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Oh heck, if you have CFS sleep problems, have your doc prescribe Ambien

(zolpidem tartrate) for you and your problem vanishes. I have taken this drug

for about 12 years and it continues to make going to sleep to be no big deal.

10 mg immediately before bedtime is the standard dose, but I often take half a

pill if I think I may be sorta sleepy, and that works fine. And sometimes, when

I am super CFS-fatigued, I don't take it at all.

I am not a novice at sleep problems, mine date back to age 10 and this was a big

problem for me all my life, and long before CFS hit me in 1994. I have tried

weak and strong sleep meds, including Halcion, the drop-dead dope that may cause

you to hit the floor before you get from bathroom to bedroom. Ambien is a

pussycat compared to Halcion.

So my advice is to get on Ambien and stop trying the halfway " natural " things,

such as melatonin. Ambien works every time and I don't think you will be

tempted to exceed its 10 mg/bedtime dose. No need to.. Try 5 first.

Well, I am going to take 5 mg Ambien and hit the sack. No hangover ever with

Ambien and I have found no side effects at all. Bloop, I wake up feeling

CFS-sorta good and ready to take on the day. Well maybe I have a little

dependency after years and years, but recently I failed to get my script

refilled so was without it for five nights, and finally slept after four hours

of very-awake tossing and turning, but I did solve all the world's problems

during these lost hours... Sure.

As my great-grandfather Caldwell, who was born in 1833, said about Corn Flakes,

when they hit the market ca 1910, " Might as well open your mouth and let the sun

shine in; I find no value in Corn Flakes " . I am sorry I missed Grandpop ,

he died in 1915, long before I was born in 1940. He was very wise, and would

have also dissed Melatonin - just get out in the Sun and forget it..

Gotta hit the sack - Everyone, please stay rational and soon start your spring

plowing, even while fighting CFS fatigue. Just be careful and do not overdo.

You and your plow mules take rest in the shade whenever you feel tired. Worked

for many generations of our family, until I ran off from the farm to be city

slicker engineer and slaved away too hard and did not get enough sleep, so CFS

hit me like a ton of bricks in July 1994. Maybe I shoulda stayed home and kept

on farming and not gone to that darn university and set myself up for CFS.

Hit just ain't worth it, folks. I miss my nice mules; anyone else on this group

know how to plow with a pair of mules? For cultivating a started garden, only

one is needed, and a good garden mule is worth a lot. She never steps on a

single plant and automatically turns to the next row and waits for go. We

should take a lesson, mules never get excited or stressed, like horses do. Calm

cool critters, who live a long time and just go with the flow.. And they are

very friendly with their human caretakers - a win-win deal all around.

Mort Caldwell, PE Age 68 and CFS since 1994. Email caldbio@...

BSEE Rectrical Enjineer, and MS Physiocologist, both from great colages.

Resume upon request.

Re: Re: Sleep

I know what Dr. Dantini said to me in 2008. He said to take 20 mg of

melatonin a night for sleep. I do not need you to tell me what he said

to me. Perhaps his approach has changed since you have spoken with

him. I have read his book. I did not find anything new in it. I have

been suffering with CFS for more than 20 years and I have read many,

many books and medical studies in that time.

One more time: What works for one person does not necessarily work for

another person with CFS.

Schmidt wrote:


> I agree, 20 mg is HUGE. Having worked with Dr. Dantini, I believe he

> might have said " up to 20 mg " rather than " take 20 mg, " as in 2003 he

> was saying 5-10 mg per night. For some, if they aren't sleeping, the

> higher amounts would be to get more rested up, not a continual permanent

> dose. It took me six months on 9 mg per night to get rested up as I was

> very sleep/rest deprived, but I also added other things such as HRT for

> the hot flashes, anti-inflammatories for the osteo-arthritis in back and

> neck, warmer pjs at night so I don't get chilled, food allergy rotation

> diet because I have severe food allergies or sensitivities, Ultra-Cal

> NIght by Source Naturals which gave me back dreams at night so I assume

> I am getting better quality REM sleep, Recuperation for the right

> combination of minerals to alleviate leg cramps, etc.


> Dr. Dantini has a book out now that I found helpful, The New

> Fibromyalgia Theory. Of course I have found bits and pieces of helpful

> information in almost all of the CFS/FMS books too. So keep reading and

> learning out there. There are helpful things for us. We all have to find

> what works for us with our individual problems in addition to the

> CFS/FMS we each uniquely have.


> in La Selva Beach CA


> cbwillis9 wrote:

> >

> > " retractap@... " <retractap@...> wrote:

> > >

> > > I also talked with Dr. Dantini--last October.

> > > He recommended 20mg of melatonin, said any brand

> > > was all right, and said he did not have

> > > information on taking other things with the melatonin.

> > > I tried the 20mg

> > > for many weeks, and it never did anything at all for me. I saw no

> > > effect, either beneficial or otherwise.

