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Re: A Few Questions...

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Kate wrote:

> This is really an amazing site!

==>Thank you Kate. I'm glad you are getting a lot from our

information. Educating yourself is so important.


> I have been battling with yeast problems all my life but mostly

> dealing with it aggressively (or as aggressively as I can at this

> time) for the past few months. IT is a real chore and frustration

> trying to sort out all the propaganda from the truth, the people

> trying to sell something, and even the contradictions among well

> meaning individuals.

==>I agree there is a lot of propaganda and false information to sort

through in order to find the truth. We are not necessarily perfect

on this group, but we " try " . I always weigh every piece of

information against what the body is trying to do to heal itself, and

I trully believe our bodies have miraculous healing powers.

> So...this seems like about the best site I have come across. I have

> to say that I am overwhelmed with so much information from the past

> few months of searching so maybe I can get a bit of clarification

> here.

==>So much information can be very overwhelming. Do take one step at

a time, in learning, and when changing anything.

> First...I just received some kefir grains a few days ago and have

> been culturing kefir and just strated my third batch. But I read

> here, a posting from Bee, that it is not recommended at the early

> stages of getting rid of yeast.

==>It is better not to have kefir or yogurt until you have progressed

far enough to tolerate them better.

>Although I have been trying many things I still feel I am in the

early stages because I can only do this halfway at this time for many

reasons. I can't access most of the products I have heard mentioned

here. I also can't avoid things as easily because of language

barriers etc.

==>You are in a tough situation, so you can only do what you can do.

Do remember that even though the recommendations are for high quality

foods, i.e. grass-fed beef, organic or certified organic vegetables,

and free-range eggs, etc., I cured my candida while on welfare back

in the mid 1980s and couldn't afford such foods. The key is to buy

unprocessed foods that are as fresh as possible. Fresh vegetables

and meats at the market are fine. The key to the diet is to cut out

all sugars, bad oils, soy, processed foods, grains, beans, nuts and

seeds and get good saturated fats.

> Second...I have heard many great things about coconut oil but can't

> get it here. I had some from Thailand that I used on my skin and it

> is almost all gone now but none I can eat or cook with. So I did

eat > real coconuts for a couple of days hoping that even if I can't

get > pure virgin coconut oil that this would be better than nothing.

The > quality of the coconuts here is somewhat random.

==>Go easy on eating coconut meat because it contains sugar that the

oil doesn't. You can get saturated fats from butter, lard and other

animal fats if you can't get coconut oil.

> Before I got the kefir I was eating yogurt here but it is hard to

> find any with no sugar.

==>The only way to have kefir or yogurt are homemade.

> I have recently been thrown into all of this for a lot of reasons

but mainly because I had to be on antibiotics a couple of months ago

and my yeast got really bad at that time. I decided I should do

someting about it. Since then I feel like I have been grasping at

many different things. I seem to be getting a lot die off symptoms

but can't tell for sure what is die off, what is just the yeast

infection being out of control, and what is maybe just me being run

down. I feel wretched! Rashes, a bladder infection (which I fought

off with cranberries and cranberry juice), very achy muscles, a very

foggy head and light headedness etc etc.

==>It is very difficult to sort out symptoms as to what are " die-off "

reactions and what are caused by the yeast overgrowing. You can rest

assured that when you are following the entire diet your symptoms

will be mainly " die-off " . Well done on handling your bladder

infection with cranberries!


> Anyhow...any information would be greatly appreciated. I guess my

> overall concern is that I keep hearing this focus on " it must be

> natural " or " it has to be grain fed beef " or something like

> that...it is really difficult to be that particular for me at this

> time. IS halfway better than doing nothing?

==>Like I said above you can cure your candida without " having to "

get organic, certified organic, grass-fed, free-range, etc.

foods. :) I did! It wouldn't be halfway either. The " wholeway " is

ensuring you cut out certain foods, and increase your animal meats

and saturated fats, from unprocessed fresh meats and vegetables.


> I have taken some probiotics I got from a health food store here

> (the only one I have found that even resembles such a thing) but

the > lady who worked there spoke little English and the package was

in > Korean so I really am only partially sure of what I was getting.

I > also ate coconuts, have tried to limit as much sugar and bread

out > of my diet. I still eat rice which is hard to eliminate...but I

can > if I have to. I have been eating yogurt and now kefir. I have

> avoided most other dairy products.

==>You are on the right track Kate, but maybe wait until you get the

diet down pat before trying to add probiotics. Do the candida

program recommended one step at a time: 1) diet & recommended

supplements, 2) antifungals, and 3) probiotics. When you are ready

for probiotics it is so easy to make cabbage rejuvelac. But do cut

out eating rice. Eating more " good " saturated fats will supply you

with plenty of energy and make you feel more satiated and less hungry

as well.

Kate, we are here to help you get your health back. Please keep us

posted on how you are doing and what you are able to find in foods,


The very best to you my friend,


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--- mccoyrd725 <mccoyrd725@...> wrote:

> This is really an amazing site!

It is, and if you follow the advice, you will steadily

improve. I've been doing it for a year now, and I can

testify to it.

>> I can only do

> this halfway at this time for many reasons. I can't

> access most of

> the products I have heard mentioned here. I also

> can't avoid things

> as easily because of language barriers etc.

I took a business trip to Bangkok recently and came

back full of symptoms due to language problems. I

would ask for things without soy, sugar, or wheat, but

what I got back was another story entirely. Good luck.

You might think about making some -- and I know this

sounds stupid -- but flashcards with what you want or

don't want written on them. Had I been there any

longer, I would have resorted to the same.

> Second...I have heard many great things about

> coconut oil but can't

> get it here.

I live in Mexico City, and it's not available here

either. I order it in 5 gallon tubs from Tropical

Traditions, direct from their website. Their delivery

is amazing, and they get it to you in 3 days. Even if

the shipping is a bit pricey, all in all it's still

cheaper than buying by the quart in US health food

stores. I can't recommend it enough for someone

outside the US. Their site is

<www.tropicaltraditions.com/>. Just make sure you get

the organic kind, not the expeller pressed.

