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Best wishes to you and your family-

you will be added to our prayer list

Sue Petrelli

kristinsmith <kristinsmith@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I was wanting to share that we have decided to move forward with the bone marrow

transplant at this time. We are tentatively planning Conner's transplant for

late spring/early summer. We are still looking for possible donors, but we were

able to come up with some pretty close matches. Our hope is that Conner will be

cured of his immune deficiency, but we know there aren't any guarantees. It was

a tough decision, but something that our immuno, the docs at the NIH, and the

transplant doc feels to be in Conner's best interest. They feel that his life

expectancy will be significantly reduced without it (thanks to the NEMO


I also wanted to let you all know that I'm going " no email " for awhile, I just

can't seem to keep up with it at the moment (I'm in too many groups these

days!). If anyone would like to email me privately, feel free to do so - or drop

by our website for updates:


Take care,

Mom to Conner (12, NEMO and MBL Deficiency,

Hayden (12, MBL Deficiency)

Evan (12, MBL Deficiency)

and Kelsey - (10, NEMO - expressive carrier and MBL Deficiency)

Please visit us at www.cure4conner.org

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The decision to move forward must have been very hard-our prayers are

with to give you're the strength you need to get through this.

- mom to , 5yrs old, CT


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Sue Petrelli

Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 10:09 AM

Subject: Re: Transplant

Best wishes to you and your family-

you will be added to our prayer list

Sue Petrelli

kristinsmith <kristinsmith@...

<mailto:kristinsmith%40insightbb.com> > wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I was wanting to share that we have decided to move forward with the

bone marrow transplant at this time. We are tentatively planning

Conner's transplant for late spring/early summer. We are still looking

for possible donors, but we were able to come up with some pretty close

matches. Our hope is that Conner will be cured of his immune deficiency,

but we know there aren't any guarantees. It was a tough decision, but

something that our immuno, the docs at the NIH, and the transplant doc

feels to be in Conner's best interest. They feel that his life

expectancy will be significantly reduced without it (thanks to the NEMO


I also wanted to let you all know that I'm going " no email " for awhile,

I just can't seem to keep up with it at the moment (I'm in too many

groups these days!). If anyone would like to email me privately, feel

free to do so - or drop by our website for updates:


Take care,

Mom to Conner (12, NEMO and MBL Deficiency,

Hayden (12, MBL Deficiency)

Evan (12, MBL Deficiency)

and Kelsey - (10, NEMO - expressive carrier and MBL Deficiency)

Please visit us at www.cure4conner.org

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The decision to move forward must have been very hard-our prayers are

with to give you're the strength you need to get through this.

- mom to , 5yrs old, CT


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Sue Petrelli

Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 10:09 AM

Subject: Re: Transplant

Best wishes to you and your family-

you will be added to our prayer list

Sue Petrelli

kristinsmith <kristinsmith@...

<mailto:kristinsmith%40insightbb.com> > wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I was wanting to share that we have decided to move forward with the

bone marrow transplant at this time. We are tentatively planning

Conner's transplant for late spring/early summer. We are still looking

for possible donors, but we were able to come up with some pretty close

matches. Our hope is that Conner will be cured of his immune deficiency,

but we know there aren't any guarantees. It was a tough decision, but

something that our immuno, the docs at the NIH, and the transplant doc

feels to be in Conner's best interest. They feel that his life

expectancy will be significantly reduced without it (thanks to the NEMO


I also wanted to let you all know that I'm going " no email " for awhile,

I just can't seem to keep up with it at the moment (I'm in too many

groups these days!). If anyone would like to email me privately, feel

free to do so - or drop by our website for updates:


Take care,

Mom to Conner (12, NEMO and MBL Deficiency,

Hayden (12, MBL Deficiency)

Evan (12, MBL Deficiency)

and Kelsey - (10, NEMO - expressive carrier and MBL Deficiency)

