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, here's the candida article for you that I said I would post

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Candida: An In-Home Anti-Fungal Program

When you want to fight candida and eliminate the fungus-like yeast, you have to

address it with a variety of weapons. Certainly friendly bacteria is one of

those weapons, but the trick is in how much you take. A good anti candida

program is to spend 2 to 3 weeks taking all the right supplements in large

quantities. Here's the program:

• Start by taking small quantities of acidophilus (http://tinyurl.com/24ajq)

and bifidus (http://tinyurl.com/26rur). One of each for a few days, then 2 of

each, and so on. Take your probiotics with a glass of water first thing in the

a.m. on an empty stomach. Get to 10 of each, then add one spectrabiotic

(http://tinyurl.com/6gzqa). I would suggest opening all the capsules, pour the

powder on a tablespoon and swallow it with water (unless you don't mind all

these capsules going into your body – that's a lot of capsules!). Build up to

10 acidophilus, 10 bifidus and 10 spectrabiotic a day. Stay at that level for 2

weeks and then start decreasing the amounts until you get to what is comfortable

for you to take daily and maintain your health. For example, I personally take

3 each of these probiotics a day.

• When you start taking 10 of each of the friendly bacteria every day, start

taking fresh organic garlic every day.

Some call garlic the ultimate antibacterial, antifungal and anti-viral medicinal

food. Garlic is recommended in this nutritional program for its healing

properties with candida. Garlic is best used fresh. Raw organic garlic

destroys bacteria, boosts immune function and may help prevent cancer.

Garlic is high in sulfur, which is one of the most important minerals needed by

your body to do its detoxification work.

To maximize garlic's superlative antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-parasitical

activity, use it in the following way: Before going to sleep at night, finely

chop 1 to 2 cloves of garlic. Put the chopped garlic on a tablespoon and

swallow it with water. Do not chew it. There will be absolutely no garlic odor

on your breath if you do not chew the garlic.

Your first bowel movement after starting will have a garlic odor. This is a

wonderful sign that this superfood was active in your GI tract while you were

sleeping and regenerating. Garlic tirelessly patrols your intestinal tract all

night long, as a " toxic-garbage cop " helping to neutralize, dismantle, and

eliminate bacteria, viruses, parasites and carcinogens. "

Build up to 3 cloves every night. Do not eat raw garlic more than 2 weeks in a


• You need to get to the level of 10 each of acidophilus, bifidus,

spectrabiotic, and 3 cloves of garlic - stay at this level for at least 2 weeks.

Candida should no longer be a problem.

You can then reduce everything and drop amounts slowly until you get down to 5

of each and no garlic after 3 to 4 weeks, then drop the amounts further to 3 of

each and you should stay at these levels of friendly bacteria.

• Drink this tea once a day:

" The following sweet herbs can be used daily as support for the intestinal

tract. In the initial stages of this healing process, I recommend that you use

this tea once or twice a day for the first three months.

The ingredients for the tea are anise, caraway and fennel seeds, and ginger.

Take a heaping teaspoon of each of the different seeds and add water to make a

cup of tea. Slice two or three thin pieces of organic fresh ginger. Bring to a

boil and continue to boil for 5 minutes. This tea is very calming to the

stomach, especially if you are going through any uncomfortable detoxification

symptoms. It reduces gas, nausea and bloating. Ginger is known to be a very

strong antibacterial and antifungal agent. "

• High quality fiber is important in the fight against candida. Research

has shown the health benefits of a diet high in fiber. They include regularity,

lower cholesterol, protection against certain forms of cancer, and stabilized

blood sugar levels.

To maintain intestinal hygiene, you need about 35 to 40 grams of different fiber

sources everyday (e.g., bran, cellulose, lignin, pectin, etc.), all found in

different organically grown, ripe seasonal fruit, whole grains, and colorful

vegetables. Eating these foods provides the added fiber that will bulk up in

your intestines, gently sweeping the colon clean of extra estrogen, hormones,

toxins, waste debris of cellular metabolism and soak up excess cholesterol. Do

not try to " mega-dose " on one type of fiber, like oat bran, as you need each

(all) of the different basic fibers for proper bowel cleansing.

The following foods are particularly known to add to the healthy condition of

your intestine, specifically because of their fiber content: Flax seed, also

known for its anti-harmful bacteria properties, prunes, mangos and coconut meat.

• Virgin coconut oil: One of the most amazing aspects of coconut oil is its

ability to fight infections. When coconut oil is consumed, the body transforms

its unique fatty acids into powerful anti microbial powerhouses capable of

defeating some of the most notorious disease-causing microorganisms. Even the

super germs are vulnerable to these lifesaving coconut derivatives. Coconut oil

is, in essence, a natural anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal, and anti

protozoal food.

Coconut oil's anti microbial effects come from its unique composition of medium

chain fatty acids (MCFA). Coconut oil is composed of 48 percent lauric acid, 7

percent capric acid, 8 percent caprylic acid, and .5 percent carproic acid.

These medium-chain fatty acids give coconut oil its amazing anti microbial

properties and are generally absent from all other vegetables and animal oils

with the exception of butter.

MCFA are natural substances the body knows how to use for its benefit. They are

harmless to us while they are deadly to certain microorganisms. For example,

most bacteria and viruses are encased in a coat of lipids (fats). The fatty

acids that make up this outer membrane or skin hold together the organism's DNA.

