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A little venting

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How I wish I could help....are you able to smile at all? I was just curious...I think its awful that they are treating you this way especially considering you have a sign...its amazing how people are so rude and thoughtless these days...I do empathize with you...maybe try wearing a great big huge pin on your smock/shirt that says what your condition is and draw a big smiley face....Im sorry Im not much help I do not have a very good imagination.....I wish you the best though...and I know this is easier said then done, but try not to let mean people destroy your day.....just remember you might not be able to show your smile but atleast you know you have one hun....have a great night and good luck with everything...take care...Liz

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Glad you vented and boy do you have every reason too! IM so sorry about all you are going through. I would Contact Voc rehab right away and try to get out of there, tell VR that you are no longer able to do it and to look for something else not dealing so much with the public, people can be so damned mean! I know what you mean too----I would not want anyone to have the lupus sjogrens and fibro I have but when people are fricking rude I want them to live like me for a day or a week----they would never double it again.

Stay strong and I can tell you are very strong and take action.>>>>this job just is not working. Keep writing the group it helps me just to read a post like yours inspires me to keep on trucking and I am back with no job and on a BS waiting list for VR here in KS. My last job would not work around disabilities and it was hell.

giant hugs Colleen C

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I can't really smile, because the muscles in my jaws are affected. But I do have an occassional problem with my horns popping out ! This isn't a funny situation to me, but I had to get it out, before I start screaming. Sueitsliz31@... wrote: Sue, How I wish I could help....are you able to smile at all? I was just curious...I think its awful that they are treating you this way especially considering you have a sign...its amazing how people are so rude and

thoughtless these days...I do empathize with you...maybe try wearing a great big huge pin on your smock/shirt that says what your condition is and draw a big smiley face....Im sorry Im not much help I do not have a very good imagination.....I wish you the best though...and I know this is easier said then done, but try not to let mean people destroy your day.....just remember you might not be able to show your smile but atleast you know you have one hun....have a great night and good luck with everything...take care...Liz For a REALLY HOT time check out http://www.peternoone.com and http://www.mikesmith1964.com

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My neighbors tell me that if I get fired...I would have grounds for a lawsuit. Hope it doesn't g o that far. sueccomm777@... wrote: SUEGlad you vented and boy do you have every reason too! IM so sorry about all you are going through. I would Contact Voc rehab right away and try to get out of there, tell VR that you are no longer able to do it and to look for something else not dealing so much with the public, people can be so damned mean! I know what you mean too----I would not want anyone to have the lupus sjogrens and fibro I have but when people are fricking rude I want them to live like me for a day or a week----they would never double it again.Stay strong and I can tell you are very strong and take

action.>>>>this job just is not working. Keep writing the group it helps me just to read a post like yours inspires me to keep on trucking and I am back with no job and on a BS waiting list for VR here in KS. My last job would not work around disabilities and it was hell.giant hugs Colleen C For a REALLY HOT time check out http://www.peternoone.com and http://www.mikesmith1964.com

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i don't even begin to imagine what you are going through. but i do know what your managers are doing to you is not right. they hired you knowing you have a disability. it sounds as though you are doing everything you can. don't give up. evelynSue <sweetsueohio2002@...> wrote: Sue <sweetsueohio2002@...> wrote: I don't know what to do. I work as a cashier in a FAMILY DOLLAR STORE. I'm severely speech impaired due to Dystonia. Complete strangers have been calling the corporate office and complaining that I'm not being friendly. We are supposed to do things such as greeting customers, and telling them to

have a good day, etc. I have a sign up by my register, stating that I don't intend to be rude, but I do have a speech impairment. I put a smiley face on the sign, and tell people thankyou for shopping, and to have a nice day. I speak as loud and clear as I can, but I still sound like the town drunk.I also had to resort to pointing at the screen on the cash register to let people know what they owe (They are complaining about that too). I'm being told by the manager to make some changes, or they will have to make some changes (Meaning I will have no more job). I got this job with the help of THE BEAUREAU OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION. So I will be getting intouch with my BVR counselor. I was so upset about this today, that I nearly walked off the job. I used to tell people that I don't wish this illness on anyone. But now, I wish that EVERYONE should spend one day going through what I do. It's been 2 months now, since I've been able to chew

on anything. I've had this now for about 6 yrs. This illness has affected the muscles in my neck, and jaw. It's like having your jaws wired shut. Can any of you imagine, what it would be like for you to have your jaws wired shut 24/7? If anyone has any brilliant ideas please pass them along. You can get more info on this from http://www.dystonia-foundation.org Thanks Sue For a REALLY HOT time check out http://www.peternoone.com and http://www.mikesmith1964.com For a REALLY HOT time check out http://www.peternoone.com and http://www.mikesmith1964.com

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  • 1 year later...
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I'm about to go get liposuction. My tummy is driving me nuts. I've been on

this diet (admittedly on and off) since last year, and have lost 25 pounds.

