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Abdominal Pain

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My 11 year old son had very simular symptoms when he was first

diagnosed with AIH. He has Ulcerative Colitis borderline Crohn's

disease. both autoimmune diseases. his pain in his abdomen was a

blockage of bile. he was in and out of the hospital for 6 weeks with

what they called *unknown parital paralysis of the small intestine*.

His dr's always told him he was full of crap....lol....in the x-rays

he will full from begining to end with no air pockets.. his diet

plays a big role in the health of his intestines...he eats no diary,

whey, casein (milk protein).


Jayne in NH

Mom to Zach 11yo DX: AIH 11/02, UC 11/02, Diary Free 12/02 MEDICINE

FREE SINCE 12/01/04!!!!!!

> Anyone have any ideas, comments, suggestions? I went through the

archives on

> pancreatitis. I have no nausea or vomitting and as I said, the pain

is severe

> but not constant so it doesn't sound like that. I would appreciate


> feedback.


> Regards

> Elaine

> Long Island, NY

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Clara…you are funny! After

the ‘speech’ that nothing is wrong with me, the next lecture is to

lose weight….interestingly enough, the GI is the same one who is about as

big as a stick and the SAME one who told me that I should not have any weight

gain on prednisone. (It was supposed to

be in my head!)



Re: [ ]

Abdominal Pain

My GI is very funny! He insits

I do not have ulcers, but do have " Acid Stomach " . He tells me

that my enlarged liver with cirrhosis is pushing my stomach and it does not

have any place to go. This condition causes pain in the area that

you are talking about under my breast bone, middle of my chest , when I have

eaten something that my digestive system does not like, or when I forget

to take my Aciphex (two times a day), an acid controlling

medication. The pain I feel, is usually with

movement. I also feel the same kind of pain when I try to

sleep without pillows. Every night, I start out in an

almost sitting position, and find myself trying to climb back on to the

sitting position all night long. It makes for a disturbed sleep


With my liver problems I have the

blood pressure being pushed back into the esophagus,and it causes

" varosies " , and he is always checking for bleeding. However,

during the last batch of endoscopy and colonoscopy he cleared up a spot in my

colon and I have been getting better with my anemia. I do have diabetes,

(under control) I have had symptoms of Discoid Lupus (have not seen it for a

while, Thank God), I do have arthiritis, all of these are part of my autoimmuno

disease cluster ( they all tell me). And my liver cirrhosis

is based on " Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease " .

They all tell me to loose weight. Huh!

Clara in OR

[ ]

Abdominal Pain

Hi folks

I would appreciate

some brainstorming. I just recently stopped Imuran and was weaning down my

prednisone. At Thanksgiving I had a bad bout of COPD that sent me to the

hospital for a week so my predisone was raised back up to 50 mg a day and I'm

now back down to 20.

Last week I started

having abdominal pain that got progressively worse. It's very different from

the COPD pain and in a different place. The pain is in the upper abdomin,

mostly on the right (my COPD is on the left) and sometimes in the middle of my

breast bone. It radiates to the back and once or twice I had pain in my left

shoulder. It's not a constant pain and is usually triggered by movement,

especially if I twist to the right. It's a very sharp pain that stop/s

me dead in my tracks, and I have a very high tolerance for pain.

I spent Tuesday in

the ER and had a complete cardiac and liver work up. My LFT's were normal and

no indication of pancreatitis from the labwork. The ER doctors were pretty much

at loss (as most are with my case) but they thought it was pulmonary. Yesterday

I saw my pulmonogist and my PCP and they are also leaning towards a G/I

problem. I go for a CT scan tomorrow and then back to my hepatologist.

Anyone have any

ideas, comments, suggestions? I went through the archives on pancreatitis. I

have no nausea or vomitting and as I said, the pain is severe but not

constant so it doesn't sound like that. I would appreciate any feedback.




Island, NY



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  • 2 years later...

Here's an image of the spleen and it's location.