Please visit us at www.cure4conner.org

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my thoughts are with you, Conner, and your family at this time. I pray that

they will find the right match for Conner, that he will respond well to the BMT

and be cured of his immune deficiency. *

Sending prayers your way,

Mom to , 16

*although you are taking a break from e-mail for a time, I hope you will keep us

posted as the time of the transplant draws near.

kristinsmith <kristinsmith@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I was wanting to share that we have decided to move forward with the bone

marrow transplant at this time. We are tentatively planning Conner's transplant

for late spring/early summer. We are still looking for possible donors, but we

were able to come up with some pretty close matches. Our hope is that Conner

will be cured of his immune deficiency, but we know there aren't any guarantees.

It was a tough decision, but something that our immuno, the docs at the NIH, and

the transplant doc feels to be in Conner's best interest. They feel that his

life expectancy will be significantly reduced without it (thanks to the NEMO


I also wanted to let you all know that I'm going " no email " for awhile, I just

can't seem to keep up with it at the moment (I'm in too many groups these

days!). If anyone would like to email me privately, feel free to do so - or

drop by our website for updates:


Take care,

Mom to Conner (12, NEMO and MBL Deficiency,

Hayden (12, MBL Deficiency)

Evan (12, MBL Deficiency)

and Kelsey - (10, NEMO - expressive carrier and MBL Deficiency)

Please visit us at www.cure4conner.org

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  • 9 months later...

Thank you for this information. I think some times we become to complacent about

our organs and think that once we get a transplant all will be perfect. I know

this story is rare but it is something we should think about.

I personally have gone through the crisis of whether to continue the meds or

just give up because of all the side affects. We all make decisions everyday but

this is a decision that can save our lives.

I think I made the right decision, it's 10yrs and I'm still here causing


the WV hillbilly


[ ] Transplant

Today's New York Times has an article about four people who developed HIV and

Hep C after organ transplants from a single donor. Before donation, testing

didn't show the virus in the organs, probably because virus transmission was

too recent for the test used to detect.

The only use for this sad information is to remind us of the importance of

sticking with our treatment, never becoming complacent and deciding to skip.

Donated organs are very scarce, and their safety can't be assured. We must do

all we can to keep our own!

This may seem to be obvious, but many years ago, I read a post from a young

man who said he was stopping his AIH treatment because he was in love and the

medication gave him pimples. Oh, dear.


************ ********* ********* ********

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http://www.aol. com

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Amen to that Harper! It is TOTALLY important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in

order to keep our livers in the best condition that we are able to maintain!

As a side, I saw my GI yesterday and she is VERY happy that my labs are holding.

It has been one year since going off the 6MP so I am in remission. The only

thing we DID discuss, is that I refuse to return to the prednisone, so that plan

is to monitor closely my labs every 2 months to make certain I am not slipping.

Then, within the year, I iwll have a biopsy to see excatly what is going on with

the liver. Then, the Doctor will probably put me back on a low dose of the 6MP

so I won't crash and flair and end up on prednisone. AFter losing all of this

weight, I just am not willing to put the weight back on. If push DOES come to

shove with the prednisone, I will take it, but it will be the last resort. I

have fought hard to lose these 101 pounds and still have 50 to go and I just

don't want to go back to what I was!

Overall, I am very pleased with the results!


[ ] Transplant

Today's New York Times has an article about four people who developed HIV and

Hep C after organ transplants from a single donor. Before donation, testing

didn't show the virus in the organs, probably because virus transmission was

too recent for the test used to detect.

The only use for this sad information is to remind us of the importance of

sticking with our treatment, never becoming complacent and deciding to skip.

Donated organs are very scarce, and their safety can't be assured. We must do

all we can to keep our own!

This may seem to be obvious, but many years ago, I read a post from a young

man who said he was stopping his AIH treatment because he was in love and the

medication gave him pimples. Oh, dear.



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LOL!!!! Yes, but you must remember I ONLY teach first grade. We just learn to

add and subtract to 20!


