

> how nothing is ever right. Today, I wrote a paragraph over 4 times, and I

> handed it in, feeling like it is horrible. I hope someone has an idea for me.

> Thanks.

> -Liz


> ---------------------------

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In a message dated 1/28/00 1:27:49 AM !!!First Boot!!!, PWe2904102@...


<< Hang tough girl. Get to the doctor and get on the right meds and then go

directly to cognitive therapy. Do not do anything else. Do not stop, do


get distracted from your goal. And most importantly PRAY. Pray like you


never prayed in your life. God bless you. Sue


I'm trying. I am supposed to go to therapy tomorrow, but I was going to have

my mom cancel it. I guess I should go, though. Thanks for responding! I am

going to pray.


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Hi Liz:

It sounds like your OCD is going through a waxing phase right now. How I

help my son when this happens for him is first we say that things seem like

they are a bit rough right now and that soon the waning phase will come and

things will be easier. Then we look at getting some exercise going, a

walk, a hike, a run, hitting wiffle ball, pulling weeds.

Others have written about the HALTE approach, the E is the exercise part.

I usually check this first before the hungry, anxious, lonely and tired


If you recognize these worries and emotions are OCD sending error messages

with your brain and not the real you this can help with your feelings of

depression and upset. It is time to treat yourself and remember how

precious you are and how you need TLC even more than usual right now.

Reward yourself with one fun thing every day, this can be very simple,

sitting outdoors with the sun on your face, picking a fragrant flower and

sniffing it a while, petting a cat, etc.

Please write again and let us know how you are doing. This is a good time

to call your p-doc and see if a medication adjustment is in order. Take

care, aloha, kathy (H)


At 05:57 PM 01/27/2000 EST, you wrote:

>From: CHeErGaL02@...


>Hi. Well, I have never really written to the list when I am upset, but here

>goes. My OCD is getting out of hand and I don't know what to do. I am so

>depressed and anxious, and miserable, and I can't stand it anymore. Today, I

>bitched out the social worker that helps me because she wouldn't help me


>a ritual. Then I left a message for her two hours ago, but she hasn't called

>back. Oh my gosh! OK, well, I don't know what to do. Do any of you have any

>ideas? Right now I am so depressed, and so so so very sick of my life, and

>how nothing is ever right. Today, I wrote a paragraph over 4 times, and I

>handed it in, feeling like it is horrible. I hope someone has an idea for






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Please do not cancel your therapy appointment. Can you talk to your Mom

and let her know how upset you are? If not, please call a crisis hotline

to discuss your feelings. While prayer is useful, it sounds like you need

some outside help and support. Do you have another adult (teacher,

minister, aunt, grandparent) that you can talk to? Please, please get some

help. You don't need to go through this feeling all alone. There are

medications that can change your life. But you need to reach out.


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In a message dated 1/28/00 8:33:42 AM !!!First Boot!!!, kathyh@...



Hi Liz:

It sounds like your OCD is going through a waxing phase right now. How I

help my son when this happens for him is first we say that things seem like

they are a bit rough right now and that soon the waning phase will come and

things will be easier. Then we look at getting some exercise going, a

walk, a hike, a run, hitting wiffle ball, pulling weeds.

Others have written about the HALTE approach, the E is the exercise part.

I usually check this first before the hungry, anxious, lonely and tired


If you recognize these worries and emotions are OCD sending error messages

with your brain and not the real you this can help with your feelings of

depression and upset. It is time to treat yourself and remember how

precious you are and how you need TLC even more than usual right now.

Reward yourself with one fun thing every day, this can be very simple,

sitting outdoors with the sun on your face, picking a fragrant flower and

sniffing it a while, petting a cat, etc.

Please write again and let us know how you are doing. This is a good time

to call your p-doc and see if a medication adjustment is in order. Take

care, aloha, kathy (H)

kathyh@... >>

Thanks for responding. You had some good advice. I have another question. I

know that this is a list for parents of kids with OCD, and I am a kid with

OCD. I just would like to know how you help your kids deal with it at school,

and stuff? Thanks!


