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Nilstat & Probiotics

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Hi Bee

Firstly I have to thank you for your comprehensive site, I've been

diagnosed recently with Candida, after much searching on the internet

for reliable information I found your site, I have been reading thru your

material and have found it so very helpful. I have a couple of questions,

1. I am currently taking Nilstat, my doctor has not prescribed probiotics

at this stage, do I need to be taking them.

2. I have read all about the supplements, when should I commence

taking them.

I have been following the diet to the best of my ability, I am however still

eating yoghurt, I am feeling much better since starting the nilstat and

amending my diet, is this okay, I have been told that it will help

introduce good bacteria into my system. Also is Sheeps Feta and

Humus okay? My Husband and I will be travelling thru Europe for 6

weeks, in six weeks time, my Doctor seems to think that if I do the right

thing up until the time we leave, I should be in pretty good shape and

can enjoy some occasional " bad " foods and an occasional glass of wine

or champagne. I am also undgoing Mora Treatment and Electrogenesis

treatments, do you know anything about these treatments and how

beneficial they may or may not be?

Many thanks again Bee.

Suzanne - South Australia

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> Hi Bee


> Firstly I have to thank you for your comprehensive site, I've been

> diagnosed recently with Candida, after much searching on the


> for reliable information I found your site, I have been reading

thru your

> material and have found it so very helpful. I have a couple of


> 1. I am currently taking Nilstat, my doctor has not prescribed

probiotics at this stage, do I need to be taking them.

==>Hi Suzanne. No, you do not need to take probiotics at this

stage. Nutrients (diet plus supplements, including coconut oil,

which is antifungal) are first. After you are able to tolerate 6

tbl. of coconut oil a day without getting severe die-

off/detox/healing symptoms one other antifungal is added. After die-

off symptoms are minimal taking another antifungal, probiotics are

added to the program. Nutrients are so much more information than

antifungals or probiotics.

> 2. I have read all about the supplements, when should I commence

> taking them.

==>As soon as you can.

> I have been following the diet to the best of my ability, I am

however still eating yoghurt, I am feeling much better since starting

the nilstat and amending my diet, is this okay, I have been told that

it will help introduce good bacteria into my system.

==>Probiotics will automatically be created by the body at the right

time, and yoghurt contains lactose, a sugar, that feeds candida. You

will do better if you don't have yoghurt. The only dairy that is

okay for candida is butter. That is because " the higher the

butterfat content, the lower the lactose content " in dairy products.

Also is Sheeps Feta and Humus okay?

==>Sheeps Feta is cheese so it will also contain lactose (sugar).

Humus is made from chick peas, which is a legume like lima, kidney or

Northern beans, peas, etc. which are not on the candida diet.

> My Husband and I will be travelling thru Europe for 6 weeks, in six

weeks time, my Doctor seems to think that if I do the right thing up

until the time we leave, I should be in pretty good shape and can

enjoy some occasional " bad " foods and an occasional glass of wine

or champagne. I am also undgoing Mora Treatment and Electrogenesis

treatments, do you know anything about these treatments and how

beneficial they may or may not be?

==>Your doctor may be too optomistic about how you'll be able

to " handle " bad foods, etc.

==>Please provide websites for information about Mora and

Electrogenesis treatments so I can check them out.

Luv, Bee

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Hi Bee,

Here is the website for Mora Testing, I am unable to find one on

electrogenesis, I'm afraid I'm at the mercy of my doctor on that one! I

will try to get some info on it when next I see him. He has told me that it

re-programs the immune system so that it can better recognise the high

level of candida in my system and then set about combatting it by itself,

currently my immune system is flagging and use to the high levels

which it thinks it's normal, by re-programming it will be able to function




I will get onto the supplements asap and try to get 6 tablespoons of

coconut oil into me a day (sounds impossible but I'm sure it's not).

I really don't want to be ill while we are travelling, I certainly don't want

severe die off while I'm away and I know I'll be swaying from the diet,

what do you recommend I do about the antifungals while I'm away?

Obviously if I'm not eating correctly I'll be feeding my candida, hence

more die-off effect caused by the antifungals, I'm in such a quandry, it

seems that everyone you talk to about this has a different diet and a

different plan of attack. It was a natropath that told me humus, yoghurt

& sheep feta are good!! She also recommended that I take probiotics

now since my immune system will be so knocked about by the nilstat

that I will be wide open to sickness while travelling. I don't want my

holiday to be ruined by my diet restrictions...please help me x

Many thanks Suzanne

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> Hi Bee,


> Here is the website for Mora Testing, I am unable to find one on

> electrogenesis, I'm afraid I'm at the mercy of my doctor on that

one! I

> will try to get some info on it when next I see him. He has told me

that it

> re-programs the immune system so that it can better recognise the


> level of candida in my system and then set about combatting it by


> currently my immune system is flagging and use to the high levels

> which it thinks it's normal, by re-programming it will be able to


> correctly.


> http://www.emreview.org.uk/equipment/mora_super/mora_super_report.h

> tm

==>Hi Suzanne. The Mora Super machine appears to be based on the

principals devised by Royal Rife. Unfortunately there are no quick

fixes when it comes to our health.

Also I wouldn't trust the electrogenesis treatments because it claims

to re-program your immune system and by re-programming it will

function correctly. " If it is too good to be true, it isn't true. "

Our bodies are designed by nature to utilize a certain balance of

nutrients, which you might say re-programs the immune system because

they build it up so it becomes strong enough to maintain health, and

proper nutrients also change DNA/genes, as proved by Dr. Weston A.

Price in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.

In addition to the fact that the body/immune system is designed to

make candida change from a friendly yeast bud that is beneficial to

the body, into an overgrowing monster for very good reasons, which

are mainly to clean up the body. Candida overgrowth feeds on toxins

and is known to gobble up mercury for example. So it may be a very

important survival mechanism when we neglect eating properly and

bombard our bodies with toxins.


> I will get onto the supplements asap and try to get 6 tablespoons

of coconut oil into me a day (sounds impossible but I'm sure it's


==>Please ensure you start with small amounts of coconut oil and only

gradually increase it. One great way to start getting butter and

coconut oil is with Bee's Raw Egg Drink, which is delicious and easy

to make for breakfast:


If you take too much coconut oil, it will create die-off symptoms,

because it is antifungal. To minimize die-off symptoms it must be

slowly introduced.

> I really don't want to be ill while we are travelling, I certainly

don't want severe die off while I'm away and I know I'll be swaying

from the diet, what do you recommend I do about the antifungals while

I'm away?

==>It is better to not have antifungals while you are away. The diet

alone does kill off candida in any case.

> Obviously if I'm not eating correctly I'll be feeding my candida,

hence more die-off effect caused by the antifungals, I'm in such a

quandry, it seems that everyone you talk to about this has a

different diet and a different plan of attack. It was a natropath

that told me humus, yoghurt & sheep feta are good!! She also

recommended that I take probiotics now since my immune system will be

so knocked about by the nilstat that I will be wide open to sickness

while travelling. I don't want my holiday to be ruined by my diet

restrictions...please help me x

==>The fact IS my program gets results, where others fail miserably.

The main reasons are because there are more off-diet foods on my

program because they feed candida, i.e. humus, yoghurt and sheep

feta, and because of high " good " fats which are essential for health,

cleanse the body and even get rid of heavy metals. See the many

Success Stories in our Group's Files (left menu).

How does not taking nilstat leave you wide open to sickness?

You might not have much choice but to follow the diet while on your

holidays. Either your holiday is ruined by eating off the diet since

you will be sick from it, or by dietary restrictions. It is a choice

you will have to make.

The best in health, Bee

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