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Going insane

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Hi Tara-

Welcome! Are you blood type O? If you are then that would explain a lot.

Os require red meat, low carbs, and intense physical exercise to keep their

emotional balance. If you really can't eat red meat, there are some

supplements that would help, but organic free-range beef is the best.

Feel free to ask any questions, and we'll all help answer them.


Going Insane

Hi maybe some of you can give me advice/suggestions

or know what is going on with me,please let me know


I am a semi-vegetarian,no dairy,but eat eggs,I am on

a gluten free rice diet.

I am having this symptom where I start having panic

attacks feel nauseated for no aparent reason.Start

getting terribly anxious,emotional, start crying,and

having panic attacks,and cannot determine the cause.I just

feel like death,and have no idea whats wrong with me.

Is this some sort of blood sugar imbalance?or because

iam vegetarian?or eating too many carbs,or some other

organic problem.

Tara B

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Definitely sounds like blood sugar and nutrient problem.

I would eat for your blood type, do protein every meal and lower the carbs.

Some light exercise, like a walk.

Also make sure you are getting in your water regularly thru the day.

See what that does, then go from there.


lotus_of_peace <lotus_of_peace@...> wrote:

Hi maybe some of you can give me advice/suggestions

or know what is going on with me,please let me know


I am a semi-vegetarian,no dairy,but eat eggs,I am on

a gluten free rice diet.

I am having this symptom where I start having panic

attacks feel nauseated for no aparent reason.Start

getting terribly anxious,emotional, start crying,and

having panic attacks,and cannot determine the cause.I just

feel like death,and have no idea whats wrong with me.

Is this some sort of blood sugar imbalance?or because

iam vegetarian?or eating too many carbs,or some other

organic problem.

Tara B

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lotus_of_peace wrote:

> I am having this symptom where I start having panic

> attacks feel nauseated for no aparent reason.Start

> getting terribly anxious,emotional, start crying,and

> having panic attacks,and cannot determine the cause.I just

> feel like death,and have no idea whats wrong with me.

You probably have something out of balance, and maybe a hormone. I

suggest that as what you describe is what I used to get when I first got

cushing's syndrome - which is too high stress hormone level - stress

hormone being cortisol. But the same symptoms can have many different

causes. You need to figure which in your case.

I went to at least 13 doctors before I got diagnosed as they are way

too quick to tell you it is all in your head when you darned well know


So my advice is to hang in there, believe in yourself, and keep asking

for medical advice till you get some that makes sense. Don't let people

assume anything. They kept wanting to medicate me (I was less of a

hassle out of the way???) before figuring what was wrong and I did not

go for that. Now I know what is wrong - I can find ways to overcome it.

But when you do not know the cause, it is like a hidden enemy and much

harder to beat. So I would look for a compassionate health care person

to guide you. I have a nurse practitioner - far more patience with me

than a doctor and not all full of ego-in-the-way. And she sends me to

any specialists or orders tests etc. That works well for me.

Meantime nutrition is always the way to better health - it's the one

thing you can do and know it will help whatever the hassle in the

background. So there's two directions to act on to sort it out.

I presume you are here because you are type O and type O does not get

healthy being vegetarian - so that may be one aspect to work on in the

nutrition line.

> Is this some sort of blood sugar imbalance?or because

> iam vegetarian?or eating too many carbs,or some other

> organic problem.

I suggest you eat according to your blood type as the one goal;

and work with a medical practitioner to figure the chemistry of what is

going on as the other goal.

Don't get put off - just believe in yourself - you sound very sensible

just by the way you ask the question and the fact that you ask it

instead of hiding it. To me that suggests you are still in charge while

getting messed around by something - and hopefully you'll get progress

on both suggested fronts.