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In a message dated 1/28/00 4:36:08 PM !!!First Boot!!!,

j.monnens@... writes:



Please do not cancel your therapy appointment. Can you talk to your Mom

and let her know how upset you are? If not, please call a crisis hotline

to discuss your feelings. While prayer is useful, it sounds like you need

some outside help and support. Do you have another adult (teacher,

minister, aunt, grandparent) that you can talk to? Please, please get some

help. You don't need to go through this feeling all alone. There are

medications that can change your life. But you need to reach out.



I am on Paxil, but I guess that it isn't working. I've been on it since

November. My mom called my doctor, and I think that he is going to give me

Buspar, which should help. My mom wouldn't let me cancel my therapy

appointment, and we are leaving in an hour and a half.


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HI Liz:

When Steve was very sick with his OCD we did not send him to school as it

was too much. As he started to get better we sent him back to school but

negotiated accommodations with the school through the " 504 " process which

can protect children and teens with OCD in school.

We also talked to his teachers, counselor and administrators about his OCD

and how it might affect his schoolwork. We had to work hard on regular

communication with the school about what was going on re: homework,

interactions with teachers and other classmates, OCD symptoms interfering

with school, etc. This we did with a dog-tag system with the teachers and

us signing off on it every day.

What kinds of things at school would you like to get help with?

We explained to the teachers how hard dealing with teasing was for Steve,

and how he might need to take a time out and leave the classroom and go to

a safe place. As he got better, we asked the teachers to treat him just

like the other kids pretty much no matter what. We still ask them to

communicate regularly with us about how he is doing.

Another thing that helped was to get Steve's CBT therapist to come and talk

to the teachers and administrators at the school. This way they accepted

there really was something the matter, otherwise Steve was very good at

hiding his problems with OCD. After struggling to keep his OCD under wraps

at school all day he would be very tired and come home in a really crabby

condition and just fall apart.

A lot of the time we encourage Steve about how well he has learned to

" boss " OCD around. This helps him keep determined to control his OCD in

the ways he has learned through CBT. Sometimes we have to remind him

something is OCD, because it just sneaks up on him and seems nothing

unusual. IT really helped us to learn a lot about OCD and how to help

Steve, there is a lot a family can do to help their beloved OCDer. Take

care, aloha, Kathy (H)


You wrote:

>Thanks for responding. You had some good advice. I have another question. I

>know that this is a list for parents of kids with OCD, and I am a kid with

>OCD. I just would like to know how you help your kids deal with it at


>and stuff? Thanks!


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I just got a 504, and so far it has been working out pretty well. I just get

so stressed at school, because I want to go to Cornell for college, and it is

so hard to get in! I am such a perfectionist. It drives me crazy! I am in all

advanced classes, and I have a B in Advanced Chemistry and it making me feel



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In a message dated 1/29/00 10:58:58 PM !!!First Boot!!!, kathyh@...



HI Liz:

Very good job dealing with the anxiety with your B. If you can, try to

think of it as some exposure therapy. My son, Steve, also has these

problems with perfectionism. I think the meds and CBT have really helped a

lot - he is not nearly as worried about good grades as he was.

We feel very guilty because we are very grade-oriented parents and have

been feeding his OCD for years! He is always pleased when he does well and

we say a B represents the balance in his life.

That is great that the 504 is working well. Would you share with us what

accommodations you find most useful? Take care, aloha, Kathy H)

kathyh@... >>

Let's see. One of the best accommodations is not having to use the scantron

sheets for tests. I get so stuck with the circles, and it is simply to hard.

SAT and ACT may let me have accommodations, which will really help my scores.

If I need to, I will also get more time on tests, but I don't need that

often, if I don't have to use the scantron thing. I also need to be limited

on my work, because I do too much, in efforts to please the teacher. My 504

says I can go to the counselor if I need to, but lately it has become a

problem, because I go too much. It is like a compulsion now, and if no one

can talk to me, I get angry.


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HI Liz:

Very good job dealing with the anxiety with your B. If you can, try to

think of it as some exposure therapy. My son, Steve, also has these

problems with perfectionism. I think the meds and CBT have really helped a

lot - he is not nearly as worried about good grades as he was.