Re: [ ] Transplant

Nah, you only have 49 to go, remember!

Again, congratulations and good luck!



See what's new at


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  • 3 weeks later...


It is so goo to hear you are doing well after the transplant. And Life is good

again. Success stories are important for us to know about. Thanks for sharing.

Clara from OR

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Joanne, Happy Transplant Day to you!

I can hardly believe it has been 4 years already. Seems like yesterday

that you had our love and prayers for all the problems you had at that


Way To Go.

Also, thank you for posting the 2 digests from the transplant group. How

fun to see those names again (you can tell I've been around a REALLY

long time. Some brought back memories of all they went through before

their TX, and it's wonderful to catch up on how well they are doing now.

It gives hope to those who may need to go through the process down the road.

Hugs and Happy Holidays to all of you,

Jeannette OR PBC/AIH

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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

Are you craving " anything raw " yet ;-)

I was amazed at how bad I wanted a salad. Then when I

hit 100 days and could have had a salad I had some

other issues pop up and had to wait another two weeks.

Hang in there. I'm 8 years and 2 months out. Trust

me, it's worth every miserable minute of what you are

dealing with now. There will be speed bumps, so be

prepared and don't get disheartened.

Sue Bunte

--- Koffman <briankoffman@...> wrote:

> Friends,

> I would add to the discussion that for some it makes

> sense to consider

> a transplant before all your other options run out.

> It is important to

> be relatively healthy going in and it really helps

> if you can get to

> CR. Both of these get less and less likely after

> more and more

> treatments. A transplant is, as of today, the only

> shot at a cure. I

> am Day 32 + post transplant and doing well.

> , 57 yr family doc & father of 4, dx 9/05 del

> 11q unmutated,

> CD38+, ITP 9/06 eventually failed steroids, IVIG ,

> Rituxan and

> splenectomy controlled w cyclosporin A Rituxan

> combo. CLL in old

> school CR. RIC MUD HSCT July 1/08 doing well see

> http://bkoffman.blogspot.com/



Sue Bunte

The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress may be judged by the way it's

animals are treated.

Mahatma Ghandi

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  • 1 year later...

I talked to her dr today and she says deana has antibody deficiency and it

doesn't qualify for transplant :( I wished tehre was a long term fix. She is so

tired of being sick.








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does she take gammaglobulin infusions?


Mom to (17) and Macey (14)



From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 9:42:54 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "

I talked to her dr today and she says deana has antibody deficiency and it

doesn't qualify for transplant :( I wished tehre was a long term fix. She is so

tired of being sick.



____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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does she take gammaglobulin infusions?


Mom to (17) and Macey (14)



From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 9:42:54 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "

I talked to her dr today and she says deana has antibody deficiency and it

doesn't qualify for transplant :( I wished tehre was a long term fix. She is so

tired of being sick.



____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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She takes IVIG Privigin monthly she was on subq vivaglobin until dec. but she

needs stronger meds so IVIG again.

On Tue Feb 16th, 2010 10:37 PM EST Ursula Holleman wrote:

>does she take gammaglobulin infusions?

> Ursula

>Mom to (17) and Macey (14)







>From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308@...>


>Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 9:42:54 PM

>Subject: Re: " transplant "



>I talked to her dr today and she says deana has antibody deficiency and it

doesn't qualify for transplant :( I wished tehre was a long term fix. She is so

tired of being sick.



> BYrd




>____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _



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if subq maintains a more consistent level and there are no troughs why do they

think the IV route is a " stronger " dose? Macey's IVIG dose was 30 gms. every 3

weeks. but her levels stayed around 800 right before each repeat dose. With her

on 8 gms per week (32 per month due to a couple of grams being lost in the subq

tissue) she stays at around 1000-1100 every week and has no " down " spells.

Have they tested your daughters T-cell system lately? Running a cellular

profile might tell you if her PID is progressing and taking on a new component.