> > >

> > > What works for one person does not necessarily work for another.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > 20 mg melatonin is HUGE, and the med lit suggests that small

> > amounts such a 0.5-3 mg are more effective than the larger

> > amounts.

> >

> > Small amounts of 2 or more sedating substances can be more

> > effective than larger amounts of one. Caution any time using

> > sedating substances and especially when combining them -

> > danger of respiratory arrest.

> >

> > Carol W.

> >

> > [Moderator: it is likely a good exercise to keep a list of what

> > supplements seem to be good wakeup and poor before bed items, and the

> > reverse. For example, aspirin, grapeseed-extract, piracetam, niacin

> > tend to be good wakeup items but will keep most people too awake to

> > get to sleep. Wormwood, Olive Leaf Extract, vin (low dosage) can

> > be useful to assist at bed time... Everyone mileage will be

> different....]

> >

> > __

> >

> >

> >



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It could be possible that Dr.Dantini recommended this higher dose not only for

sleep but also for other therapeutic reasons. Melatonin has

immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16217132?ordinalpos=1 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEn\

trez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_Discovery_RA & linkpo\

s=1 & log$=relatedreviews & logdbfrom=pubmed

They also use 20mg dosage for scarlodosis and AIDS.

" Exogenous melatonin reverses beta-blocker-induced immunosuppression and

enhances immune parameters in animals. A preliminary report of patients with

AIDS who took melatonin 20 mg daily in the evening revealed uneven but generally

beneficial effects on immune parameters.[34] "



> I know what Dr. Dantini said to me in 2008. He said to take 20 mg of

> melatonin a night for sleep. I do not need you to tell me what he said

> to me. Perhaps his approach has changed since you have spoken with

> him. I have read his book. I did not find anything new in it. I have

> been suffering with CFS for more than 20 years and I have read many,

> many books and medical studies in that time.


> One more time: What works for one person does not necessarily work for

> another person with CFS.

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I have found that if my clients take a protein snack or protein drink just

before bedtime they sleep much better. This is because the protein can prevent

blood sugar drops in the night which may cause an adrenalin rush which disrupts


> > >

> > > I also talked with Dr. Dantini--last October.

> > > He recommended 20mg of melatonin, said any brand

> > > was all right, and said he did not have

> > > information on taking other things with the melatonin.

> > > I tried the 20mg

> > > for many weeks, and it never did anything at all for me. I saw no

> > > effect, either beneficial or otherwise.

> > >

> > > What works for one person does not necessarily work for another.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > 20 mg melatonin is HUGE, and the med lit suggests that small

> > amounts such a 0.5-3 mg are more effective than the larger

> > amounts.

> >

> > Small amounts of 2 or more sedating substances can be more

> > effective than larger amounts of one. Caution any time using

> > sedating substances and especially when combining them -

> > danger of respiratory arrest.

> >

> > Carol W.

> >

> > [Moderator: it is likely a good exercise to keep a list of what

> > supplements seem to be good wakeup and poor before bed items, and the

> > reverse. For example, aspirin, grapeseed-extract, piracetam, niacin

> > tend to be good wakeup items but will keep most people too awake to

> > get to sleep. Wormwood, Olive Leaf Extract, vin (low dosage) can

> > be useful to assist at bed time... Everyone mileage will be different....]

> >

> >




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Dr. D scribed the same for me 20mg, melatonin at the end of Nov... I tried it

twice for two weeks since and stopped because the drowsiness wouldn't fade until

noon. Even when I dropped to 5mg a night, still felt thrown off too much. I

believe one purpose from certain physicians experience is to reverse the

cortisol cycle that we often have bass ackwards.



It could be possible that Dr.Dantini recommended this higher dose not only for

sleep but also for other therapeutic reasons. Melatonin has

immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16217132?ordinalpos=1 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEn\

trez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_Discovery_RA & linkpo\

s=1 & log$=relatedreviews & logdbfrom=pubmed

They also use 20mg dosage for scarlodosis and AIDS.

" Exogenous melatonin reverses beta-blocker-induced immunosuppression and

enhances immune parameters in animals. A preliminary report of patients with

AIDS who took melatonin 20 mg daily in the evening revealed uneven but generally

beneficial effects on immune parameters.[34] "



> I know what Dr. Dantini said to me in 2008. He said to take 20 mg of

> melatonin a night for sleep. I do not need you to tell me what he said

> to me. Perhaps his approach has changed since you have spoken with

> him. I have read his book. I did not find anything new in it. I have

> been suffering with CFS for more than 20 years and I have read many,

> many books and medical studies in that time.


> One more time: What works for one person does not necessarily work for

> another person with CFS.

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My sleep is all over the place, some nights okay and others not, so none of the

following is a magic solution, just a few things that help me.

As alex mentioned, if I have a small snack before bedtime I usually sleep better

and wake less often.

