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swedish bitters and thanks

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swedish bitters sounds like such a great idea as i do not like any of the bitter veggies. can't even swallow them. at times when i do decide to buy them, they just stay in the fridge until they rot. can u tell me the amount to use? also, with the panther piss, i discontinued using it, due to another opinion on this group of the detriments of molasses...gets so confusing, and since i depend on this group for my health education...anyway, if u have any other suggestions, i'm always watching. between u, suzi, don (who i miss) and others i am so thankful. only a year ago, i had gallstones, high blood pressure and diabetes. now, gallstones are gone, hbp normal, and diabetes greately improved.

thank u so much, diana


A very simple thing would be to add some Swedish bitters to every meal. That can cure a whole lot of complex weirdness. I find it quite valuable as most Americans don't get anywhere near enough bitter flavor to trigger the body's digestive enzymes properly. She might want to think about going on panther piss daily also. That does things to adjust body ph in addition to load a ton of nutrients into you. I like mine in water with some cayenne pepper in there, that's my morning get up and go drink.

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