If it is only an antibody deficiency and she's on gammaglobulin then she should

be covered. If exposure to crowds puts her at risk she might need a new workup.


Mom to (17) and Macey (14)



From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 10:50:41 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "

She takes IVIG Privigin monthly she was on subq vivaglobin until dec. but she

needs stronger meds so IVIG again.

On Tue Feb 16th, 2010 10:37 PM EST Ursula Holleman wrote:

>does she take gammaglobulin infusions?

> Ursula

>Mom to (17) and Macey (14)






>___________ _________ _________ ___

>From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308>

>groups (DOT) com

>Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 9:42:54 PM

>Subject: Re: " transplant "



>I talked to her dr today and she says deana has antibody deficiency and it

doesn't qualify for transplant :( I wished tehre was a long term fix. She is so

tired of being sick.



> BYrd




>___________ _ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _



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if subq maintains a more consistent level and there are no troughs why do they

think the IV route is a " stronger " dose? Macey's IVIG dose was 30 gms. every 3

weeks. but her levels stayed around 800 right before each repeat dose. With her

on 8 gms per week (32 per month due to a couple of grams being lost in the subq

tissue) she stays at around 1000-1100 every week and has no " down " spells.

Have they tested your daughters T-cell system lately? Running a cellular

profile might tell you if her PID is progressing and taking on a new component.

If it is only an antibody deficiency and she's on gammaglobulin then she should

be covered. If exposure to crowds puts her at risk she might need a new workup.


Mom to (17) and Macey (14)



From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 10:50:41 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "

She takes IVIG Privigin monthly she was on subq vivaglobin until dec. but she

needs stronger meds so IVIG again.

On Tue Feb 16th, 2010 10:37 PM EST Ursula Holleman wrote:

>does she take gammaglobulin infusions?

> Ursula

>Mom to (17) and Macey (14)






>___________ _________ _________ ___

>From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308>

>groups (DOT) com

>Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 9:42:54 PM

>Subject: Re: " transplant "



>I talked to her dr today and she says deana has antibody deficiency and it

doesn't qualify for transplant :( I wished tehre was a long term fix. She is so

tired of being sick.



> BYrd




>___________ _ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _



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She has a T-Cell deficiency with sub class IGG & IGA deficiency. The sub q

worked i mean she still got sick but not as often. BUt she built up alot of scar

tissue and she was getting depressed from taking it so often. The Dr. ran her IG

levels last week and we just haven't gotten them back yet. They think she has

IRAK-4 Deficiency but the Moddell foundation is studing her blood to see

exactly what all her defiecincies are. Yes every single time she goes in crowds

she gets sick. Sometimes even with a mask. So school is a battle to. We go

between homeschooling to school. I am just trying to find some even ground to

stand on with her. She has gotten so sad lately. Always asking why me :(









From: Ursula Holleman <uahollem@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 10:55:41 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "

if subq maintains a more consistent level and there are no troughs why do they

think the IV route is a " stronger " dose?  Macey's IVIG dose was 30 gms.  every 3

weeks.  but her levels stayed around 800 right before each repeat dose. With her

on 8 gms per week (32 per month due to a couple of grams being lost in the subq

tissue) she stays at around 1000-1100 every week and has no " down " spells. 

Have they tested your daughters T-cell system lately?  Running a cellular

profile might tell you if her PID is progressing and taking on a new component. 

If it is only an antibody deficiency and she's on gammaglobulin then she should

be covered.  If exposure to crowds puts her at risk she might need a new workup.


Mom to (17) and Macey (14)



From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 10:50:41 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "


She takes IVIG Privigin monthly she was on subq vivaglobin until dec. but she

needs stronger meds so IVIG again.

On Tue Feb 16th, 2010 10:37 PM EST Ursula Holleman wrote:

>does she take gammaglobulin infusions?