Getting my minerals in balance has helped. I've been working on this in

conjunction with the Yasko protocol, and tracking levels with a Urine Essential

Elements test every month or two. At one point I was taking a lot of magnesium

citrate before bedtime ( " up to bowel tolerance " ), which helped my sleep, but

taking 6-8 large capsules every night just before bedtime got tedious so I cut

back on that and am taking magnesium through drops in juice these days. Eating a

banana a day helps (for the potassium). I used to have leg spasms when I lay

down to sleep, ranging from minor to so strong they'd shake my whole body. The

mineral supplements seem to have taken care of those; if I start skipping the

minerals the spasms come back.

Recently (in the past 2 weeks) I've started using a FIR sauna, and that makes me

feel very relaxed after I'm done and have had a hot shower. Even without the

sauna session, a hot bath or shower helps me physically relax and get to sleep

more easily. Of course I usually don't think to actually *do* this when I'm not

sleeping well. If I could remember all the good advice I give myself I'd

probably be farther ahead, eh?

Maybe a bit cliched, but soothing music helps.

Unfortunately I haven't solved the problem with having to get up several times

during the night to pee. Most of the time I'm lucky enough to get back to sleep


Often my brain wakes up just around the time I ought to be falling asleep. The

day/night cycle and my adrenal system are out of whack, I'm sure. Haven't

tackled that issue yet.

Best wishes,

Marcia on

in Salem, Massachusetts


> I have found that if my clients take a protein snack or protein drink just

before bedtime they sleep much better. This is because the protein can prevent

blood sugar drops in the night which may cause an adrenalin rush which disrupts


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Just in case. Vit D (400 IU) messes with my sleep if I use whey protein.

For sleep for me: Magnesium and meditation,and/or Ashocks " soften and flow "

excercise. That calms me down quick.

Mr. Raba.

> >

> > I have found that if my clients take a protein snack or protein drink just

before bedtime they sleep much better. This is because the protein can prevent

blood sugar drops in the night which may cause an adrenalin rush which disrupts



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hi Mr Raba

Does vit D disturb your sleep even if you take it in the morning?

Also i could not understand the relationship of vit D with whey protein.

Could you explain?



Re: Sleep

> Just in case. Vit D (400 IU) messes with my sleep if I use whey protein.


> For sleep for me: Magnesium and meditation,and/or Ashocks " soften and

> flow " excercise. That calms me down quick.


> Mr. Raba.




>> >

>> > I have found that if my clients take a protein snack or protein drink

>> > just before bedtime they sleep much better. This is because the

>> > protein can prevent blood sugar drops in the night which may cause an

>> > adrenalin rush which disrupts sleep.






> ------------------------------------


> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

> other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

> discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Thanks, . It's interesting that you mention the cortisol cycle

problem. I know that my cortisol cycle has been backwards (low at 8AM

when it should be highest; high at midnight when it should be low).

Dr. D never asked me anything about cortisol.

I saw Suzanne Sommers on TV this morning saying she takes 25mg of

melatonin every night for sleep. She says she has to take a high dose

because she has a stressful life.

Rutledge wrote:


> Dr. D scribed the same for me 20mg, melatonin at the end of Nov... I

> tried it twice for two weeks since and stopped because the drowsiness

> wouldn't fade until noon. Even when I dropped to 5mg a night, still

> felt thrown off too much. I believe one purpose from certain

> physicians experience is to reverse the cortisol cycle that we often

> have bass ackwards.


> R


> ,


> It could be possible that Dr.Dantini recommended this higher dose not

> only for sleep but also for other therapeutic reasons. Melatonin has

> immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties.



http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16217132?ordinalpos=1 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEn\

trez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_Discovery_RA & linkpo\

s=1 & log$=relatedreviews & logdbfrom=pubmed


<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16217132?ordinalpos=1 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PE\

ntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_Discovery_RA & linkp\

os=1 & log$=relatedreviews & logdbfrom=pubmed>


> They also use 20mg dosage for scarlodosis and AIDS.


> " Exogenous melatonin reverses beta-blocker-induced immunosuppression

> and enhances immune parameters in animals. A preliminary report of

> patients with AIDS who took melatonin 20 mg daily in the evening

> revealed uneven but generally beneficial effects on immune

> parameters.[34] "


> http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/472385_3

> <http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/472385_3>


> nat


> > I know what Dr. Dantini said to me in 2008. He said to take 20 mg of

> > melatonin a night for sleep. I do not need you to tell me what he said

> > to me. Perhaps his approach has changed since you have spoken with

> > him. I have read his book. I did not find anything new in it. I have

> > been suffering with CFS for more than 20 years and I have read many,

> > many books and medical studies in that time.

> >

> > One more time: What works for one person does not necessarily work for

> > another person with CFS.



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I have been taking melatonin 3-5mg for over 10 years.

Whenever I am a long time on melatonin, my periods become heavy and closer

together. I just want to warn you about this if you do try high dose melatonin

for a long time. The doses of 20mg sound ridiculous.

The reference for how melatonin effects the other hormones in the body are in

this reference:


futher down the page it says:

" Melatonin and Menses "

which is my specific problem and relates to long term useage in the fertility

system and other hormones.