> Before I got the kefir I was eating yogurt here but

> it is hard to

> find any with no sugar.

Don't eat anything with sugar in it, no matter how

desperate you get. You'll end up being really sorry.

> I guess my

> overall concern is that I keep hearing this focus on

> " it must be

> natural " or " it has to be grain fed beef " or

> something like

> that...it is really difficult to be that particular

> for me at this

> time. IS halfway better than doing nothing?

Don't worry about it. I have no access to organic

anything in Mexico, and neither did Bee when she was

curing herself. I have improved incredibly with

conventional products, and as you will see by reading

Bee's story, she cured herself that way.

> I still eat rice which is hard to

> eliminate...but I can

> if I have to.

Don't. You're just feeding the candida. If I can avoid

tortillas in Mexico, you can avoid rice in Korea. :-)

Hope this helps.

Muchos saludos,

Jeanne OTS


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--- Mark Mattoon <moonone2000@...> wrote:

> I was under the impression that expeller pressed was

> good and desirable

> and not related whether the product is organic?

I don't think there's any standardization in terms.

There are some very good, natural, organic expeller

pressed versions.

In the case of Tropical Traditions, they sell two

kinds of organic coconut oil. With one, the coconut

oil is allowed to rise to the top and is skimmed off

in a traditional manner, rather than being extracted

by machinery. The other is an expeller pressed oil,

which goes through a steam process to remove the smell

and taste. I have both. I use the neutral kind for

cooking purposes when I don't want the coconut flavor,

and I use the other for eating directly and putting in

tea and whatnot.


Jeanne OTS


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On Mon, 15 Aug 2005, K LH wrote:

> Bee, Thanks so much for your reply. As I said this is an impressive

> site and you seem to be an hard working person.


> I am confused about a couple of things though.

> First is that you suggested not eating kefir. You said I might not be

> able to tolerate them. I have had no problem with kefir or yogurt that I

> am aware of...but everything is hard to figure out when I am generally

> feeling miserable these days anyway. But..to my knowledge I have had no

> ill effects from the kefir. This is my third day. I really hate to stop

> this for a couple of reasons.

> One is that as I abandon eating some of the negative things I have

> been eating, dairy, pasta, rice, fruit etc. I need to be replacing what

> I was eating with new things. THe other...is that there are only a few

> " good " foods that I can easily access here in Korea...and this currently

> is one of them.

> In addition...if I am killing off yeast in my body...what is taking up

> that void in there....isn't that the time...immediately to make sure the

> void is taken up by some of the good guys in the kefir or something else

> similar.


> I was actually concerned that my bladder infection may have been a

> result of some bad bacteria taking up that void??? (This was the first

> time I had had a bladder infection in about 25 years.)I had a prior

> infection and was on antibiotics and then ended up with bad yeast and

> then started to try to kill off the yeast....this seemed like the time

> to me...to recolonise good bacteria.


> Second is about things like the kimchi (because it has sugar) and the

> whole coconuts vs the coconut oil (because of the sugar in it). As you

> said even halfway effort is better than nothing and it worked for you.

> So...in cases of foods like the coconuts and the kimchi, is it really

> better not to eat them and not get all the good they have to offer

> because of the negative aspects of the sugar? Also...on that note...what

> about coconut milk?


Those of us who have had good results followed Bee's diet strictly for

some time. I was strictly on it for about 6 months, at which time the

number of days I felt " pretty good " outnumbered the days I felt

" terrible " . At that time, I started adding a couple things to the diet.

I found I could tolerate some small amounts of popcorn every once in a


Also, eat what you can find or afford. The meats I can get in the grocery

stores are certainly not as good as range-fed, but I have found them to be

fine. At least they have no nitrates or preservcatives added, as the

pre-packaged ones do.

I've been doing pretty well lately after being on the diet for over a

year. Most of my symptoms are gone and the ones I still have are only

there a small percentage of the time.

I can tolerate a little corn on the cob now and I did have a little

kimchee at a restaurant a while back. But I find that Oriental foods in

this area genrally have some sugar and MSG in them. So I don't make a

habit of eating them. I still try to avoid sugar.

> Also about oils> I have easy access here to Sesame Oil and all kinds of Olive

Oils and have also just purchased Grapeseed Oil. Which do you recommend?


> ON the whole...my eating habits because I have had yeast problems for so

long...were not as terrible as one might think. If I ate a lot of sugar or pasta

or such...I had to stop because it would cause symptoms. At this time I want

more than to just keep it at bay but to get rid of it.


> On that note...one last question (for now) and thanks for your

> patience.

> Candida is a natural part of our flora and a healthy part of our flora.

> We don't want to completely get rid of it, right? Can we go too far in

> this direction?


> Thanks

> Kate


I don't think you can go too far. Candida is normally in a different form

than what candida sufferers have. It's normally in an almost " dormant "

state as a small number of yeast cells. It undergoes a change, though,

becomes a fungus and grows rhizomes. That changed form is what causes the

trouble. The stuff seems to be so tenacious that I doubt you'd ever get

rid of all of the " good " form.


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Thanks. I understand what you were saying now.


On Aug 14, 2005, at 4:51 PM, Jeanne Vaughn wrote:


> I don't think there's any standardization in terms.

> There are some very good, natural, organic expeller

> pressed versions.


> In the case of Tropical Traditions, they sell two

> kinds of organic coconut oil. With one, the coconut

> oil is allowed to rise to the top and is skimmed off

> in a traditional manner, rather than being extracted

> by machinery. The other is an expeller pressed oil,

> which goes through a steam process to remove the smell

> and taste. I have both. I use the neutral kind for

> cooking purposes when I don't want the coconut flavor,

> and I use the other for eating directly and putting in

> tea and whatnot.

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Kate wrote:

> Bee, Thanks so much for your reply. As I said this is an impressive

site and you seem to be an hard working person.