> Ursula

>Mom to (17) and Macey (14)






>___________ _________ _________ ___

>From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308>

>groups (DOT) com

>Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 9:42:54 PM

>Subject: Re: " transplant "



>I talked to her dr today and she says deana has antibody deficiency and it

doesn't qualify for transplant :( I wished tehre was a long term fix. She is so

tired of being sick.



> BYrd




>___________ _ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _



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She has a T-Cell deficiency with sub class IGG & IGA deficiency. The sub q

worked i mean she still got sick but not as often. BUt she built up alot of scar

tissue and she was getting depressed from taking it so often. The Dr. ran her IG

levels last week and we just haven't gotten them back yet. They think she has

IRAK-4 Deficiency but the Moddell foundation is studing her blood to see

exactly what all her defiecincies are. Yes every single time she goes in crowds

she gets sick. Sometimes even with a mask. So school is a battle to. We go

between homeschooling to school. I am just trying to find some even ground to

stand on with her. She has gotten so sad lately. Always asking why me :(









From: Ursula Holleman <uahollem@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 10:55:41 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "

if subq maintains a more consistent level and there are no troughs why do they

think the IV route is a " stronger " dose?  Macey's IVIG dose was 30 gms.  every 3

weeks.  but her levels stayed around 800 right before each repeat dose. With her

on 8 gms per week (32 per month due to a couple of grams being lost in the subq

tissue) she stays at around 1000-1100 every week and has no " down " spells. 

Have they tested your daughters T-cell system lately?  Running a cellular

profile might tell you if her PID is progressing and taking on a new component. 

If it is only an antibody deficiency and she's on gammaglobulin then she should

be covered.  If exposure to crowds puts her at risk she might need a new workup.


Mom to (17) and Macey (14)



From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 10:50:41 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "


She takes IVIG Privigin monthly she was on subq vivaglobin until dec. but she

needs stronger meds so IVIG again.

On Tue Feb 16th, 2010 10:37 PM EST Ursula Holleman wrote:

>does she take gammaglobulin infusions?

> Ursula

>Mom to (17) and Macey (14)






>___________ _________ _________ ___

>From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308>

>groups (DOT) com

>Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 9:42:54 PM

>Subject: Re: " transplant "



>I talked to her dr today and she says deana has antibody deficiency and it

doesn't qualify for transplant :( I wished tehre was a long term fix. She is so

tired of being sick.



> BYrd




>___________ _ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _



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Were in the same position including the scar tissue issue. We figured out a

trick about the scar tissue thing though that might help you. has to be

laying down the entire scig, not at an incline but flat on her back (we put on a

movie). If a bubble forms I can almost guarantee you she will have the scar

tissue/residue issue (that little lump thing that takes for ever to go away). If

we go slow (set the pump to 40) and we don't usually get the lumps. She doesn't

like the weekly schedule either but she stays healthier on it so I insist on it.


From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 8:10:08 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "

She has a T-Cell deficiency with sub class IGG & IGA deficiency. The sub q

worked i mean she still got sick but not as often. BUt she built up alot of scar

tissue and she was getting depressed from taking it so often. The Dr. ran her IG

levels last week and we just haven't gotten them back yet. They think she has

IRAK-4 Deficiency but the Moddell foundation is studing her blood to see

exactly what all her defiecincies are. Yes every single time she goes in crowds

she gets sick. Sometimes even with a mask. So school is a battle to. We go

between homeschooling to school. I am just trying to find some even ground to

stand on with her. She has gotten so sad lately. Always asking why me :(






From: Ursula Holleman <uahollem@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 10:55:41 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "

if subq maintains a more consistent level and there are no troughs why do they

think the IV route is a " stronger " dose? Macey's IVIG dose was 30 gms. every 3

weeks. but her levels stayed around 800 right before each repeat dose. With her

on 8 gms per week (32 per month due to a couple of grams being lost in the subq

tissue) she stays at around 1000-1100 every week and has no " down " spells.