I'm at my wits end as I can not reset my sleep or sleep well without melatonin

but can not stand the heavy periods it gives me.

My gynacologist knows nothing. None of them are taught about melatonin. I had to

find that article after hours of exhaustive searching. What can I take instead

of melatonin to reset sleep without the side effects on my period?

Can anyone here help me?

I sent a post on this within the last few weeks. You can look it up under my


> > >

> > > I also talked with Dr. Dantini--last October.

> > > He recommended 20mg of melatonin, said any brand

> > > was all right, and said he did not have

> > > information on taking other things with the melatonin.

> > > I tried the 20mg

> > > for many weeks, and it never did anything at all for me. I saw no

> > > effect, either beneficial or otherwise.

> > >

> > > What works for one person does not necessarily work for another.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > 20 mg melatonin is HUGE, and the med lit suggests that small

> > amounts such a 0.5-3 mg are more effective than the larger

> > amounts.

> >

> > Small amounts of 2 or more sedating substances can be more

> > effective than larger amounts of one. Caution any time using

> > sedating substances and especially when combining them -

> > danger of respiratory arrest.

> >

> > Carol W.

> >

> > [Moderator: it is likely a good exercise to keep a list of what

> > supplements seem to be good wakeup and poor before bed items, and the

> > reverse. For example, aspirin, grapeseed-extract, piracetam, niacin

> > tend to be good wakeup items but will keep most people too awake to

> > get to sleep. Wormwood, Olive Leaf Extract, vin (low dosage) can

> > be useful to assist at bed time... Everyone mileage will be different....]

> >

> >




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another link on the subject but not as comprehensive is the questions


The link I gave called " Melatonin, menstruation and the moon " is much better.

Sometimes the link works and sometimes doesn't. It explains properly the

influence of melatonin on the reproductive system. If it does not work check

back later or google the exact title.

> > > >

> > > > I also talked with Dr. Dantini--last October.

> > > > He recommended 20mg of melatonin, said any brand

> > > > was all right, and said he did not have

> > > > information on taking other things with the melatonin.

> > > > I tried the 20mg

> > > > for many weeks, and it never did anything at all for me. I saw no

> > > > effect, either beneficial or otherwise.

> > > >

> > > > What works for one person does not necessarily work for another.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > 20 mg melatonin is HUGE, and the med lit suggests that small

> > > amounts such a 0.5-3 mg are more effective than the larger

> > > amounts.

> > >

> > > Small amounts of 2 or more sedating substances can be more

> > > effective than larger amounts of one. Caution any time using

> > > sedating substances and especially when combining them -

> > > danger of respiratory arrest.

> > >

> > > Carol W.

> > >

> > > [Moderator: it is likely a good exercise to keep a list of what

> > > supplements seem to be good wakeup and poor before bed items, and the

> > > reverse. For example, aspirin, grapeseed-extract, piracetam, niacin

> > > tend to be good wakeup items but will keep most people too awake to

> > > get to sleep. Wormwood, Olive Leaf Extract, vin (low dosage) can

> > > be useful to assist at bed time... Everyone mileage will be different....]

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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I take 200 mg of sam-e plus a gaba calm.. before bed. Knocks me out. Sam-e

helps convert serotonin to melatonin.

Of course, the simplified yasko protocol sorted out my sleep problems. I quit

sleep meds within 2 weeks of starting and never went back. That was over 2 years


Sleep studies show i had almost no stage 3 & 4 sleep back then.. (pre- yasko)

These days I sleep like a baby. Hard to believe but true.

To clarify .. I think it's all the support that helps with sleep.. folates b12

etc... but the sam-e is particularly helpful.

caution: sam-e is contraindicated for people with serotonin syndrome & also , I

*THINK* ppl on SSRIs.



> I have been taking melatonin 3-5mg for over 10 years.

> Whenever I am a long time on melatonin, my periods become heavy and closer

together. I just want to warn you about this if you do try high dose melatonin

for a long time. The doses of 20mg sound ridiculous.


> The reference for how melatonin effects the other hormones in the body are in

this reference:

> http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_259-260/ai_n10299307

> futher down the page it says:

> " Melatonin and Menses "

> which is my specific problem and relates to long term useage in the fertility

system and other hormones.


> I'm at my wits end as I can not reset my sleep or sleep well without melatonin

but can not stand the heavy periods it gives me.


> My gynacologist knows nothing. None of them are taught about melatonin. I had

to find that article after hours of exhaustive searching. What can I take

instead of melatonin to reset sleep without the side effects on my period?


> Can anyone here help me?

> I sent a post on this within the last few weeks. You can look it up under my



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I have been thinking of trying SAMe for sleep


On Mar 14, 2009, at 8:33 AM, lmonrovia wrote:

> I take 200 mg of sam-e plus a gaba calm.. before bed. Knocks me out.

> Sam-e helps convert serotonin to melatonin.