Losing weight is not my main goal, but it is a bonus. :) Yet, my stomach is

still HUGE. Like I've mentioned on here before, the rest of me is small but I

have a big balloon belly. You always hear of people saying, " I lost 25 pounds

and went down 4 dress sizes! " etc. Well, I've lost 25 pounds and I don't know

where the weight came from, because it isn't my belly!

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I would imagine you've been more " off " the diet than " on " then. My

belly has disappeared... it went from super bloated (as you can see in

the photos link to the left on Bee's page) to super flat in 4

months. But that's staying " on " the diet. :) Weight loss definitely

wasn't a goal for me, but it is nice to lose the nightly BLOAT!

I'm going to send Bee a new pic for the photo gallery pretty soon.

Like you, I was small everywhere, but my belly. Liposuction is not a

wise decision at all... nor are ANY such procedures man has created

which do so much more damage than we could possibly imagine.



> I'm about to go get liposuction. My tummy is driving me nuts. I've

been on this diet (admittedly on and off) since last year, and have

lost 25 pounds. Losing weight is not my main goal, but it is a

bonus. :) Yet, my stomach is still HUGE. Like I've mentioned on here

before, the rest of me is small but I have a big balloon belly. You

always hear of people saying, " I lost 25 pounds and went down 4 dress

sizes! " etc. Well, I've lost 25 pounds and I don't know where the

weight came from, because it isn't my belly!





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I'm not tiny everywhere else, like you, (I'm kind of plus-sized) but I do have a

disproportionately round upper belly.

It's SO FRUSTRATING, because I cannot get clothes that fit me properly.

I also have small shoulders, so if I select a shirt that buttons over my belly,

I need

shoulderpads the size of cantaloupes to fill out the rest of the shirt!!!! With

jeans, the ass

is empty and the thighs are baggy if I want them to fit the tummy. (I was one

of the few

non-teenage women in love with low-rise jeans because they don't have to fit my



So I hear you loud and clear. I came here to find out if candida was the reason

for my

bloated middle, and haven't been on the list for long (I'm working my way

through the

first step still).

I've been worried that I might have Cushing's disease, but the fact that my legs

and arms

aren't thin makes me think maybe it's really Candida induced weight and

malnutrition and

not Cushing's. Either way, it's a drag.

IF you have thin arms and legs I'd say you should definitely get tested for

cushings, which

results from a microscopic tumor on the pituitary gland. Just google it and

you'll find tons

of info, or visit wikipedia.org for a summary.

Good luck!!

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Though I am totally

> exhausted and more depressed now than before I started the diet.



*That's* probably your die-off.

I also think a flat stomach in a man is different from a flat stomach

in a woman who's borne children. I'm not currently bloating but I do

not have a flat stomach. I'm not even losing weight, I've gained five

pounds recently! But I have no doubt I am healthier as I have more

stamina, more mental clarity, more sanity.

You might have to target those specific muscles to tighten them, giving

you a flatter look. I gave birth to three ten-ish pound babies so I'm

not expecting my pre-baby belly anytime soon or without some extra work.


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Hi ,

That sucks! I hope you get your body back, but I am

really glad you got your life back! Keeping working

it girl!

--- <alli110200@...> wrote:

> I'm about to go get liposuction. My tummy is

> driving me nuts. I've been on this diet (admittedly

> on and off) since last year, and have lost 25

> pounds. Losing weight is not my main goal, but it

> is a bonus. :) Yet, my stomach is still HUGE.

> Like I've mentioned on here before, the rest of me

> is small but I have a big balloon belly. You always

> hear of people saying, " I lost 25 pounds and went

> down 4 dress sizes! " etc. Well, I've lost 25 pounds

> and I don't know where the weight came from, because

> it isn't my belly!




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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