Have they tested your daughters T-cell system lately? Running a cellular

profile might tell you if her PID is progressing and taking on a new component.

If it is only an antibody deficiency and she's on gammaglobulin then she should

be covered. If exposure to crowds puts her at risk she might need a new workup.


Mom to (17) and Macey (14)



From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 10:50:41 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "

She takes IVIG Privigin monthly she was on subq vivaglobin until dec. but she

needs stronger meds so IVIG again.

On Tue Feb 16th, 2010 10:37 PM EST Ursula Holleman wrote:

>does she take gammaglobulin infusions?

> Ursula

>Mom to (17) and Macey (14)






>___________ _________ _________ ___

>From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308>

>groups (DOT) com

>Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 9:42:54 PM

>Subject: Re: " transplant "



>I talked to her dr today and she says deana has antibody deficiency and it

doesn't qualify for transplant :( I wished tehre was a long term fix. She is so

tired of being sick.



> BYrd




>___________ _ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _



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Our experience is the same. The length of time that IV gamma globulin stays in

the system is only 23 days so a once of month infusion will not last in most

cases. For us SUBQ has been A HUGE improvement. We do 30grams per months as

well. My son is 14 and he does it weekly as well and stays at about 1100. He was

doing a higher dose with IV every 3 weeks but on the 3rd week he felt terrible.

ANd his levels were at only about 800-900. We are VERY happy with subQ.



From: Ursula Holleman <uahollem@...>

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 7:55:41 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "

if subq maintains a more consistent level and there are no troughs why do they

think the IV route is a " stronger " dose? Macey's IVIG dose was 30 gms. every 3

weeks. but her levels stayed around 800 right before each repeat dose. With her

on 8 gms per week (32 per month due to a couple of grams being lost in the subq

tissue) she stays at around 1000-1100 every week and has no " down " spells.

Have they tested your daughters T-cell system lately? Running a cellular

profile might tell you if her PID is progressing and taking on a new component.

If it is only an antibody deficiency and she's on gammaglobulin then she should

be covered. If exposure to crowds puts her at risk she might need a new workup.


Mom to (17) and Macey (14)


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308>

groups (DOT) com

Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 10:50:41 PM

Subject: Re: " transplant "

She takes IVIG Privigin monthly she was on subq vivaglobin until dec. but she

needs stronger meds so IVIG again.

On Tue Feb 16th, 2010 10:37 PM EST Ursula Holleman wrote:

>does she take gammaglobulin infusions?

> Ursula

>Mom to (17) and Macey (14)

>http://www.caringbr idge.org/ visit/maceyholle man





>___________ _________ _________ ___

>From: Mrs. Byrd <kitkat32308>

>groups (DOT) com

>Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 9:42:54 PM

>Subject: Re: " transplant "



>I talked to her dr today and she says deana has antibody deficiency and it

doesn't qualify for transplant :( I wished tehre was a long term fix. She is so

tired of being sick.



> BYrd




>___________ _ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _



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  • 8 months later...

Just putting my two cents in. When I went to a hepatolist both in New Orleans

and here in Oklahoma City , the drs worked in the Abdominal Transplant Centers.

But I was there about TX not transplant. That was simply how these specialized

Docs work. Yeah it scared me at first. And seeing the poor souls who were End

Stage. I chose(?) not to go thru TX with any of the three HepaDocs. One was in

Tulsa. All three actually refused TX until I resolved my pain issues. Finally

found an internist that treats Fibro.and having TX with another doc( Gastro.)

And still under the care of Nuero. Whichever one I see the fax machine lights

up as they fax everything to each other. It's so nice that they play nice


Anyway, I don't know if that helped. Just sharing that I've been to 2

Transplant Centers and there was never any concern about transplant.

Huggs, Trudy in Oklahoma

http://facebook.com/people/andTrudy-Kinsey/1340460877 "

" A well- behaved woman never made history " ...Mae West



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