> Of course, the simplified yasko protocol sorted out my sleep

> problems. I quit sleep meds within 2 weeks of starting and never

> went back. That was over 2 years ago.


> Sleep studies show i had almost no stage 3 & 4 sleep back then..

> (pre- yasko) These days I sleep like a baby. Hard to believe but true.


> To clarify .. I think it's all the support that helps with sleep..

> folates b12 etc... but the sam-e is particularly helpful.


> caution: sam-e is contraindicated for people with serotonin syndrome

> & also , I *THINK* ppl on SSRIs.


> L.


> >

> > I have been taking melatonin 3-5mg for over 10 years.

> > Whenever I am a long time on melatonin, my periods become heavy

> and closer together. I just want to warn you about this if you do

> try high dose melatonin for a long time. The doses of 20mg sound

> ridiculous.

> >

> > The reference for how melatonin effects the other hormones in the

> body are in this reference:

> > http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ISW/is_259-260/ai_n10299307

> > futher down the page it says:

> > " Melatonin and Menses "

> > which is my specific problem and relates to long term useage in

> the fertility system and other hormones.

> >

> > I'm at my wits end as I can not reset my sleep or sleep well

> without melatonin but can not stand the heavy periods it gives me.

> >

> > My gynacologist knows nothing. None of them are taught about

> melatonin. I had to find that article after hours of exhaustive

> searching. What can I take instead of melatonin to reset sleep

> without the side effects on my period?

> >

> > Can anyone here help me?

> > I sent a post on this within the last few weeks. You can look it

> up under my name.

> >




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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


> Hi all,


> I have been on the programme for 1-2 months. Over the last few days haven't

been able to sleep that well at all. I do the mad/cal before bed and

stretches/exercises etc. to calm down (breathing as well).


> I usually have dinner around 8 and take the last vit C and a table spoon of

coconut oil with the meal. Is there anything extra you would say to do? Like `i

say it's only been over the last few days. Is this all part of the proccess of

getting better?

+++Hi Chris. Sleep can be affected because your body is detoxifying, which it

does mostly at night. So first ensure you are very gradually and slowly

increasing your coconut oil. You can experiment a bit by cutting back on

coconut oil to a level that doesn't cause too much die-off/detoxifying to


Also, taking coconut oil less than 3 hours before bedtime interferes with sleep

since it energizes your body so much. If you eat meals less than 3 hours before

bed your body will be working hard to digest it which interferes with sleep.

If you've had sleep problems in the past your body will also " retrace " them

during natural healing - look up Hering's Law of Cure on my website.

Your last dose of cal/mag should be 1/2 hour before bed and with a poached egg

(which digests very quickly so it won't interfere with sleep).

Search for the Sleep article on my website for more suggestions.

Cheers, Bee

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  • 5 months later...

Jayke, Sleeping is sometimes a symptom of depression...escape. He must get his

depression and diabetes under control before he can start treatment. Depression

is a major side effect of treatment. Anti-depressents, Anti-Ds, will take

several weeks to become effective. And it may take a few differant ones to find

the one that does the most good. At no time should anyone go Cold Turkey with

SSRIs, the crash can be severe. Online support is good as far as it goes. Face

to face support is much better. Check the websites for American Liver

Foundation, Hepatitis Foundation International and www.hcvadvocate.org for

support group listings and see if there is one near you.



> I'm new to the group and fairly new to HC. As far as I know, I don't have it

yet but my fiancee has had it for many years. Since we've met again (about 2

1/2 years), he's generally had low energy. Past month he sleeps constantly.

Deep, sound sleep. He has many other things against him and have been trying to

get him ready for the " treatment " . He has chronic major manic depression

-usually on the very low side. He is Insulin dependent diabetic with wide

ranges of blood sugar. The Psychiatrist put him on a dramatic increase of

antidepression medication to prep him for the treatment. It seems to have him

on the down side. They keep increasing doses and addding more drugs but by

puttingh off the treatment it seems to have discouraged him. However, I don't

disagree with the decision to wait, I'm just frustrated with the current

situation. Should he be re-evaluated for this sleeping. I'm very concerned.

He cannot stay awake. He's in a deep slack-jawed snoring coma like state within

seconds!!!! I don't know what to do. Any advice? jayke


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Jayke, Sleeping is sometimes a symptom of depression...escape. He must get his

depression and diabetes under control before he can start treatment. Depression

is a major side effect of treatment. Anti-depressents, Anti-Ds, will take

several weeks to become effective. And it may take a few differant ones to find

the one that does the most good. At no time should anyone go Cold Turkey with

SSRIs, the crash can be severe. Online support is good as far as it goes. Face

to face support is much better. Check the websites for American Liver

Foundation, Hepatitis Foundation International and www.hcvadvocate.org for

support group listings and see if there is one near you.



> I'm new to the group and fairly new to HC. As far as I know, I don't have it

yet but my fiancee has had it for many years. Since we've met again (about 2

1/2 years), he's generally had low energy. Past month he sleeps constantly.