==>Thank you Kate. I try, but I'm not perfect of course.

> I am confused about a couple of things though. First is that you

suggested not eating kefir. You said I might not be able to tolerate

them. I have had no problem with kefir or yogurt that I am aware

of...but everything is hard to figure out when I am generally feeling

miserable these days anyway. But..to my knowledge I have had no ill

effects from the kefir.

==>The reason I say that most candida sufferers cannot tolerate kefir

or yogurt is because of the hundreds of people I have known and

helped, both in this group and in the Candida Support Group I ran,

who did much better once they eliminated kefir and yogurt. I do not

know exactly why that is the case, but the " proof is in the pudding " ,

or so they say. I have often urged people who don't want to give up

their kefir or yogurt to experiment by eliminating them for just 5

days, and providing the rest of their diet is correct, they will see

what affect it has on how they feel. That doesn't mean you have to

give it up for life or anything. It only means that at this point in

your candida program you cannot tolerate it. Later on there will be

a time when you can have without any problems.

This is my third day. I really hate to stop this for a couple of


> One is that as I abandon eating some of the negative things I have

been eating, dairy, pasta, rice, fruit etc. I need to be replacing

what I was eating with new things.

==>I do understand how very difficult it is for you. Increasing your

intake of good saturated fats helps a great deal, as well as

increasing your protein intake to the recommended ratios - gradually

of course - which are the ratios provided in the Optimal Diet -

references are in the files on how to calculate your own ratios.

> In addition...if I am killing off yeast in my body...what is taking

up that void in there....isn't that the time...immediately to make

sure the void is taken up by some of the good guys in the kefir or

something else similar.

==>If you have only recently eliminated dairy (except butter), pasta,

rice, and fruit, you haven't killed off enough yeast to allow proper

implanting of probiotics. There won't be much of a void yet, but it

will come. Next is to start on a good antifungal like raw crushed

garlic or oil of oregano.


> I was actually concerned that my bladder infection may have been a

result of some bad bacteria taking up that void???

==>Your bladder infection is not related to the void in your


> Second is about things like the kimchi (because it has sugar) and

the whole coconuts vs the coconut oil (because of the sugar in it).

As you said even halfway effort is better than nothing and it worked

for you. So...in cases of foods like the coconuts and the kimchi, is

it really better not to eat them and not get all the good they have

to offer because of the negative aspects of the sugar? Also...on that

note...what about coconut milk?

==>Any sugar feeds the candida " big time " and it must be eliminated

in order to get well. Coconut milk also contains sugars, and is

difficult to find one that doesn't contain damaging perservatives.

> Also about oils> I have easy access here to Sesame Oil and all

kinds of Olive Oils and have also just purchased Grapeseed Oil. Which

do you recommend?

==>Extra virgin olive oil is the best. Sesame seed oil is okay if

taken in moderate amounts, but I do not recommend Grapeseed oil. All

of these oils require a balance of omega 6 to 3 because they are high

in omega 6 - taking 3,000 mgs. of fish oils per day will keep them in


> Candida is a natural part of our flora and a healthy part of our

flora. We don't want to completely get rid of it, right? Can we go

too far in this direction?

==>Candida that is not overgrowing is normal in all of the mucus

membranes of the body. It is only intended to overgrow when our body

dies, so it can break it down leaving only the skeleton. So, yes, we

are trying to get rid of the overgrowth only and not completely

trying to get rid of candida. It has a useful purpose in the body in

its normal state. But you cannot go too far in the direction of

killing off candida overgrowth. All overgrowth is abnormal. It

would be impossible to get rid of normal candida.

The best to you,


P.S. Kate, may I please ask that you trim your messages. TIA.

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  • 2 months later...

For the cayenne, my wife and I take 3 in the morning and I take one at lunch time.

For the complete nutrition, we take between three and four a day in the morning. When I take four, I can see a difference in my bowel movements. More substance and a greenish color. Plus my energy level is high.

I have no idea about the peppermint oil, however. Sorry.

Peace, love, laughter

“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”

themainers <themainers@...> wrote:

I finally got capsules for my size 00 capsule maker. The first ones I filled were Cayenne. For that size capsule would you take 1 or 2 a day or am I completely off?Also, can complete nutrition be capsulized and if so how many would you need to take on a daily basis.When you are sick and want to add extra garlic to your diet, can you swallow a whole clove. The thought of eating it raw does not appeal to me a whole lot.For headaches I've read to rub peppermint on your temples. Can you put the essential oil directly on your skin and if not what would be a good carrier oil?Thanks for your help,Barb

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I forgot to add that usually we take our version of complete nutrition in homemade vegitable juice, along with a couple tablespoons of Super Tonic.

Peace, love, laughter

“There can never be enough said of the virtues, dangers, the power of a shared laugh.” <deuteronomy2929@...> wrote:

For the cayenne, my wife and I take 3 in the morning and I take one at lunch time.

For the complete nutrition, we take between three and four a day in the morning. When I take four, I can see a difference in my bowel movements. More substance and a greenish color. Plus my energy level is high.

I have no idea about the peppermint oil, however. Sorry.

Peace, love, laughter

“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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Thank you. I have been putting off taking cayenne while looking for the tincture which we could not find here. It is good to know that we can take the capsules......we can get those.

Kathy L.Angeldestiny's Dream NurseryRomanticsilk CraftsPlease cast your vote for my site on the Top 100www.romanticsilk.comLondon Cage Bird ConnectionLondon_Cage_Bird_Connection/?yguid=192859316

----- Original Message -----



Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 11:41 AM

Subject: Re: A Few Questions...

The cayenne is capsules. I don't use the tincture because it is made with alcohol.

The Nutrition I've taken both ways (HUSH Guido!!). Listed below is in capsules. In my next post after the one you responded to below, I also shared that we take it in our veggie drink as well.

Peace, love, laughter

“Humor results when society says you can't scratch certain things in public, but they itch in public.”angeldestiny <angeldestiny@...> wrote:

Is that the tincture or the capsules?

