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Re: Re: Fermented foods..

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I think Wil actually markets a neat, new product that is comprised of *only*

fermented stuff.. Wil, what is it please, to help me/us navigate on your

website? (Thanks!) [bodyelectrician.com btw..]

...And btw, now am on the MMS/AOT (Wil markets as AOT: Advanced Oxygen Therapy),

I am saving in products no longer need about $1600/year.. AND I get to eat small

amounts of fruit again after YEARS of abstaining AND can now eat again, my

wonderful home-cultured milk and veges!! AND I no longer need the air purifiers

on that I have needed for 6.5 years and 24/7!! AMAZING!!! I am literally getting

my LIFE BACK after a decade of hell with the *^ & $^ systemic gut fungus!!! 

(The MMS/AOT kills pathogens, boosts immunity, chelates heavy metals and

restores balance through oxidation.. Amazing!!!!!)

(My daughter takes it too--and even my 2.5 year old grandson gets 1 drop/day of

it! :>)

Hope this helps! (Thanks for all Y'ALL'S kind and good advice!!! :>)Louise

From: Sharon <hotmocha@...>

Subject: Re: Enzymes


Date: Friday, March 4, 2011, 10:50 AM

I agree with Wil on this subject with one exception that wasn't mentioned.  If

the superfoods are fermented the body will love them.  I've worked with

fermented superfoods for years and people just get a healthy glow from them. 

The skin improves and obviously the digestion too.  I met Donna Gates (after she

was on a plane from Japan and hadn't slept in a day!) and she really looked

amazing for someone over 60.  Almost any food that's fermented becomes a

superfood and helps heal the gut.  This is what kept people in cold climates

alive for centuries. 

" Superfoods " that are just dried and powdered foods really don't benefit the

body at all unless a body is really, really starving for nutrition it could have

a short term benefit.  Also people with bipolar and some other brain issues can

benefit from isolated nutrients since their brains burn them up in such

quantities they'd need to eat bushel baskets worth of food daily to get those

nutrients.  Of course they should be using energy medicine as well to get this

situation balanced.

Sharon Hoehner



> From: Wil Spencer <wilspencer@...>

> Subject: Re: re: Enzymes

> candidiasis

> Date: Thursday, March 3, 2011, 10:54 PM


> I have found is extremely important to use enzyme supplementation to get the

> body to regain the knowledge of how to create them again like in the case of

> lactose intolerance.

> I use high amounts of enzymes to help people recover and heal faster, for

> example of kidney issues I have had excellent results with high amounts of



> Wil Spencer  VMSP, Naturopath, author, researcher

> www.bodyelectrician.com


> ________________________________

> From: Everett <louise_everet93@...>

> candida group <candidiasis >

> Sent: Thu, March 3, 2011 10:11:10 PM

> Subject: Re: re: Enzymes



> Question: Will the body produce more of them, only needing a " jump start " with

> enzyme supplementation, OR: does supplementation and especially mega-dosing on

> enzymes, even high-quality ones, INHIBIT the body's ability to produce them on

> its own?

> [i know that with age we need more anyway; but can too many, again, stop the

> body from producing its own?]


> If anyone can address this question, I would appreciate it!Thanks in

> advance!Louise



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