Lipid coated viruses and bacteria are easily killed by MCFA, which primarily

destroy these organisms by disrupting their lipid membranes. MCFA, being

similar to those in the micro-organisms' membrane, are easily attracted to and

absorbed into it. Unlike the other fatty acids in the membrane, MCFA are much

smaller and, therefore, weaken the already nearly fluid membrane to such a

degree that it disintegrates. The membrane literally splits open, spilling its

insides and killing the organism. Our white blood cells quickly clean up and

dispose of the cellular debris. MCFA kill invading organisms without causing

any known harm to human tissues.

The potential coconut oil has in treating and preventing a wide assortment of

infections is truly astounding, ranging from the flu to life-threatening

conditions such as AIDS.

• Enzyme therapy (http://tinyurl.com/mkwo): Systemic enzyme therapy is used

to reduce inflammation, stimulate the immune system, improve circulation, help

speed tissue repair, bring nutrients to the damaged area, remove waste products,

improve health, strengthen the body as a whole, and build general resistance.

Digestive enzyme therapy is used to improve the digestion of food, reduce stress

on the gastrointestinal mucosa, help maintain normal pH levels, detoxify the

body, and promote the growth of healthy intestinal flora. Digestive enzymes

also serve as replacements for the body's pancreatic enzymes, leaving the

pancreatic enzymes free to perform other functions in the body such as boosting


Take three digestive enzymes on an empty stomach three times a day and three

digestive enzymes with each meal.

• Avoid excess fat in your diet: Excess fat is the culprit in candida, more

than sugar, per se. When fat levels in the blood rise, so does blood sugar,

because excess fat inhibits insulin from performing its function of escorting

sugar out of the bloodstream. The excess fat lines the blood vessel walls, the

cells' insulin receptor sites, the sugar molecules themselves, and the insulin

with a thin coating of fat, thus blocking and inhibiting normal metabolic

activity. Too much sugar in the blood is as life threatening as too little and

can result in serious illness or death. Yeast, or candida, is a constant

presence in the blood; it serves as a life preservation mechanism, blooming when

there is an excess of sugar in the blood stream to bring blood sugar down to a

non-threatening level. When the sugar is distributed and used by the cells of

the body, the yeast quickly dies off as it is supposed to. If fat levels stay

chronically high due to a poor diet, sugar will remain in the bloodstream and

feed the large candida colonies instead of feeding the 18 trillion cells of your

body. Starved for fuel, these cells can no longer metabolize energy, and you

become tired, and feel rundown. Because all carbohydrate, fat, and protein that

we eat is converted to simple sugar (glucose) if it is to be used by the cells

for fuel, the way out of this cycle is to consume less fat. When fat levels

drop, the sugar starts to get processed and distributed again, and the yeast

levels drop because there is no longer excess sugar available.

Our recommendation is to use coconut oil for cooking and no other type of fats

(butter, margarine, olive oil, ....etc.).

• Take 6 to 8 capsules of organic wild-crafted blue green algae

(http://tinyurl.com/g1iz and http://tinyurl.com/iw4k) because of its incredible

nutrient profile, especially the carotenoids family. Carotenoids are potent

antioxidants needed to enhance the health of the digestive system especially the

intestinal lining; and because of the high chlorophyll content, and trace


• Take an antioxidant supplement like Coenzyme Q10 (http://tinyurl.com/f1f7)

- two capsules a day with food. Read the research at the end of the article

about Q10 and Candida.

• Here's a list of foods that feed yeast and that you should avoid, not just

to stop the yeast infections, but to stay healthy forever:

Breads with processed flours (white or brown), pastas from processed flours,

bottled juice (even if the juice was organic, because of pasteurization the

sugar in the juice become processed sugar), wine, beer, and dairy products

(cheese and milk products) because they create mucous that feeds the yeast.

• Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of pure water (not tap water) in between


You might go through candida die-off periods where you are not feeling good

(bloated, congested....etc.). Don't stop the program, because candida will come

back even stronger. These feelings should go away quickly.


Journal: Medical Hypotheses 2001 Nov;57(5):570-2

Title: Does gastrointestinal Candida albicans

prevent ubiquinone absorption?

Authors: Krone CA, Elmer GW, Ely JT, Fudenberg HH,

Thoreson J. Applied Research Institute, PO Box 1925,

Palmerston North, New Zealand. cakrone@...

Ubiquinones (coenzyme Qs (CoQ)) are essential for

oxidative phosphorylation in yeasts and humans,

although the isomers present in each are different.

The human coenzyme Q, CoQ10, is administered orally

for the treatment of heart disease and other

disorders. Some patients, however, require much higher

doses than others to attain a therapeutic CoQ10 blood

level. We propose that one possible explanation for

this variability is Candida colonization of the GI

tract. Many common medical treatments including

antibiotics and anti-hyperchlorhydric agents increase

the risk of GI tract Candida colonization. Subsequent

uptake and utilization of supplemental CoQ10 by the

yeast could diminish availability for the human

subject. Data from one patient and an in vitro pilot

study using two pathogenic strains of C. albicans

support this hypothesis. If C. albicans in the GI

tract can hinder availability and interfere with

therapeutic effects of CoQ10, it could be of clinical

significance for large numbers of patients.

Copyright 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.

PMID: 11735312 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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