Kathy L.

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Since answered the cayenne (but you may want to start out with less unless you're used to cayenne) because your stomach is not going to be aware of what is coming (taking capsules). Complete Nutrition - normally 2 tablespoons daily.. so however many capsules it takes to make that amount.I use the oil straight. no carrier oils on a headache. For a child I would probably dilute it with a little carrier oil. On your garlic question... You must either cut/slice open the clove or chew it before swallowing.. You need to release the oils before swallowing. Now you could slice it longways, coat it with oil and insert it up the rectum... It will actually get into your system much faster this way. Suzithemainers <themainers@...> wrote: I finally got capsules for my size 00 capsule maker. The first ones I filled were Cayenne. For that size capsule would you take 1 or 2 a day or am I completely off?Also, can complete nutrition be capsulized and if so how many would you need to take on a daily basis.When you are sick and want to add extra garlic to your diet, can you swallow a whole clove. The thought of eating it raw does not appeal to me a whole lot.For headaches I've read to rub peppermint on your temples. Can you put the essential oil directly on your skin and if not what would be a good carrier oil?

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Just remember that when the sensors in the tongue and mouth send messages to the stomach advising it of what is coming and what it needs to do to prepare for this, . in capsules it does not know what is about to hit..so it could give you a minor problem.. so go with a little and build your stomach up for the cayenne. and Marilyn both eat alot of hot stuff all the time. Suziangeldestiny <angeldestiny@...> wrote: Thank you. I have been putting off taking cayenne while looking for the tincture which we could not find here. It is good to know that we can take the capsules......we can get those.

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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Start with one capsule and see how it goes. Suziangeldestiny <angeldestiny@...> wrote: How much is a little? Kathy L.Angeldestiny's Dream NurseryRomanticsilk CraftsPlease cast your vote for my site on the Top 100www.romanticsilk.comLondon Cage Bird ConnectionLondon_Cage_Bird_Connection/?yguid=192859316 ----- Original Message ----- From: Suzanne health Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2005 7:05 PM Subject: Re: A Few Questions... Just remember that when the sensors in the tongue and mouth send messages to the stomach advising it of what is coming and what it needs to do to prepare for this, . in capsules it does not know what is about to hit..so it could give you a minor problem.. so go with a little and build your stomach up for the cayenne. and Marilyn both eat alot of hot stuff all the

time. Suziangeldestiny <angeldestiny@...> wrote: Thank you. I have been putting off taking cayenne while looking for the tincture which we could not find here. It is good to know that we can take the capsules......we can get those. FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.


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  • 5 years later...

Whoa horse, " all of the information about STD's is false " ? So...AIDS then,

is contracted how exactly? And if you don't believe diseases are

infectious, then how do you explain Small Pox for instance - which caused

the death of an estimated 300-500 million people during the 20th Century?

And are you saying that it's safe to have unprotected sex all the time with

anyone if one considers themselves healthy? I have the utmost respect for

your knowledge about healing foods and nutrients, etc., but this theory that

diseases are not ever infectious and that all info about STD's is false is

difficult (and potentially dangerous) pill to swallow.


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> Whoa horse, " all of the information about STD's is false " ? So...AIDS then, is

contracted how exactly? And if you don't believe diseases are infectious, then

how do you explain Small Pox for instance - which caused the death of an

estimated 300-500 million people during the 20th Century?

> And are you saying that it's safe to have unprotected sex all the time with

anyone if one considers themselves healthy? I have the utmost respect for your

knowledge about healing foods and nutrients, etc., but this theory that

diseases are not ever infectious and that all info about STD's is false is

difficult (and potentially dangerous) pill to swallow.


> Hennie


@@ Hi Hennie,.

While your horse is catching it's breath, let me convey some information that

you can review and take into consideration.

You do not " Catch " Germs, Bacteria or Viruses :

First the Germ Theory is a false concept was which was initiated by Louis

Pasteur in the early 1800s. This misconception is promoted by the medical

industry today for astronomical profit. See below.


Cycle of Life & Disease ( Diagram & Explanation below )


These germs come from inside the body, from " tiny dots " that you can see in the

blood of any living thing, with any microscope. These " tiny dots " themselves,

never die. The cell is not the smallest living thing, these " little dots " are.

These " tiny dots " are called Protits in German and Somatides in French.

If the environment in the body becomes toxic, polluted, or doesn't have the

nutrients it requires to maintain health these " tiny dots " hook together into

long threads and change into the viruses, bacteria and finally the fungi

(candida albicans) that clean up a corpse, if things get that bad.

This is what the bacteria, viruses and germs are there for. They clean up old,

diseased tissues. The germs are not the problem, the conditions, environment

they are in IS.

Reasons 4 Disease :

The main advances in combating disease over 200 years have been better food and

clean drinking water. Improved sanitation, less overcrowded and better living

conditions also contributed. The opposite was responsible for all

disease/illness in the old days. This is also borne out in published peer

reviewed research. Yes, this includes Smallpox too.

SmallPox :

Smallpox was eradicated in reality by three mechanisms, none of which depended

on vaccination for their efficacy: isolation, attenuation and improved living

conditions, particularly nutrition and sanitation.


AiDS :

AIDS is caused by the toxic drugs such as AZT used to treat the infection and/or

is a cumulative result of malnutrition and other environmental and lifestyle

factors. See below link and scroll down to " 14.10 GERM WARFARE - AIDS " .

http://www.policestateplanning.com/chapter_14_.htm - article

AiDs A Hoax - Ten Reasons Why ..... - Video


Hennie, you'll notice the consistency of poor nutrition and/or poor living or

environmental conditions are constantly present in all scenarios.

Therefore, I reiterate if the environment in the body becomes toxic, polluted,

or doesn't have the nutrients it requires to maintain health and the integrity

of the immune system they create bacteria, viruses and germs within the body.

This assists the immune system in cleaning up the body and strengthening its

defense system.

If the immune system is at optimum then the body is unaffected by outside

conditions. I've provided the information from numerous sources. Its up to you

, as everyone, to self educate and make your own deductions.