Deep, sound sleep. He has many other things against him and have been trying to

get him ready for the " treatment " . He has chronic major manic depression

-usually on the very low side. He is Insulin dependent diabetic with wide

ranges of blood sugar. The Psychiatrist put him on a dramatic increase of

antidepression medication to prep him for the treatment. It seems to have him

on the down side. They keep increasing doses and addding more drugs but by

puttingh off the treatment it seems to have discouraged him. However, I don't

disagree with the decision to wait, I'm just frustrated with the current

situation. Should he be re-evaluated for this sleeping. I'm very concerned.

He cannot stay awake. He's in a deep slack-jawed snoring coma like state within

seconds!!!! I don't know what to do. Any advice? jayke


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Dear DK


I'm so sorry to hear ur boyfriend is going through such a tough time.  He has

many underlying illnesses which will be affected by his treatment.  It is

brutal.  I took it but had to come off it after 6 months as my white platelet

count dropped too low.  My Dad saved me with the depression as I was tending to

him for his last two years and he was indeed a handfull with ailments.  Point

is, I was too busy with someone else to feel depressed or sad about my

treatment.  I would get a second opinion on his antidepressants and give him a

goal to help somone else who is worse off than he is, not knocking his

condition.  I've had it 30 years and in stage one of cancer.

 but I am going to Costa Rica and help the animals and the kiddos.  He can do

something in his own town.  I don't believe in western meds so will not take

antidepressents.  Talk to an herbologist, particullary chinese, american indians

and learn about how they can help.  I take around 14 a day plus a tea made of

powerful antioxidents 3 times a day. 


Everyone reacts differently, dependent on their minds.  That is our strongest

asset or can be our biggest liability.  Enjoy something out of every day. 


Hope this helps.  If he needs to talk I will give u my number or call u.




From: jk <jayke54@...>

Subject: sleep

Hepatitis C

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 1:39 PM


I'm new to the group and fairly new to HC. As far as I know, I don't have it yet

but my fiancee has had it for many years. Since we've met again (about 2 1/2

years), he's generally had low energy. Past month he sleeps constantly. Deep,

sound sleep. He has many other things against him and have been trying to get

him ready for the " treatment " . He has chronic major manic depression -usually on

the very low side. He is Insulin dependent diabetic with wide ranges of blood

sugar. The Psychiatrist put him on a dramatic increase of antidepression

medication to prep him for the treatment. It seems to have him on the down side.

They keep increasing doses and addding more drugs but by puttingh off the

treatment it seems to have discouraged him. However, I don't disagree with the

decision to wait, I'm just frustrated with the current situation. Should he be

re-evaluated for this sleeping. I'm very concerned. He cannot stay awake. He's

in a deep slack-jawed snoring

coma like state within seconds!!!! I don't know what to do. Any advice? jayke

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Dear DK


I'm so sorry to hear ur boyfriend is going through such a tough time.  He has

many underlying illnesses which will be affected by his treatment.  It is

brutal.  I took it but had to come off it after 6 months as my white platelet

count dropped too low.  My Dad saved me with the depression as I was tending to

him for his last two years and he was indeed a handfull with ailments.  Point

is, I was too busy with someone else to feel depressed or sad about my

treatment.  I would get a second opinion on his antidepressants and give him a

goal to help somone else who is worse off than he is, not knocking his

condition.  I've had it 30 years and in stage one of cancer.

 but I am going to Costa Rica and help the animals and the kiddos.  He can do

something in his own town.  I don't believe in western meds so will not take

antidepressents.  Talk to an herbologist, particullary chinese, american indians

and learn about how they can help.  I take around 14 a day plus a tea made of

powerful antioxidents 3 times a day. 


Everyone reacts differently, dependent on their minds.  That is our strongest

asset or can be our biggest liability.  Enjoy something out of every day. 


Hope this helps.  If he needs to talk I will give u my number or call u.




From: jk <jayke54@...>

Subject: sleep

Hepatitis C

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 1:39 PM


I'm new to the group and fairly new to HC. As far as I know, I don't have it yet

but my fiancee has had it for many years. Since we've met again (about 2 1/2

years), he's generally had low energy. Past month he sleeps constantly. Deep,

sound sleep. He has many other things against him and have been trying to get

him ready for the " treatment " . He has chronic major manic depression -usually on

the very low side. He is Insulin dependent diabetic with wide ranges of blood

sugar. The Psychiatrist put him on a dramatic increase of antidepression

medication to prep him for the treatment. It seems to have him on the down side.

