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Re: Ear Candleing

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Hmm . . . a word of caution regarding the reference to Native American tribes.

Mind you I was listening to an old " Xit " tape when I read this. Not the best

setting to read about a reference to another tribes medicine. For those of

you who don't know, XIT, was a Native American rock band of the 60's or 70's.

Don't remember which, but the original was on vinyl and there is a reference

to Alcatraz in one of their songs. XIT was a musical version of AIM. Very

angry and militant, however, they did have some points.

First, I know this is a listserv for Dwarfism, and I'm a tad out of my area

posting this here. Way I rationalize it, ya'll have collectively wizened my

expletive deleted up to many thing, opened my eyes in other words. My turn

to return on something I know. Namely my culture, and some of the eroneous

bits in the exert that was posted.

I would say first of all, be careful of who you read and what they claim to

be 'Native American Shamanism.' We call it medicine, not shamanism. Close

as I could tell shamanism is Siberian in origin. There is a great market for

'Native American Spirituality' be it written word or spoken word. An example

would be a book on totem animals claiming Native Americans used snakes as a

healing animal/medicine. This is wrong. First a generalization, secondly

many tribes say snakes are evil. Different reasons for different tribes.

As far as the spoken word. I have encountered Native Americans and

Caucasians that are after the dollar that it is drawing in.

If you are seeking out information from the Elders, the respected method is

to seek them out. Not read about it in a journal. They have the real

information. Our culture is strongly based upon word of mouth. Each person

teaching another person. Handing it down through the generations . . .

verbally. There are many things to be said about the printed word, and it

has been beneficial in some areas. However, too much is left out, changed or

omitted through translation or the writers whim to sell it to an audience.

In the ways of medicine, a teacher teaches one person at a time. Not a

group, nor in a publication. I do not know if it is the teacher who seeks

the student, the student seeks the teacher or the Spirits guide a person on a

path. Beyond what my family has taught me, I have not been formally taught.

I will admit ignorance about whether or not a tribe in Florida does candling,

I only have knowledge of my tribe and a passing knowledge of the surrounding


I know that many people ascribed many cultures to aid to their credibility.

Something that rang true of this is the first line. " 'Ear candling/coning can

be understood as an ancient healing modality - Atlantean, Mayan, Egyptian,

Tibetan - "

Speaking from geological perspective . . . Atlantis has yet to be found.

There are some possibilities as to how an island that it is reputed to be had

been destroyed by vulcanism. However, as a continent, it would have to be

very old, as the geologic record of the oceans goes back a fair ways.

I can't stress enough, when it comes to anyone claiming knowledge of Native

American Spirituality, be very cautious of the source and the message sent.


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http://www.tcnaturals.com/ear_candles/instructions.html This gives you alot of info .. Suzirainbowegret <egret.09@...> wrote: Hi AllI bought some ear candles for Carl and I would also like to try them on my oldest Dylan. They didn't come with any instructions. I know how to put them in the ear I was just wondering if anyone knew how long they take to burn and how do you know when they are finished?


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