There is a lot of money in sick, naive people and they're making a killing !

Your Friend in Health,


group moderator

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1 6:10 - For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some

coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through

with many sorrows.

Clearly, money has always been at the forefront for corruption and deceiving


Ed 'clears the air' of the pseudoscience Germ Theory .... I can Only label this

post as Enlightening!

Thank you Ed!


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Ed, I too find this hard to swallow.

I am not saying for one minute that this theory is wrong, but I cannot see why

the two cannot sit in tandem with each other.

Of course the health of the body is going to make a big difference as to whether

one succumbs to a 'disease' or not, but just as I feel it is possible for

'diseases' to 'pleomorph' from other bacteria or cells in the body, I also feel

that is is possible for the body to 'grab' on to them from external sources too

- if the bodily environment is right.

After all, even God executed laws on quarantine to protect the Israelites from

disease by demanding isolation in certain cases - and HE should know!

I think that we should be careful about being dogmatic about these issues -

after all no one (except God) knows the REAL truth.

Whatever the 'truth' is, the important thing still is to build the strength of

the body and the immune system so that they can deal with any 'attack' whether

internal or external.


> >

> > Whoa horse, " all of the information about STD's is false " ? So...AIDS then,

is contracted how exactly? And if you don't believe diseases are infectious,

then how do you explain Small Pox for instance - which caused the death of an

estimated 300-500 million people during the 20th Century?


> > And are you saying that it's safe to have unprotected sex all the time with

anyone if one considers themselves healthy? I have the utmost respect for your

knowledge about healing foods and nutrients, etc., but this theory that

diseases are not ever infectious and that all info about STD's is false is

difficult (and potentially dangerous) pill to swallow.

> >

> > Hennie

> >


> @@ Hi Hennie,.


> While your horse is catching it's breath, let me convey some information that

you can review and take into consideration.


> You do not " Catch " Germs, Bacteria or Viruses :


> First the Germ Theory is a false concept was which was initiated by Louis

Pasteur in the early 1800s. This misconception is promoted by the medical

industry today for astronomical profit. See below.


> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/germ12.php



> Cycle of Life & Disease ( Diagram & Explanation below )


> http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/soma1.php


> These germs come from inside the body, from " tiny dots " that you can see in

the blood of any living thing, with any microscope. These " tiny dots "

themselves, never die. The cell is not the smallest living thing, these " little

dots " are. These " tiny dots " are called Protits in German and Somatides in



> If the environment in the body becomes toxic, polluted, or doesn't have the

nutrients it requires to maintain health these " tiny dots " hook together into

long threads and change into the viruses, bacteria and finally the fungi

(candida albicans) that clean up a corpse, if things get that bad.


> This is what the bacteria, viruses and germs are there for. They clean up old,

diseased tissues. The germs are not the problem, the conditions, environment

they are in IS.


> Reasons 4 Disease :


> The main advances in combating disease over 200 years have been better food

and clean drinking water. Improved sanitation, less overcrowded and better

living conditions also contributed. The opposite was responsible for all

disease/illness in the old days. This is also borne out in published peer

reviewed research. Yes, this includes Smallpox too.


> SmallPox :


> Smallpox was eradicated in reality by three mechanisms, none of which depended

on vaccination for their efficacy: isolation, attenuation and improved living

conditions, particularly nutrition and sanitation.


> http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/2010/11/03/small-pox-big-lie/


> AiDS :


> AIDS is caused by the toxic drugs such as AZT used to treat the infection

and/or is a cumulative result of malnutrition and other environmental and

lifestyle factors. See below link and scroll down to " 14.10 GERM WARFARE - AIDS

" .


> http://www.policestateplanning.com/chapter_14_.htm - article


> AiDs A Hoax - Ten Reasons Why ..... - Video


> http://www.myspace.com/video/vid/62355825



> Hennie, you'll notice the consistency of poor nutrition and/or poor living or

environmental conditions are constantly present in all scenarios.


> Therefore, I reiterate if the environment in the body becomes toxic, polluted,

or doesn't have the nutrients it requires to maintain health and the integrity

of the immune system they create bacteria, viruses and germs within the body.

This assists the immune system in cleaning up the body and strengthening its

defense system.


> If the immune system is at optimum then the body is unaffected by outside

conditions. I've provided the information from numerous sources. Its up to you

, as everyone, to self educate and make your own deductions.


> There is a lot of money in sick, naive people and they're making a killing !


> Your Friend in Health,

> Ed

> group moderator


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> Ed, I too find this hard to swallow.


> I am not saying for one minute that this theory is wrong, but I cannot see why

the two cannot sit in tandem with each other.


> Of course the health of the body is going to make a big difference as to

whether one succumbs to a 'disease' or not, but just as I feel it is possible

for 'diseases' to 'pleomorph' from other bacteria or cells in the body, I also

feel that is is possible for the body to 'grab' on to them from external sources

too - if the bodily environment is right.


> After all, even God executed laws on quarantine to protect the Israelites from

disease by demanding isolation in certain cases - and HE should know!


> I think that we should be careful about being dogmatic about these issues -

after all no one (except God) knows the REAL truth.


> Whatever the 'truth' is, the important thing still is to build the strength of

the body and the immune system so that they can deal with any 'attack' whether

internal or external.


> Ali.


@@ Hi Ali,

That's okay, it is your prerogative what you believe.

I'm not being dogmatic, nor am I forcing you or anyone to believe anything, its

only information.

However, for the sake of it, I've given a lot of reputable information

here, so for one to debate it they would have to provide reputable information

to disprove it. Other than just conjecture.

Secondly, God is not in question here. However, logically God would not need to

quarantine, since God can heal the body at will. So that is a very odd

statement. Albeit irrelevant to the particular the subject at hand.