They keep increasing doses and addding more drugs but by puttingh off the

treatment it seems to have discouraged him. However, I don't disagree with the

decision to wait, I'm just frustrated with the current situation. Should he be

re-evaluated for this sleeping. I'm very concerned. He cannot stay awake. He's

in a deep slack-jawed snoring

coma like state within seconds!!!! I don't know what to do. Any advice? jayke

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patti........................................cant help but luv you,you have no

idea what an impact you have,i thank God for you and Lloyd!!!


i dont even remember if you guys remember me when i came in here as a wee lil

pup. i dont remember yous,i was to freaked out. but ty

From: patti <fishinggal2008@...>

Subject: Re: sleep

Hepatitis C

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 7:44 PM


Dear DK


I'm so sorry to hear ur boyfriend is going through such a tough time.  He has

many underlying illnesses which will be affected by his treatment.  It is

brutal.  I took it but had to come off it after 6 months as my white platelet

count dropped too low.  My Dad saved me with the depression as I was tending to

him for his last two years and he was indeed a handfull with ailments.  Point

is, I was too busy with someone else to feel depressed or sad about my

treatment.  I would get a second opinion on his antidepressants  and give him a

goal to help somone else who is worse off than he is, not knocking his

condition.  I've had it 30 years and in stage one of cancer.

 but I am going to Costa Rica and help the animals and the kiddos.  He can do

something in his own town.  I don't believe in western meds so will not take

antidepressents.  Talk to an herbologist, particullary chinese, american indians

and learn about how they can help.  I take around 14 a day plus a tea made of

powerful antioxidents 3 times a day. 


Everyone reacts differently, dependent on their minds.  That is our strongest

asset or can be our biggest liability.  Enjoy something out of every day. 


Hope this helps.  If he needs to talk I will give u my number or call u.




From: jk <jayke54 (DOT) com>

Subject: sleep

Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 1:39 PM


I'm new to the group and fairly new to HC. As far as I know, I don't have it yet

but my fiancee has had it for many years. Since we've met again (about 2 1/2

years), he's generally had low energy. Past month he sleeps constantly. Deep,

sound sleep. He has many other things against him and have been trying to get

him ready for the " treatment " . He has chronic major manic depression -usually on

the very low side. He is Insulin dependent diabetic with wide ranges of blood

sugar. The Psychiatrist put him on a dramatic increase of antidepression

medication to prep him for the treatment. It seems to have him on the down side.

They keep increasing doses and addding more drugs but by puttingh off the

treatment it seems to have discouraged him. However, I don't disagree with the

decision to wait, I'm just frustrated with the current situation. Should he be

re-evaluated for this sleeping. I'm very concerned. He cannot stay awake. He's

in a deep slack-jawed snoring

coma like state within seconds!!!! I don't know what to do. Any advice? jayke

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patti........................................cant help but luv you,you have no

idea what an impact you have,i thank God for you and Lloyd!!!


i dont even remember if you guys remember me when i came in here as a wee lil

pup. i dont remember yous,i was to freaked out. but ty

From: patti <fishinggal2008@...>

Subject: Re: sleep

Hepatitis C

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 7:44 PM


Dear DK


I'm so sorry to hear ur boyfriend is going through such a tough time.  He has

many underlying illnesses which will be affected by his treatment.  It is

brutal.  I took it but had to come off it after 6 months as my white platelet

count dropped too low.  My Dad saved me with the depression as I was tending to

him for his last two years and he was indeed a handfull with ailments.  Point

is, I was too busy with someone else to feel depressed or sad about my

treatment.  I would get a second opinion on his antidepressants  and give him a

goal to help somone else who is worse off than he is, not knocking his

condition.  I've had it 30 years and in stage one of cancer.

 but I am going to Costa Rica and help the animals and the kiddos.  He can do

something in his own town.  I don't believe in western meds so will not take

antidepressents.  Talk to an herbologist, particullary chinese, american indians

and learn about how they can help.  I take around 14 a day plus a tea made of

powerful antioxidents 3 times a day. 


Everyone reacts differently, dependent on their minds.  That is our strongest

asset or can be our biggest liability.  Enjoy something out of every day. 


Hope this helps.  If he needs to talk I will give u my number or call u.




From: jk <jayke54 (DOT) com>

Subject: sleep

Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 1:39 PM


I'm new to the group and fairly new to HC. As far as I know, I don't have it yet

but my fiancee has had it for many years. Since we've met again (about 2 1/2

years), he's generally had low energy. Past month he sleeps constantly. Deep,

sound sleep. He has many other things against him and have been trying to get

him ready for the " treatment " . He has chronic major manic depression -usually on

the very low side. He is Insulin dependent diabetic with wide ranges of blood

sugar. The Psychiatrist put him on a dramatic increase of antidepression

medication to prep him for the treatment. It seems to have him on the down side.

They keep increasing doses and addding more drugs but by puttingh off the

treatment it seems to have discouraged him. However, I don't disagree with the

decision to wait, I'm just frustrated with the current situation. Should he be

re-evaluated for this sleeping. I'm very concerned. He cannot stay awake. He's

in a deep slack-jawed snoring

coma like state within seconds!!!! I don't know what to do. Any advice? jayke

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focused on some very good points glen!