Best wishes,

~ Karl

abdominal pain

Could the members of the group, who experienced abdominal pain caused by a

spleen disorder (enlargement), describe the pain associated with it? Exact

location, severity, does position of the body or movements (walking,

running, sitting etc.) have any affect on condition of pain? Where does it

radiate to?

Palpations and MRI did not find any abnormalities, therefore I would like to

exlude a spleen and work with either gastroenterogist or kidney specialists.

Thanks to all,

Arkady Milyavsky

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

I've been having abdominal pain after eating eggs usually. Is this a weak gall


issue? I would have thought my digestion would be improving, but after 2 months

I seem to

be more sensitive than previously. This morning I drank an egg drink and after

two hours

nausea, vomited. It may have been too much coconut oil, which disappoints also

as I can't

seem to get more than a tablespoon down.

I know I have to be patient and I have made progress, but I was wondering if I

should be

worried about the pain?


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I had pains in my left and right side, just under the ribcage, for the

first 2-3 months of the diet. I also had diarreah almost all the time

back then too. Now, I have no pains and no diarreah to speak of

either. In my case, I think it was mainly a sluggish gallbladder.

I still haven't done a coffee enema, but really want to, to see if it

gives me more energy and helps me feel better.

Just be patient, and you'll be fine! :)



> I've been having abdominal pain after eating eggs usually. Is this a

weak gall bladder/liver

> issue? I would have thought my digestion would be improving, but

after 2 months I seem to

> be more sensitive than previously.

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If you look back through past posts you'll find that some people have

had similar issues with the egg drink. Eggs while being a terrific,

healthy food, do have some anti-fungal properties because of the

sulfur content in them. The coconut oil is also anti-fungal. The first

few times I drank the egg drink, like you, I became very nauseous. I

had to gradually get used to it. Some people need to take quite a

while to build up their coconut oil levels. Take your time, be

patient. It will happen.



> I've been having abdominal pain after eating eggs usually. Is this

a weak gall bladder/liver

> issue? I would have thought my digestion would be improving, but

after 2 months I seem to

> be more sensitive than previously. This morning I drank an egg

drink and after two hours

> nausea, vomited. It may have been too much coconut oil, which

disappoints also as I can't

> seem to get more than a tablespoon down.

> I know I have to be patient and I have made progress, but I was

wondering if I should be

> worried about the pain?


> Thanks.


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Guest guest

If you look back through past posts you'll find that some people have

had similar issues with the egg drink. Eggs while being a terrific,

healthy food, do have some anti-fungal properties because of the

sulfur content in them. The coconut oil is also anti-fungal. The first

few times I drank the egg drink, like you, I became very nauseous. I

had to gradually get used to it. Some people need to take quite a

while to build up their coconut oil levels. Take your time, be

patient. It will happen.


I agree with what Jackie said, for my own experience I wasn't able to drink the

egg drink till I had being on Bee's diet for a full year. So be patient and

give your body time to heal before you start to see positive results.



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  • 2 years later...

Hello ,I am sorry for this late answer, but it is likely that this rapidly progressing stomach pain of yours is not due to Samter's. The scope of Aspirin-Exacerbated Respiratory Diseases (AERD), as their name implies, is circumscribed to the upper and lower airways. This does not mean that many of us do not have other simultaneous conditions that may be related or unrelated to Samter's, but what you describe looks more like food intoxication or maybe food allergy. The best thing to do would be to see a gastro-enterologist who will likely begin with some biology.>> i haven't yet searched the archives to see if this is a commonality with thise of us who have Samter's but i have to ask > > are there others of you who have a messed up stomach with pain and what feels like rocks going down your esophogus? i wake up in with a very uncomfortable feeling in my gut and today it was really reallly bad> had diarhea and threw up foam almost like when i went in to anaphylatic shock this past summer. I got pretty scared > i havenot gotten a good handle on what i can eat etc..> i have a dr appt in mid october but this is really getting debilitating and i don't know if i can wait that long> can some of you offer me some ideas of what i can eat without feeling like i am being poisoned the next day?> please> Thank you>

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