I reiterate, again its only information and its subjective what one does with


Nonetheless, Ali, I agree, " Whatever the 'truth' is, the important thing still

is to build the strength of the body and the immune system. " Thanks for your




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Hi Ed, it may be conjecture but there are unanswerable questions - like the one

about STDs for instance. It is not a subject that many find very easy to

discuss, but it does seem very logical that Venereal Disease can be 'caught'

from someone else who has it. There are too many links for it to be ignored.

Many can 'trace' an infection back to another infected individual. It is true -

as with any type of 'infection' whether from internal or external sources that

the health of the body can very much dictate whether an individual will become

diseased or not, but that still doesn't explain the connections of disease

between individuals.

The same with the fact that 'colds' often appear to travel through families and

communities, and children will often 'contract' mumps, measles, or some other

'childhood' infection from contact with other 'infected' children. 'Swine Flu'

whilst perhaps not as 'endemic' as it was 'larged' up to be, still affected a

considerable amount of the the World's population, but 'Flu' in general although

perhaps not as much publicized as this one, usually affects many people during

the Winter - and often those who are in contact with each other.

At the age of 27 I 'caught' chickenpox from my children who just 'happened' to

have it at the same time. Although I had been around other children with it

when a child I didn't catch it then - maybe my immune system was a lot stronger

then than it was by the time I was 27 - certainly my health had deteriorated a

lot by then. The fact that both my children had it (as did many others in the

school at the time) and that I had it too at the same time, is just a teeny bit

too much of a coincidence to me.

If these things could not be 'caught' or triggered by some external factor, then

they would tend to be totally random and unconnected. Maybe the body 'grabs' on

to a passing virus or bacterium to do a specific job, but just being 'made' in

the body at the same time as many other family members or friends seems to

stretch the idea of the concept somehow.

I am not saying that Bechamp was wrong, but I don't necessarily think that

Pasteur was either. How often do we find some apparently differing views ending

up converging - or at least in part. Science does have us running scared of

'germs' and that is not right at all and has very much clouded the issue, but I

think we need to keep an open mind on both camps.


PS. How you view God's laws on cleanliness and the protection of the rest of the

nation from disease as outlined in Leviticus very much depends on your knowledge

and understanding of God, the Bible, why we are currently so imperfect and

diseased and what God will be doing about it in the near future....

@@ Hi Ali,


> That's okay, it is your prerogative what you believe.


> I'm not being dogmatic, nor am I forcing you or anyone to believe anything,

its only information.


> However, for the sake of it, I've given a lot of reputable information

> here, so for one to debate it they would have to provide reputable information

to disprove it. Other than just conjecture.


> Secondly, God is not in question here. However, logically God would not need

to quarantine, since God can heal the body at will. So that is a very odd

statement. Albeit irrelevant to the particular the subject at hand.


> I reiterate, again its only information and its subjective what one does with



> Nonetheless, Ali, I agree, " Whatever the 'truth' is, the important thing still

is to build the strength of the body and the immune system. " Thanks for your



> Cordially,

> Ed

> group moderator


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> Hi Ed, it may be conjecture but there are unanswerable questions - like the

one about STDs for instance. It is not a subject that many find very easy to

discuss, but it does seem very logical that Venereal Disease can be 'caught'

from someone else who has it. There are too many links for it to be ignored.

Many can 'trace' an infection back to another infected individual. It is true -

as with any type of 'infection' whether from internal or external sources that

the health of the body can very much dictate whether an individual will become

diseased or not, but that still doesn't explain the connections of disease

between individuals.


> The same with the fact that 'colds' often appear to travel through families

and communities, and children will often 'contract' mumps, measles, or some

other 'childhood' infection from contact with other 'infected' children. 'Swine

Flu' whilst perhaps not as 'endemic' as it was 'larged' up to be, still affected

a considerable amount of the the World's population, but 'Flu' in general

although perhaps not as much publicized as this one, usually affects many people

during the Winter - and often those who are in contact with each other.


> At the age of 27 I 'caught' chickenpox from my children who just 'happened' to

have it at the same time. Although I had been around other children with it

when a child I didn't catch it then - maybe my immune system was a lot stronger

then than it was by the time I was 27 - certainly my health had deteriorated a

lot by then. The fact that both my children had it (as did many others in the

school at the time) and that I had it too at the same time, is just a teeny bit

too much of a coincidence to me.


> If these things could not be 'caught' or triggered by some external factor,

then they would tend to be totally random and unconnected. Maybe the body

'grabs' on to a passing virus or bacterium to do a specific job, but just being

'made' in the body at the same time as many other family members or friends

seems to stretch the idea of the concept somehow.


> I am not saying that Bechamp was wrong, but I don't necessarily think that

Pasteur was either. How often do we find some apparently differing views ending

up converging - or at least in part. Science does have us running scared of

'germs' and that is not right at all and has very much clouded the issue, but I

think we need to keep an open mind on both camps.


> Ali.


> PS. How you view God's laws on cleanliness and the protection of the rest of

the nation from disease as outlined in Leviticus very much depends on your

knowledge and understanding of God, the Bible, why we are currently so imperfect

and diseased and what God will be doing about it in the near future....


@@ Snip

@@ Hi Ali,

See my below responses.

Re : Unanswerable questions

I believe by reviewing all the previous information I submitted in its entirety

you will be able to deduce acceptable answers for yourself.

Its obvious you have not reviewed the research I've submitted.

I know this because you would have read that Pasteur admitted on his deathbed he

was wrong in regards to his Germ Theory.

The quote was, On his deathbed, Pasteur recanted, saying that Bernard [Claude

Bernard] was right; " the Terrain is everything, the Germ is nothing! " Found

here, below.


Re : Colds Amongst Family

The colds and whatnot circulating amongst family has been discussed on group

before, so I will not address this unnecessarily. Again,

its your prerogative to review the information I submitted and past group

discussions on this matter.

Re: God

Ali, with all due respect, your perspective of God is none of my affair and my

views of God are none of yours or anyone else for that matter. Again, I

reiterate, God or religion was never in question .