From: GlennR <grisley6315@...>

Subject: Re: sleep

Hepatitis C

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 7:22 PM


Jayke, Sleeping is sometimes a symptom of depression.. .escape. He must get his

depression and diabetes under control before he can start treatment. Depression

is a major side effect of treatment. Anti-depressents, Anti-Ds, will take

several weeks to become effective. And it may take a few differant ones to find

the one that does the most good. At no time should anyone go Cold Turkey with

SSRIs, the crash can be severe. Online support is good as far as it goes. Face

to face support is much better. Check the websites for American Liver

Foundation, Hepatitis Foundation International and www.hcvadvocate. org for

support group listings and see if there is one near you.



> I'm new to the group and fairly new to HC. As far as I know, I don't have it

yet but my fiancee has had it for many years. Since we've met again (about 2 1/2

years), he's generally had low energy. Past month he sleeps constantly. Deep,

sound sleep. He has many other things against him and have been trying to get

him ready for the " treatment " . He has chronic major manic depression -usually on

the very low side. He is Insulin dependent diabetic with wide ranges of blood

sugar. The Psychiatrist put him on a dramatic increase of antidepression

medication to prep him for the treatment. It seems to have him on the down side.

They keep increasing doses and addding more drugs but by puttingh off the

treatment it seems to have discouraged him. However, I don't disagree with the

decision to wait, I'm just frustrated with the current situation. Should he be

re-evaluated for this sleeping. I'm very concerned. He cannot stay awake. He's

in a deep slack-jawed

snoring coma like state within seconds!!!! I don't know what to do. Any advice?



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focused on some very good points glen!

From: GlennR <grisley6315@...>

Subject: Re: sleep

Hepatitis C

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 7:22 PM


Jayke, Sleeping is sometimes a symptom of depression.. .escape. He must get his

depression and diabetes under control before he can start treatment. Depression

is a major side effect of treatment. Anti-depressents, Anti-Ds, will take

several weeks to become effective. And it may take a few differant ones to find

the one that does the most good. At no time should anyone go Cold Turkey with

SSRIs, the crash can be severe. Online support is good as far as it goes. Face

to face support is much better. Check the websites for American Liver

Foundation, Hepatitis Foundation International and www.hcvadvocate. org for

support group listings and see if there is one near you.



> I'm new to the group and fairly new to HC. As far as I know, I don't have it

yet but my fiancee has had it for many years. Since we've met again (about 2 1/2

years), he's generally had low energy. Past month he sleeps constantly. Deep,

sound sleep. He has many other things against him and have been trying to get

him ready for the " treatment " . He has chronic major manic depression -usually on

the very low side. He is Insulin dependent diabetic with wide ranges of blood

sugar. The Psychiatrist put him on a dramatic increase of antidepression

medication to prep him for the treatment. It seems to have him on the down side.

They keep increasing doses and addding more drugs but by puttingh off the

treatment it seems to have discouraged him. However, I don't disagree with the

decision to wait, I'm just frustrated with the current situation. Should he be

re-evaluated for this sleeping. I'm very concerned. He cannot stay awake. He's

in a deep slack-jawed

snoring coma like state within seconds!!!! I don't know what to do. Any advice?



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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Suzanne,

Ornithine is a non-essential amino acid made from other kinds of amino acids in

your body. All amino acids are from proteins, i.e. meats and eggs, so you'd be

better having an egg when you wake up rather than taking a processed product.

You have keep some peeled boiled eggs on hand to eat.

Most amino acids on the market today are made from soy too, which is damaging to

anyone's health.

I suggest you also go to bed early enough to make up for lost sleep 1:30 - 3:30


Also when you wake up do deep breathing exercises:


See this sleep article for other ideas on how to improve it:


I hope that helps.



> i have been waking up daily at 130am till 330. it is so hard because I have to

go to work in the morning. Doyou believe in the body clock? that says the liver

is detoxing then. Any suggestions?


> I have tried herbal sleep and ornithine.


> suzanne


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  • 6 months later...

Hello everyone, all i have wanted all week is to just sleep now i have to get up

early for my dr appt i cant sleep, i know its stress i really think my hgb has

come up i dont feel as short a breath still dizzy but i am used to that lol

Blessed be marie---------

Sent from AT & T's Wireless network using Mobile Email

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest


I've been having trouble sleeping the last couple weeks. The first two

weeks on the diet were good, but now I'm waking up at 3 AM or 4 AM and can't

get back to sleep. I haven't started taking the Ca and Mg supplements yet.

Would they make a big difference here?


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Guest guest


> Bee,




> I've been having trouble sleeping the last couple weeks. The first two

> weeks on the diet were good, but now I'm waking up at 3 AM or 4 AM and can't

> get back to sleep. I haven't started taking the Ca and Mg supplements yet.

> Would they make a big difference here?


Every supplement is important for this program in order for it to get the

results. Yes, cal/mag supplements may help you sleep. However, your body

detoxifies more at night, so a person can wake up at 3-4 AM. That may be a good

sign, since it means your body is detoxifying itself better.

See this article for help on sleeping:


All the best, Bee




> Chris







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