We feel very guilty because we are very grade-oriented parents and have

been feeding his OCD for years! He is always pleased when he does well and

we say a B represents the balance in his life.

That is great that the 504 is working well. Would you share with us what

accommodations you find most useful? Take care, aloha, Kathy H)


At 09:00 AM 01/29/2000 EST, you wrote:

>From: CHeErGaL02@...


>I just got a 504, and so far it has been working out pretty well. I just get

>so stressed at school, because I want to go to Cornell for college, and it


>so hard to get in! I am such a perfectionist. It drives me crazy! I am in


>advanced classes, and I have a B in Advanced Chemistry and it making me feel



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HI Liz:

Sounds like you need to change your 504 to limit the number of visits you

can have to the counselor. Perhaps your CBT therapist can suggest some

graduated exposures along this line.

Thanks for sharing your accommodations, this really helps us parents know

what to ask for for our kids. Steve was in a school of over 900 kids and

they told me he was the first case of OCD they ever had!!!!! We had to

research a lot to come up with accommodations, Steve really got into the

re-reading more than the re-writing stuff. Doing things on the computer

has helped him a lot.

What do you find helps when you get angry because people won't participate

in your OCD? For us humor (mostly paradoxical therapy) was the most

helpful, it really seemed to diffuse the anger faster than distraction or

us calmly applying consequences. Good luck, take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 06:13 PM 01/29/2000 EST, you wrote:

>From: CHeErGaL02@...


>In a message dated 1/29/00 10:58:58 PM !!!First Boot!!!, kathyh@...




> HI Liz:


> Very good job dealing with the anxiety with your B. If you can, try to

> think of it as some exposure therapy. My son, Steve, also has these

> problems with perfectionism. I think the meds and CBT have really helped a

> lot - he is not nearly as worried about good grades as he was.


> We feel very guilty because we are very grade-oriented parents and have

> been feeding his OCD for years! He is always pleased when he does well and

> we say a B represents the balance in his life.


> That is great that the 504 is working well. Would you share with us what

> accommodations you find most useful? Take care, aloha, Kathy H)

> kathyh@... >>


>Let's see. One of the best accommodations is not having to use the scantron

>sheets for tests. I get so stuck with the circles, and it is simply to hard.

>SAT and ACT may let me have accommodations, which will really help my


>If I need to, I will also get more time on tests, but I don't need that

>often, if I don't have to use the scantron thing. I also need to be limited

>on my work, because I do too much, in efforts to please the teacher. My 504

>says I can go to the counselor if I need to, but lately it has become a

>problem, because I go too much. It is like a compulsion now, and if no one

>can talk to me, I get angry.




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In a message dated 1/29/00 11:54:04 PM !!!First Boot!!!, kathyh@...



HI Liz:

Sounds like you need to change your 504 to limit the number of visits you

can have to the counselor. Perhaps your CBT therapist can suggest some

graduated exposures along this line.

Thanks for sharing your accommodations, this really helps us parents know

what to ask for for our kids. Steve was in a school of over 900 kids and

they told me he was the first case of OCD they ever had!!!!! We had to

research a lot to come up with accommodations, Steve really got into the

re-reading more than the re-writing stuff. Doing things on the computer

has helped him a lot.

What do you find helps when you get angry because people won't participate

in your OCD? For us humor (mostly paradoxical therapy) was the most

helpful, it really seemed to diffuse the anger faster than distraction or

us calmly applying consequences. Good luck, take care, aloha, Kathy (H)



We are going to limit my visits to the counselor to once a week. Next year, I

am going to a new high school that won't have a social worker, so I have to

learn how deal with things now. The scary thing is, I'm always going to

remember my Sophomore year as one of the worst times of my OCD in my life.

Next year, I have to get myself on track, because Junior year is the most

important year for college. I have gotten really good grades though. I have a

4.2, but that is probably because I am a perfectionist. I don't have a CBT.

Is there a difference between that and a regular therapist? I do have a

regular therapist. When I get angry because someone won't fulfill my

rituals, it helps to just talk. I talk to my mom, or whoever is there.


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In a message dated 1/31/00 8:16:49 PM !!!First Boot!!!, kathyh@...