Meantime adjust your lifestyle to suit what your system is doing and

make life less stressful. For example when I first got cushings, I

swiched off the phone ringer (as I panicked if it rang however illogical

I knew it was) and just used a message machine as a buffer to the

panics, and I slept most of the day and stayed up at night and used

email a lot for worldly contact. I had to reduce the triggers to panic

attacks till I could find why and address it. Be kind to yourself in

other words while you sort this out. Have a good friend support you as

moral support too if you can.

I did not have one initially and had to be my own best friend but I do

now have friends for support and it helps enormously to keep you from

getting down in the dumps if the medical profession is slower than

snails on Sunday to get organized on your behalf or tells you stuff your

instincts know are wrong. I was initially too ill to even handle having

a friend. It got better apparently :-)).




Irene de Villiers, B.Sc; AASCA; MCSSA; D.I.Hom.

P.O.Box 4703, Spokane, WA 99220-0703.


Veterinary Homeopath and Feline Information Counsellor.

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hi tara b. ive had those symtoms and unfortunatlyit turned out to be several

cardiac " events " as they are known now days. only i attributed them to anxiety

attacks. cardiac events are easilly confused with anxiety attacks because they

stimulate the same fight or flight symtoms.nausea, cold sweats, difficulty

breathing.my advice is to get a cardiac checkup. if thats ok you may be

experiencing free floating anxiety(with no indentifiable cause)it feels like a

horrible combination of fear and depression all rolled into one. no one really

knows what causes this chemical inbalance in the brain but there are some meds

like xanax that are effective in treating it.hope this helps. its no fun



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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Hi. I NEED HELP!!!!!

I am on the Candida diet and I have been doing the probiotic and antifungal

recommendations to try to calm this raging yeast infection that I have had for

over a week. The infection has prevented me from being able to work and

socialize and I have to go back to school (I live away at college) in several

weeks. For the most part, I experience very little itching during the daytime

but then every day I wake up around 3 or 4 in the morning with intense itching

that lasts anywhere from half and hour to over an hour. I cannot take this

anymore!!! The itching also seems to be mainly on the outside now. I am also

sore there. I apply coconut oil with oregano whenever these flare-ups occur, but

that doesn't seem to be working. I know that you don't recommend any of the

conventional creams, antibiotics, etc. but I'm feeling desperate and I'm

thinking of just doing one of these to rein the infection in, and then to

continue with the rest of the Candida protocol. I

don't know what to do--this infection is making me crazy. I am depressed,

unable to do daily tasks, and my infection is putting a lot of stress on my

relationships with my friends, family, and boyfriend.



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> Hi. I NEED HELP!!!!!


> I am on the Candida diet and I have been doing the probiotic and

antifungal recommendations to try to calm this raging yeast infection

that I have had for over a week. The infection has prevented me from

being able to work and socialize and I have to go back to school (I

live away at college) in several weeks. For the most part, I

experience very little itching during the daytime but then every day

I wake up around 3 or 4 in the morning with intense itching that

lasts anywhere from half and hour to over an hour. I cannot take this

anymore!!! The itching also seems to be mainly on the outside now. I

am also sore there. I apply coconut oil with oregano whenever these

flare-ups occur, but that doesn't seem to be working. I know that you

don't recommend any of the conventional creams, antibiotics, etc. but

I'm feeling desperate and I'm thinking of just doing one of these to

rein the infection in, and then to continue with the rest of the

Candida protocol. I

> don't know what to do--this infection is making me crazy. I am

depressed, unable to do daily tasks, and my infection is putting a

lot of stress on my relationships with my friends, family, and


+++Hi Ally. I understand how terrible this is for you. Unfortunately

there are no quick fixes. If you've had this problem before it takes

time for the body to retrace all of the previous episodes, according

to Hering's Law of Cures. It takes 1 month for every year.

If you've previously treated it with antibiotics, drugs and over the

counter medicines your body now has to detoxify all of that before it

can trully heal the area and rebuild it like it is supposed to be.