Final Note :

Ali, whether you agree with information is your choice. It doesn't matter to me

and I'm not going to try to convince you or anyone else neither. Again, its

only information, what you do with it, is up to your discretion.

If you are trying to convince, me, well you need some scientific evidence to

rival what I've submitted. I'm certain you'll find that a difficult endeavor,

my friend and I cannot see how its worth your time. Nor does it change you or

anyone's objective to heal their Candida / Health issues. Don't stress

yourself over this, its not worth it.

Take care,


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I like what Ali had to say - cannot these things sit in tandem? I personally

know that I got herpes on my lips directly from kissing a guy who was in the

middle of an outbreak. I had never had it before in my life, and within two

weeks I had my first outbreak. How do you explain that? (Oh airing out MY dirty

laundry, aren't I?)I can't let go that bugs ARE transmittable - or that they are

matching some kind of energy in the other? I know there is a deeper connection

along the lines of Ali's point. I too have felt that is not all one way or the

other. - Lilithe


> Whoa horse, " all of the information about STD's is false " ? So...AIDS then,

> is contracted how exactly? And if you don't believe diseases are

> infectious, then how do you explain Small Pox for instance - which caused

> the death of an estimated 300-500 million people during the 20th Century?

> And are you saying that it's safe to have unprotected sex all the time with

> anyone if one considers themselves healthy? I have the utmost respect for

> your knowledge about healing foods and nutrients, etc., but this theory that

> diseases are not ever infectious and that all info about STD's is false is

> difficult (and potentially dangerous) pill to swallow.


> Hennie




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People were dying of AIDS before the advent of AZT - so this claim doesn't hold

much water for me. Though I am looking forward to watching the vieo! Two hours

long - I'll have to get to it tonight. - Lilithe


> AIDS is caused by the toxic drugs such as AZT used to treat the infection

and/or is a cumulative result of malnutrition and other environmental and

lifestyle factors. See below link and scroll down to " 14.10 GERM WARFARE - AIDS

" .


> http://www.policestateplanning.com/chapter_14_.htm - article


> AiDs A Hoax - Ten Reasons Why ..... - Video


> http://www.myspace.com/video/vid/62355825


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I've been on this list for about 8 months and this point is argued every few

weeks it seems. I always look for the answers, but I have to say that I've

never seen some of the big questions really explained... why do we seem to pass

around colds? ...why does the entire daycare get pink eye? ...why did 100's of

thousands die of small pox? Don't forget that the other side can always counter

with ...not everyone gets the cold, ...my child didn't get pink eye! The doubts

work both ways.

I think that the only logical response is that unhealthy bodies attract

germs,bugs,viruses, etc. The unhealthy body looks for ways to clean itself up

and latches on to anything it can find. Once you are healthy, your body stops

looking. The end. In an ideal world with everyone on Bee's diet, germs are

not " contagious " and we have nothing to worry about.

Until then, do not stick your finger into pink eye and then your own. Do not

kiss people with cold-sores and please don't have unprotected sex.

This is my opinion, the way my mind understands the concept. It is not exactly

as others see it, but I think our understandings are compatible. We all live

our own reality... ask questions, look for answers, read the research, and then

think it out for yourself!

You don't have to agree 100% ... with me either!

Take care and be well, in VA


From: Ed <imysterios@...>

Sent: Tue, November 30, 2010 6:16:18 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: A few questions...


> Hi Ed, it may be conjecture but there are unanswerable questions - like the


>about STDs for instance. It is not a subject that many find very easy to

>discuss, but it does seem very logical that Venereal Disease can be 'caught'

>from someone else who has it. There are too many links for it to be ignored.

>Many can 'trace' an infection back to another infected individual. It is true


>as with any type of 'infection' whether from internal or external sources that

>the health of the body can very much dictate whether an individual will become

>diseased or not, but that still doesn't explain the connections of disease

>between individuals.


> The same with the fact that 'colds' often appear to travel through families


>communities, and children will often 'contract' mumps, measles, or some other

>'childhood' infection from contact with other 'infected' children. 'Swine Flu'

>whilst perhaps not as 'endemic' as it was 'larged' up to be, still affected a

>considerable amount of the the World's population, but 'Flu' in general


>perhaps not as much publicized as this one, usually affects many people during

>the Winter - and often those who are in contact with each other.


> At the age of 27 I 'caught' chickenpox from my children who just 'happened' to

>have it at the same time. Although I had been around other children with it

>when a child I didn't catch it then - maybe my immune system was a lot stronger

>then than it was by the time I was 27 - certainly my health had deteriorated a

>lot by then. The fact that both my children had it (as did many others in the

>school at the time) and that I had it too at the same time, is just a teeny bit

>too much of a coincidence to me.


> If these things could not be 'caught' or triggered by some external factor,

>then they would tend to be totally random and unconnected. Maybe the body

>'grabs' on to a passing virus or bacterium to do a specific job, but just being

>'made' in the body at the same time as many other family members or friends

>seems to stretch the idea of the concept somehow.


> I am not saying that Bechamp was wrong, but I don't necessarily think that

>Pasteur was either. How often do we find some apparently differing views


>up converging - or at least in part. Science does have us running scared of

>'germs' and that is not right at all and has very much clouded the issue, but I

>think we need to keep an open mind on both camps.


> Ali.


> PS. How you view God's laws on cleanliness and the protection of the rest of

>the nation from disease as outlined in Leviticus very much depends on your

>knowledge and understanding of God, the Bible, why we are currently so


>and diseased and what God will be doing about it in the near future....


@@ Snip

@@ Hi Ali,

See my below responses.

Re : Unanswerable questions

I believe by reviewing all the previous information I submitted in its entirety

you will be able to deduce acceptable answers for yourself.

Its obvious you have not reviewed the research I've submitted.

I know this because you would have read that Pasteur admitted on his deathbed he

was wrong in regards to his Germ Theory.

The quote was, On his deathbed, Pasteur recanted, saying that Bernard [Claude

Bernard] was right; " the Terrain is everything, the Germ is nothing! " Found

here, below.