HI Liz:

Sounds like you are on the right track with limiting counselor visits. You

are doing an excellent job right now in your sophomore year of learning to

boss back your OCD with this E & RP. Perhaps the memory of your " scary " year

will help to keep you motivated in the future as it will remind you of how

far you have come and that you do not wish to return there.

Yes, in our experience there is a massive difference between a CBT

therapist and a therapist using the typical form of psychotherapy, or " talk

therapy " . Talk therapy can be very helpful for some of the comorbid

disorders but has shown very little efficacy for OCD in scientific studies.

CBT therapists, particularly those trained in exposure and response

prevention techniques, are the kind who can help the most with OCD. In

fact, talk therapy can even be counterproductive as it encourages OCDers to

find the hidden meaning behind their obsessions. This can become a

compulsion in itself and inadvertently worsen the OCD. One of the amazing

things about OCD is that you don't need to know how it is caused or what

might be behind the symptoms to treat them successfully.

Some OCDers have a compulsion to confess about their OCD and this can be

reinforced in talk therapy. At first it feels good but actually it worsens

the OCD in the long run. Treating OCD through CBT is all about learning to

live with uncertainty. This is a hard thing to do, but very rewarding for

those willing to risk it. Take care, good luck, aloha, Kathy (H)



Oh, living with uncertainty is one of my biggest issues. I simply cannot

handle the unknown, and drive myself crazy with my speculations. I try to

tell myself that there is no way of knowing what will happen in the future,

and knowing what other people think of me. I think that I also have a

control problem, because I had an abusive father. I was always doing what I

was told, and now I rebel from that.


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HI Liz:

Sounds like you are on the right track with limiting counselor visits. You

are doing an excellent job right now in your sophomore year of learning to

boss back your OCD with this E & RP. Perhaps the memory of your " scary " year

will help to keep you motivated in the future as it will remind you of how

far you have come and that you do not wish to return there.

Yes, in our experience there is a massive difference between a CBT

therapist and a therapist using the typical form of psychotherapy, or " talk

therapy " . Talk therapy can be very helpful for some of the comorbid

disorders but has shown very little efficacy for OCD in scientific studies.

CBT therapists, particularly those trained in exposure and response

prevention techniques, are the kind who can help the most with OCD. In

fact, talk therapy can even be counterproductive as it encourages OCDers to

find the hidden meaning behind their obsessions. This can become a

compulsion in itself and inadvertently worsen the OCD. One of the amazing

things about OCD is that you don't need to know how it is caused or what

might be behind the symptoms to treat them successfully.

Some OCDers have a compulsion to confess about their OCD and this can be

reinforced in talk therapy. At first it feels good but actually it worsens

the OCD in the long run. Treating OCD through CBT is all about learning to

live with uncertainty. This is a hard thing to do, but very rewarding for

those willing to risk it. Take care, good luck, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 08:52 AM 01/30/2000 -0500, you wrote:

>From: CHeErGaL02@...


We are going to limit my visits to the counselor to once a week. Next year, I

>am going to a new high school that won't have a social worker, so I have to

>learn how deal with things now. The scary thing is, I'm always going to

>remember my Sophomore year as one of the worst times of my OCD in my life.

>Next year, I have to get myself on track, because Junior year is the most

>important year for college. I have gotten really good grades though. I

have a

>4.2, but that is probably because I am a perfectionist. I don't have a CBT.

>Is there a difference between that and a regular therapist? I do have a

>regular therapist. When I get angry because someone won't fulfill my

>rituals, it helps to just talk. I talk to my mom, or whoever is there.


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HI Liz:

Learning how to live with uncertainty (a very tough assignment) is what

controlling OCD is all about. Good luck, take care, aloha, Kathy (h)


At 03:26 PM 01/31/2000 -0500, you wrote:

>From: CHeErGaL02@...

>Oh, living with uncertainty is one of my biggest issues. I simply cannot

>handle the unknown, and drive myself crazy with my speculations. I try to

>tell myself that there is no way of knowing what will happen in the future,

>and knowing what other people think of me. I think that I also have a

>control problem, because I had an abusive father. I was always doing what I

>was told, and now I rebel from that.


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