Drugs are toxic/poisonous and they simply " suppress " the symptoms,

which can come out later is much worse diseases and symptoms, i.e.

cancer. Drugs do not treat the " true " cause and that is why you are

having such problems with it now.

Diet and supplements are much more important than anything else on

the candida program, so it is extremely important that you are very

stict on the diet and taking all of the supplements - they all work

together. If you eat foods not on the diet it will increase your

symptoms a lot. Proper nutrients are the only way to cure it because

your immune system has to be built up to cure candida. If you don't

have our handy diet list, here it is:


The best, Bee

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> >

> > Hi. I NEED HELP!!!!!

> >

> I cannot take this

> anymore!!! The itching also seems to be mainly on the outside now. I

> am also sore there. I apply coconut oil with oregano whenever these

> flare-ups occur, but that doesn't seem to be working.

Hi there,

I have found for my many random itchy spells (scalp and ears mainly) the thing

that usually

does the trick is baking soda, sometimes mixed with coconut oil. That and

having a

boyfriend who stops me from itching when I don't notice I'm itching.

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> Hi. I NEED HELP!!!!!


> I am on the Candida diet and I have been doing the probiotic and

antifungal recommendations to try to calm this raging yeast infection

that I have had for over a week. The infection has prevented me from

being able to work and socialize and I have to go back to school (I

live away at college) in several weeks. For the most part, I

experience very little itching during the daytime but then every day

I wake up around 3 or 4 in the morning with intense itching that

lasts anywhere from half and hour to over an hour. I cannot take this

anymore!!! The itching also seems to be mainly on the outside now. I

am also sore there. I apply coconut oil with oregano whenever these

flare-ups occur, but that doesn't seem to be working. I know that you

don't recommend any of the conventional creams, antibiotics, etc. but

I'm feeling desperate and I'm thinking of just doing one of these to

rein the infection in, and then to continue with the rest of the

Candida protocol. I

> don't know what to do--this infection is making me crazy. I am

depressed, unable to do daily tasks, and my infection is putting a

lot of stress on my relationships with my friends, family, and



> Thanks,


> Ally



I used a product from tee tree that was basically oil and tea tree

oil. You could make it with vco and tea tree oil mixed together then

put it in the frig to turn it solid. Cut off a piece before bed and

insert. Then if symptoms flare get up and get more and do the same.

Hope this helps




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Hi Ally,

I don't know if this would apply to you, but a few years ago I had severe

itching and after spending quite a bit of money at the doctor's office, I

was told that I could possibly be allergic to what I was washing with. Sure

Enough, I discontinued using Dove Soap and the itching went away.


On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 7:56 AM, Rae Hunt <miscpubacct@...> wrote:

> Hi. I NEED HELP!!!!!


> I am on the Candida diet and I have been doing the probiotic and antifungal

> recommendations to try to calm this raging yeast infection that I have had

> for over a week. The infection has prevented me from being able to work and

> socialize and I have to go back to school (I live away at college) in

> several weeks. For the most part, I experience very little itching during

> the daytime but then every day I wake up around 3 or 4 in the morning with

> intense itching that lasts anywhere from half and hour to over an hour. I

> cannot take this anymore!!! The itching also seems to be mainly on the

> outside now. I am also sore there. I apply coconut oil with oregano whenever

> these flare-ups occur, but that doesn't seem to be working. I know that you

> don't recommend any of the conventional creams, antibiotics, etc. but I'm

> feeling desperate and I'm thinking of just doing one of these to rein the

> infection in, and then to continue with the rest of the Candida protocol. I

> don't know what to do--this infection is making me crazy. I am depressed,

> unable to do daily tasks, and my infection is putting a lot of stress on my

> relationships with my friends, family, and boyfriend.


> Thanks,


> Ally



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Hi Ally

Try ice in a moist cloth. The cold will numb the area and you will

get back to sleep easily. I tried many things in the past and that

was all that worked.




> >

> > Hi. I NEED HELP!!!!!