Re : Colds Amongst Family

The colds and whatnot circulating amongst family has been discussed on group

before, so I will not address this unnecessarily. Again,

its your prerogative to review the information I submitted and past group

discussions on this matter.

Re: God

Ali, with all due respect, your perspective of God is none of my affair and my

views of God are none of yours or anyone else for that matter. Again, I

reiterate, God or religion was never in question .

Final Note :

Ali, whether you agree with information is your choice. It doesn't matter to me

and I'm not going to try to convince you or anyone else neither. Again, its

only information, what you do with it, is up to your discretion.

If you are trying to convince, me, well you need some scientific evidence to

rival what I've submitted. I'm certain you'll find that a difficult endeavor,

my friend and I cannot see how its worth your time. Nor does it change you or

anyone's objective to heal their Candida / Health issues. Don't stress

yourself over this, its not worth it.

Take care,


group moderator

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> People were dying of AIDS before the advent of AZT - so this claim doesn't

hold much water for me. Though I am looking forward to watching the vieo! Two

hours long - I'll have to get to it tonight. - Lilithe


> >snip<

> > AIDS is caused by the toxic drugs such as AZT used to treat the infection

and/or is a cumulative result of malnutrition and other environmental and

lifestyle factors. See below link and scroll down to " 14.10 GERM WARFARE - AIDS

" .

> >

> > http://www.policestateplanning.com/chapter_14_.htm - article

> >

> > AiDs A Hoax - Ten Reasons Why ..... - Video

> >

> > http://www.myspace.com/video/vid/62355825

@@ Hi Lilithe,

I hope you find the video intriguing.

You give me the impression you did not read the submitted article I linked

below, previously.

" 14.10 GERM WARFARE - AIDS " .

http://www.policestateplanning.com/chapter_14_.htm - article

If so, you would have read this below & more realizing why Aids is considered

manufactured with good reason.

You will notice the mentioned " MYCOPLASMA has been around 100yrs & to activate

HIV a benign retro-virus ( which mentioned in the video) which resides in all

people, they have to suppress the immune system by, 'physiological alteration of

the endocrine balance'.

This predates AIDS in so many ways and demonstrates external influences in the

manufacturing of diseases such as AIDS in conjunction with lifestyle

environmental factors.

Please see below and/or review the source I submitted.


Excerpted passage from article :

Dr. , a former Food and Drug Administration insider and expert on the

cover-up of animal virus contamination of human polio vaccines wrote the

foreword to the book.

However, Emerging Viruses did not address the key question posed by the

AIDS dissidents such as Dr. Duesberg: Does HIV really cause AIDS?

's research into the symptoms of CFS, AIDS and other neuro-systemic

diseases suggests that they are consistent with chronic mycoplasma infection, a

strain of tiny bacteria. Until quite recently, most doctors hadn't even heard of

mycoplasma even though it is documented in the scientific literature going back

a hundred years. Mycoplasma fermentans was identified by I.G. Farben during WWII

and was one of the biological agents tested on prisoners in the concentration


Unlike viruses and conventional bacteria, mycoplasma are dependent on the

uptake of pre-formed sterols from host cells. This means they can feed off the

vital hormones produced by the endocrine glands. On page 39 of SVCP report no.

9,1972, the project leaders state that, in order to 'activate' retro-viruses

(HIV is one), it was first necessary to suppress the immune system by,

'physiological alteration of the endocrine balance'. Certain pesticides and

chemicals were also noted to have this effect, which does lend support to the

AIDS dissidents belief that toxic drugs can cause AIDS. Furthermore, on page

287, it is revealed that the National Institutes for Health contract with Dr.

Leonard Hayfick of Stanford University to procure and study mycoplasmas was

initiated in 1964, when SVCP began.

World expert on mycoplasma, Dr. Garth Nicolson agrees that they cause immune

suppression and therefore enhance the pathogenesis of HIV


Lilithe, if you are truly interested in the subject, I suppose to be fair, you

would have to review all the submitted information. If you are not interested ,

then I suppose it is irrelevant.

I have nothing more to contribute to this topic further.

Your Friend in Health,


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Hi Ed,

If there is just one outstanding instance of big money or 'who knows who they

are' interests helping us to get sick and die early,it's the " low fat " is good

for you and sugar won't harm you myth! Oh and fats are bad!

The website you refered to didn't even mention this doosey.

Researchers giving evidence that these myths are so are supported by the sugar

and olestra industries!

OMG! A huge epidemic of people who are diabetic and now reliant on drugs. And

they even tell these poor people that they can eat carbs because it can help


This is true evil at work.

Kind regards


There is no end to the corporations and their greed and mercilessness.


> SmallPox :


> Smallpox was eradicated in reality by three mechanisms, none of which depended

on vaccination for their efficacy: isolation, attenuation and improved living

conditions, particularly nutrition and sanitation.


> http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/2010/11/03/small-pox-big-lie/


> AiDS :


> AIDS is caused by the toxic drugs such as AZT used to treat the infection

and/or is a cumulative result of malnutrition and other environmental and

lifestyle factors. See below link and scroll down to " 14.10 GERM WARFARE - AIDS

" .


> http://www.policestateplanning.com/chapter_14_.htm - article


> AiDs A Hoax - Ten Reasons Why ..... - Video


> http://www.myspace.com/video/vid/62355825



> Hennie, you'll notice the consistency of poor nutrition and/or poor living or

environmental conditions are constantly present in all scenarios.


> Therefore, I reiterate if the environment in the body becomes toxic, polluted,

or doesn't have the nutrients it requires to maintain health and the integrity

of the immune system they create bacteria, viruses and germs within the body.

This assists the immune system in cleaning up the body and strengthening its

defense system.


> If the immune system is at optimum then the body is unaffected by outside

conditions. I've provided the information from numerous sources. Its up to you

, as everyone, to self educate and make your own deductions.


> There is a lot of money in sick, naive people and they're making a killing !


> Your Friend in Health,

> Ed

> group moderator


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