> >

> > I am on the Candida diet and I have been doing the probiotic and

> antifungal recommendations to try to calm this raging yeast


> that I have had for over a week. The infection has prevented me


> being able to work and socialize and I have to go back to school


> live away at college) in several weeks. For the most part, I

> experience very little itching during the daytime but then every


> I wake up around 3 or 4 in the morning with intense itching that

> lasts anywhere from half and hour to over an hour. I cannot take


> anymore!!! The itching also seems to be mainly on the outside now.


> am also sore there. I apply coconut oil with oregano whenever


> flare-ups occur, but that doesn't seem to be working. I know that


> don't recommend any of the conventional creams, antibiotics, etc.


> I'm feeling desperate and I'm thinking of just doing one of these


> rein the infection in, and then to continue with the rest of the

> Candida protocol. I

> > don't know what to do--this infection is making me crazy. I am

> depressed, unable to do daily tasks, and my infection is putting a

> lot of stress on my relationships with my friends, family, and

> boyfriend.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Ally

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> Hi. I NEED HELP!!!!!


> I am on the Candida diet and I have been doing the probiotic and

antifungal recommendations to try to calm this raging yeast infection

that I have had for over a week. The infection has prevented me from

being able to work and socialize and I have to go back to school (I

live away at college) in several weeks. For the most part, I

experience very little itching during the daytime but then every day

I wake up around 3 or 4 in the morning with intense itching that

lasts anywhere from half and hour to over an hour. I cannot take this

anymore!!! The itching also seems to be mainly on the outside now. I

am also sore there. I apply coconut oil with oregano whenever these

flare-ups occur, but that doesn't seem to be working. I know that you

don't recommend any of the conventional creams, antibiotics, etc. but

I'm feeling desperate and I'm thinking of just doing one of these to

rein the infection in, and then to continue with the rest of the

Candida protocol. I

> don't know what to do--this infection is making me crazy. I am

depressed, unable to do daily tasks, and my infection is putting a

lot of stress on my relationships with my friends, family, and



> Thanks,


> Ally





> Hi Ally,

Have you tried epsom salt baths?

Just a thought,



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> >

> > Hi Ally,


> Have you tried epsom salt baths?


> Just a thought,

> Cathe

> >


Try adding as much raw apple cidre vinegar as well in the epsom salt


Also, use a (regular cheap) vinegar rinse in the wash cycle with your

undies to kill the yeast in the fabric.

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Epsom salts and vinigar for baths...what ratio?..Please

From: jessica <jessicailee@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Going insane

Date: Sunday, August 3, 2008, 4:55 PM

> >

> > Hi Ally,


> Have you tried epsom salt baths?


> Just a thought,

> Cathe

> >


Try adding as much raw apple cidre vinegar as well in the epsom salt


Also, use a (regular cheap) vinegar rinse in the wash cycle with your

undies to kill the yeast in the fabric.

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My daughter had a ragging vaginal infection and she was told to use a tampon

dipped in yogurt. It worked! I also thought that after dipping the tampon onto

the yogurt, put on some powdered probiotic. Give it a double dose!!

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Hi Ally

I used to scratch so badly that I made myself bleed several times a

day. I once told my homeopath that if I could cut my vagina off, I

would! This diet has almost completely cured that particular symptom

(thanks Bee).

In a spray bottle in my shower, I keep water plus clove oil (between 6-

12 drops) and if I ever feel an irritation (usually just retracing now,

but sometimes I've made a mistake with my supplements or something), I

spray directly onto my privates (not inside, but externally). There is

a feeling of blood rushing to the area and then, a few seconds later,

blessed relief.

That's my absolute best trick - I even use it on my little girl (a

slightly weaker solution) when she's ignored my instructions and eaten

fruit & crackers at school. She was frightened by the heat the first

time, but now actually requests it if she's got an irritation.

Hope you're feeling better by now . . .

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